Samsung i8510 INNOV8
- a
- alif
- PS6
- 28 Apr 2009
laughing, 28 Apr 2009will this phone play .avi files that i have downloaded from... moreno...u need to convert it using the software(pc suit cd) given with the phone during u bought it. converting in mp4 also can read the file by this phone.but i think it is better u convert it into divx file.if u use avi file without convert it before, of course your phone can't read the movie.i mean can not support file format. this is because the resolution download file is not match with the phone.
- D
- Dirk
- 0r1
- 28 Apr 2009
to laughing.
Actually .3gp works best on this phone.
- d
- dirk
- 0r1
- 28 Apr 2009
Reply to laughing
No you have to convert the AVI files to MP4
Lots of free programs to do that.
- l
- laughing
- Rst
- 28 Apr 2009
will this phone play .avi files that i have downloaded from torrent sites? thanks.
- D
- DeeN
- 0pA
- 27 Apr 2009
brynn, 08 Feb 2009left it on standby fully charged at 1.20am sunday morn and ... moreIf you have Garmin installed, remove it, and you will solve the battery problem
- S
- Sweat
- ji{
- 27 Apr 2009
Hello to all ,i am owner of i8510 cool phone , just one stupid question -why only nokia has remote on headphone ? I do bike driving 100km per day to change song have to stop bike ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- qbk
- 27 Apr 2009
I've had my phone since march but it seems to be causing me problems now. It gets stuck on the start up screen when i try to turn it on. I've looked online to find codes to key in and all I get is a flashing "ALL DOWNLOAD" on a red screen. I also noticed that it said SysAp: Feature not supported before it died on me. It did start working again at one point after i had drained the battery and kept playing around with it, but stopped working again.
Does anyone know what this means and what I should do?
I'm also from Canada so my phone was imported and the phone is not listed on the Canadian Samsung site so I could get support.
- c
- carphone
- M3s
- 27 Apr 2009
does anyone know if this phone supports emoticons
had a customer who just gets a blank text, but when he sends same text on to another phone it shows
- a
- alif
- PS6
- 27 Apr 2009
daniel, 25 Apr 2009hi.. i want to know, is this phone lasting? does it have al... moreproblem?actually this phone is alot of function.but the battery is very also happened on me. i had bought it about 1 month.some of the function are to slow.but like i said just now, function of this phone is great.
- a
- alif
- PS6
- 27 Apr 2009
ganesh dayma, 25 Apr 2009I have problem in this model, i don't understand in given t... moreactually m1 and m2 are the short cut key. you can adjust it by enter setting>general>personalization>my shortcuts.
- A
- Adam
- ijW
- 27 Apr 2009
I have a question. Anyone experienced the problem of the battery or handphone going kaput after a few months of use?! I just bought phone few months back and now the battery goes flat the very next day after I've fully charged it the day before! Someone help me!
- a
- aash india
- 26 Apr 2009
JV, 21 Apr 2009I have had this phone for about 3 months a tbh i was expect... morethanks jv //reading ur comments were a serious help for me. i own a se walkman 810 and was aboout to go for a phone change.u seem to be a frequent phone user.i was zeroed on innov8 and w995..but ur opinion makes me think to wait for sum more time till 995 is launched and considering the good se phones i m expecting much better results from it.thnks again
- M
- MadSogi
- 25 Apr 2009
I am thinking of buying this phone but i am conserned that maybe it will get slow. the last symbian i had was the n80 and when it was loaded it was very slow. Alternatively i am thinking of buying the s8300 ultra touch any insight from users who own this phone would be great thank you
- M
- MadSogi
- 25 Apr 2009
I am thinking of buying this phone but i am conserned that maybe it will get slow. the last symbian i had was the n80 and when it was loaded it was very slow. Alternatively i am thinking of buying the s8300 ultra touch any insight from users who own this phone would be great thank you
- x
- xxmorgainexx
- p7A
- 25 Apr 2009
hey guys where can i find free downloadable music player visualizations for my sammy?i want the best site pls.i also want windows media player 11,internet radio,more visualizations,pedometer and utility apps for free.pls help me.i want to do more with my sammy.
p.s dont suggest nokia n70 got corrupted
- d
- daniel
- ib3
- 25 Apr 2009
hi.. i want to know, is this phone lasting? does it have alot of problem??
- g
- ganesh dayma
- ijJ
- 25 Apr 2009
I have problem in this model, i don't understand in given the keypad its top M1 and M2, what is this M1 and plz kindly reply.....
- U
- Un Named
- uWA
- 25 Apr 2009
E.Cullen, 21 Apr 2009Hey guys... I had this phone for almost 5 months now. I'm ... moredear... download theme from or...
click on below...
- A
- Ask me_the expert
- p$K
- 25 Apr 2009
no namer, 24 Apr 2009is this phone compatible to most of downloadable games over... more@no namer
Yes the innov8 is certainly also a gaming device due to the built in 3D graphics Omap2 chip. Several games like Crash bandict,KODE , PRince of persia & many more work beautifully on it and yes it outperforms SE in audio output
- n
- no namer
- v0q
- 24 Apr 2009
is this phone compatible to most of downloadable games over the net? i am a mobile gamer and i am looking for a phone which suits my addiction.. also, if its music sounds better than SE.