Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- K
- Kannan Bunu
- nCe
- 22 Nov 2011
Joseph, 30 Oct 2011Just reposting it and pull this 1 up, so others may see it.... moreYes i used 32 GB Memory
- Y
- Yoshi
- 22 Nov 2011
Dear all,
Please help me... I have INNOV8 16 GB version. It is said that the mass memory is about 15 GB. But when I transfer songs, the capacity is limited only about 3 GB. The capacity (I assume) is also for images, etc. What's wrong with the remaining 12 GB ???
- Y
- Yoshi
- 22 Nov 2011
Dear all,
Please help me... I have INNOV8 16 GB version. It is said that the mass memory is about 15 GB. But when I transfer songs, the capacity is limited only about 3 GB. What's wrong with the remaining 12 GB ???
- H
- Himanshu
- w4f
- 21 Nov 2011
I wan't the battery of said phone.
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
Just reposting it and pull this 1 up, so others may see it.. I'm still waiting and hoping that some1 here will respond on this matter.
Hi! To all Innov8ters!!!
i have a question for all of you guyz, did any1
here tried using 32GB microSD memry card in
this handset? Did it worked or not? Does it freeze
a lot?
Btw i'm using the 16GB version+16GB memry
card, still my phone+card almost full that's why
i'm planning to upgrade my 16GB card to 32GB if
some1 here could only confirmed that it do really
I got tons of files from pictures=5K-
i NEED to BUT i'm kinda HESITATING on
upgrading my memry card cause according to
innov8 specifications that it only support 16gb
before i bought my innov8 i used to use my
sony ericssonZ800i and according to gsmarena
& sony ericsson official site that SEZ800i support
only 1GB memry card, so i did bought the 1GB
card and it did worked gr8! Then few mo.s later i
upgraded my card to 2GB and it's working
smoothly. Again few mo.s later i said at the back
of my mind that why not give it a try a 4GB card,
so i did bought 4GB card for my SEZ800i and
sadly it didn't work even thoug the store
technician formatted it couple of times..=(
so what i did i experimented my 4Gb card and i
discovered the use of memry card format trick.
This trick works for all 1GB card support mobile
I formatted my 4GB card to "FAT" format not
FAT32, then i inserted it into my SEZ800i and it
worked flawlessly!!!...^_^
That's why i'm asking If any1 here has a 32gb
microSD card and innov8 phone of course to pls.
try to test it for me/us innov8ters!..
-for whoever gonna run this test-
Pls. do reformat the memry card to "FAT32" not
NTFS format and try to check if the phone
recognizes that a memry card is inserted..
Pls. don't forget to let us know about the results..
thnx! ^_^
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
Ur welcome bro! ;)
- d
- david
- 0wq
- 30 Oct 2011
thanks guy,much appreciated.
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
Btw David i downloaded most of my java, .sis, .sisx applications from this following sites:
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011 for GBA's, VGENISIS's & NES's ROMS etc..
I forgot the name of the site where i downloaded my n-gage games, but google can help you w/ that. Just google n-gage games for samsung i8510.
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
You can also get a lot of stuff there like original & modified firmwares, steps how to flash your handset, steps on how to extend battery life of your phone, how to hack your innov8 to install almost all .sis & .sisx applications w/out cert. issues ect.. ect...
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
david, 29 Oct 2011hello joseph. Im curious. Where did u download all your app... moreHi! David i'm sorry man i'm not so into gps thing, but i'll try my best to help you out w/ that. Try to check this site bro.
or go to Samsung i8510 INNOV8 GPS Discussions.
they got tips-n-tricks there on how to solve Garmin XT Gps app, which is known to drain the life juice of this handset bigtime.
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
David just in case you want to try and run gameboy advanced games on your innova8 you need to hack your phone first and download the gba emulator.
I'll be providing you the steps how to do it, but you'll be needing those applications below to be able to hack it.. just google it david and you'll find them..^_^
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 30 Oct 2011
i saw various steps on how to hack this handset in the web, but you need to restart your phone after hacking it, so what i did i made some modifications & no rebooting is needed.
these are my steps on how to hack samsung innov8 8gb/16gb "without rebooting the phone", now let's start...
1. set date to 2009.
2. install pips_nokia, secman v1.1, & x-plorer.
3. then set the date back to 2011.
4. then install drakkarious 3.01, hellocarbride & helloox v2.04 in your phone mass storage, but don't run those apps yet.
5. then open x-plorer application, press number zero=0, then check the 4 boxes.
6. using x-plorer copy all the files inside e:(to c) named folder & paste it to c:system folder.
inside the (to c) named folder are private folder,resource folder, sys folder, cprofdriver_sisx.ldd, installerserver.exe, & swicertstoreupdater.exe paste all these files to c:system folder.
7. then close x-plore app.
8. then set the date back to 2009.
9. then open hellocarbride, press options button(left selection key) & select menu1.
10. then open helloox v2.04 & keep tapping the down key button untill the intallation process is complete.
11. install rompatcher when prompted, decline modo installation process.
12. wait while the helloox v2.04 is removing unneeded files, then uninstall heloox v2.04 when prompted ok to uninstall it.
13. now your phone is hacked!!! you can start installing any applications you want without restarting your phone.
14. now before installing the application you want to install on your handset, first open the rompatcher app & select the following.
so that your phone will be in hack mode david. now go back and select the application that you want to install and install it as usual.
now your phone wi'll be able to install n-gage app and n-gage games as well.
btw david i'm using ngage version 1.40..
note: don't forget to deactivate all the patchs in the rompatcher app only if you're going to play n-gage games, so that you will not encounter any problem running the game
..ok ;)
hope all these will help you david..^_^
- d
- david
- 0wq
- 29 Oct 2011
Joseph, 22 Oct 2011@mimi yes, it's feasible to record a video even if you t... morehello joseph. Im curious. Where did u download all your applications and games from? Can you tell me where i can get a GPS app that allows me to download maps for the country i want? Whats the best GPS app u have used? Please try to reply asap.
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 28 Oct 2011
i've had that experience before, but not on this handset though.
Have you tried using your charge to other phone? Just to check and to confirm if it works to other handset with same charging port, if still didn't work i think you bought a faulty charger.
If it did really worked to other handset, i guess there's something wrong with your usb charging port..
I also bought my self a universal clip charger, so i can charge my other spare batteries. My clip charge will only take 7 hours to fully charge my batteries, depending on my battery mAh though. The higher mAh of the battery, the longer time it takes to fully charger it.
My handset comes w/ 1200mAh battery..
About your new battery many hours did you tried charging it? Some says it would be good to charge it for at least 12hours from the initial charge/use and use the phone untill it turn itself off..
This time don't turn ON your phone yet, just let it charge for 9 hours.. Do that cycle for 1-2 months or make it as a habit, cause it really helps to improve the life of your battery.. ^_^
- A
- Aysha
- y@W
- 27 Oct 2011
Charging issues what to do just bought a new battery and charger but it just dont charge, shows points going up down that its charging but no charging in reallity. help
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 22 Oct 2011
yes, it's feasible to record a video even if you try to slide-up/down or vice-versa the front cover of this handset, the recording doesn't stop/pauses and same goes when taking pictures too..
Sorry i doubled my post below, my internet connection glitched..
- J
- Joseph
- P@1
- 21 Oct 2011
Hi! To all Innov8ters!!!
i have a question for all of you guyz, did any1 here tried using 32GB microSD memry card in this handset? Did it worked or not? Does it freeze a lot?
Btw i'm using the 16GB version+16GB memry card, still my phone+card almost full that's why i'm planning to upgrade my 16GB card to 32GB if some1 here could only confirmed that it do really works..
I got tons of files from pictures=5K-plus,musics=8days&10hours,apps=500,games=3K-plus,document=100plus&MoviesSsSs!!!=120plus.
i NEED to BUT i'm kinda HESITATING on upgrading my memry card cause according to innov8 specifications that it only support 16gb card..=(
before i bought my innov8 i used to use my sony ericssonZ800i and according to gsmarena & sony ericsson official site that SEZ800i support only 1GB memry card, so i did bought the 1GB card and it did worked gr8! Then few mo.s later i upgraded my card to 2GB and it's working smoothly. Again few mo.s later i said at the back of my mind that why not give it a try a 4GB card, so i did bought 4GB card for my SEZ800i and sadly it didn't work even thoug the store technician formatted it couple of times..=(
so what i did i experimented my 4Gb card and i discovered the use of memry card format trick. This trick works for all 1GB card support mobile phones.
I formatted my 4GB card to "FAT" format not FAT32, then i inserted it into my SEZ800i and it worked flawlessly!!!...^_^
That's why i'm asking If any1 here has a 32gb microSD card and innov8 phone of course to pls. try to test it for me/us innov8ters!..
-for whoever gonna run this test-
Pls. do reformat the memry card to "FAT32" not NTFS format and try to check if the phone recognizes that a memry card is inserted..
Pls. don't forget to let us know about the results..
thnx! ^_^
- m
- mimi
- ube
- 17 Oct 2011
hi, someone
can you tell me, about this handphone,
can we take a picture or video when i dont slide it to up side ?
please let me know ...
thank you
- j
- jv
- pvC
- 26 Sep 2011
It works OK for 2 years, but very very slow when I browse the picture gallery. please help, thanks. jv.