Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- j
- james
- vj1
- 03 Nov 2008
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2008Guys nid a lil help... which is better the i-series or g... morethe i series i think..
- C
- Clever Person
- p$K
- 03 Nov 2008
Anonymous, 02 Nov 2008well, i m asking a stupid question,but i hope a clever pers... moreThe answer is : YES
- ?
- Anonymous
- kDS
- 03 Nov 2008
this is the bestest phone eva!
- P
- Pepsi
- v0g
- 02 Nov 2008
shabab, 02 Nov 2008wel i hav been a dedicatd nokia user freve. D only deviatio... moreWas... that English?
I'm not too sure... *enter cdumbfounded expression here*
I never really liked Samsungs, and i would have to say this looks much more promising than the N96 which is clearly just a "New & Improved N95!!" The camera function looks great as well, has anyone used it? It looks to me like it could match the quality of a normal camera
- ?
- Anonymous
- LCu
- 02 Nov 2008
Damn this phone is droping rapidly in rankings, it's such a great phone( I think the best one), that XPERIA shouldn't be No1, Samsung INNOV8 is the best phone, after it is the N95
- V
- Vettefan
- m}5
- 02 Nov 2008
It is Confirmed!
Samsung i8510 "INNOV8" is coming to Sweden!
Announced on Samsung's Swedish homepage @ their Cell phone products. where it can now be viewed as a product that is "Coming Soon"
- ?
- Anonymous
- qLb
- 02 Nov 2008
Anonymous, 01 Nov 2008Just ordered Samsung INNOV8 from CTI miami.. I was debating... morewhy cti miami? timtechs is cheaper and including, 1 year warranty, travel charger, and shipping. do you know something i don't?
- w
- 0C3
- 02 Nov 2008
can you pls help me i cannot find the language i want to change it to english because somebody put in arabic.
- .
- ..joey..
- u10
- 02 Nov 2008
..seriously,itz bout tym..cmon u guyz,we nid a review..dear god wht da hellz da mattr wid u guyz..y r u ppl takin it so damn mean heck,c905 review's alredy out in 2 dayz aftr release..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 43m
- 02 Nov 2008
any hope for US3G?
- D
- Dani
- mXZ
- 02 Nov 2008
How long does the Battery Life last on the i8510?
- s
- shabab
- uNV
- 02 Nov 2008
wel i hav been a dedicatd nokia user freve. D only deviation dat eve came my way ws due 2 d iphone. Rescently since nokia n96 didnt seem a gud enough upgrade frm ny n95 8gb i didnt hav ny odr option but 2 shift 2 innov8. I hav had d fne fr d past 2 weeks. Camera wise d fnez ausom. Interface wise i stil think nthin beatz a nseriez n a symbian partnrship. Hweve we gt2 acknoledge samsungz effort 2 successfulli pul of d 1st symbian seriez 60 8mp shooter. Camera livez up2 itz expectationz. A zenon flash wld hav jus added d final ising 2 d cherry. D fne lukz sleek n performz ausom. Hweve d user menue whn it comez 2 lukz cld hav done wth bein a bit more flashy. I think d seriez 60 platform ws undr utalized fr most part in dis case. One last complain why nt include a scratch resistant front panel?,?
- ?
- Anonymous
- TKb
- 02 Nov 2008
well, i m asking a stupid question,but i hope a clever person will tell me answer....can i create my own folder in this phone? like nokia,option>add folder..
- A
- Azwraith
- p$K
- 02 Nov 2008
Anyone c0mpared the sound of i8510 with other ph0ne that is kn0wn to be good in music like n91(headset) i d0nt care bout the loudspeaker thanks
- T
- Tabloid Pulsa
- 02 Nov 2008
Samsung i8510 INNOV8 has perfect hardware :
1. CPU 450MHz : faster symbian smartphone ever.
2. 3D Graphic Accelerator : best game phone and multimedia phone ever.
3. DNSe 2.0 : best music phone with excelent audio quality.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4ma
- 02 Nov 2008
i just learnt it. innov8 also has usb charging.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qLb
- 02 Nov 2008
thinking about buying this phone from timtechs. it's the weekend and i can't call them, but i really need an answer now. the wall charger that comes with the phone, is it US specs? this may sound like a stupid question, but I've purchased items from overseas before, and there have been times when I'm sent a charger that can't be plugged into US outlets; how do they suppose we charge their products?
- h
- hurry curry
- Ui$
- 02 Nov 2008
gsmarena, please make a full review of innov8 ASAP. and also a 8 mp phone debate. people want to know which 8mp phone is the best. thanks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yg5
- 02 Nov 2008
Is there anyway to disable the keypad lock? Does the keypad lock come on when you are using the phone or camera? how does the lock work?
- ?
- Anonymous
- kDS
- 02 Nov 2008
to the 2 guys who are torn among samsung innov8, omnia and se c905:
if u prefer a non-smartphone, then go for c905.
if u prefer windows mobile and touchscreen, go for omnia.
if u prefer symbian s60, definitely go for innov8.
symbian s60 is the most versatile among all these.