Samsung S5600 Preston
- h
- hamleen
- v{V
- 19 Sep 2009
im goin to buy this mobile very soon n i cant wait,,,please tell me whether star 3g has good battery backup for general usage,,? coz in spec, its given less battery life when compared to star,,, so please rectify me,,,, thanks,,,,,
- ?
- Anonymous
- vIw
- 18 Sep 2009
every thing is good..nice camera,sound is also nice..grapics r clear better than 5800..but batterry sucks..and sum wat slow...other than its india star cost 8600 and star 3g 12000..
- h
- hi,,
- v{V
- 17 Sep 2009
in a recent study,i saw tat star excels 3g,is its true,, im meant for buying 3g within 2 days, but im confused on seein this,, so clarify me verysoon guys,,,,
- F
- Fakuryu
- uSQ
- 17 Sep 2009
Good news! According to reliable sources, a new FW will be available by next month. Hopefully it would be better than the Corby's!
- w
- what the hell
- uHV
- 17 Sep 2009
the graphic not good . and the camera also . totally crap .
- a
- akshay
- upf
- 16 Sep 2009
which one is better?
star 3g or nokia 5800 xm
- A
- Aravind
- v{V
- 16 Sep 2009
what about the stylus option in star 3g? it can be plugged in like 5800 or simply to be hanged out,,?
- a
- aJAZ
- u1x
- 15 Sep 2009
can i install ne games and softwares in that phone i have already got it
- ?
- Anonymous
- w6L
- 15 Sep 2009
Bhupi, 13 Sep 2009can I install the document viewer on this phone like star..... moreyes you can read PDF.
- p
- preethi
- U2b
- 14 Sep 2009
im very much confused about star and star 3g.. which s better,, im in india,,,,,,,,
- a
- aravind
- utY
- 14 Sep 2009
sound quality is good.. but the inbuilt player is very bad..
- x
- xxretroxx
- uHV
- 14 Sep 2009
and btw , is the graphic clear ? i heard ppl say that the graphic sux ? please reply me ~~ !
- s
- saloni
- 2@y
- 14 Sep 2009
faraaz, 12 Sep 2009hi this is faraaz. any person in india if needs info or any... morewat is the message capacity in this...
- x
- xxretroxx
- uHV
- 14 Sep 2009
errrmm , may i know whether the music player is loud and clear ?
- x
- xxretroxx
- uHV
- 14 Sep 2009
errrmm , may i know whether the music player is loud and clear ?
- K
- Klinik
- 0xb
- 13 Sep 2009
i have it, it looks nice, the only bad thing is the flash, everytime i use the ledflash, the picture is too white, i think the flash is positioned to close to the objective of the cam..
- B
- Bhupi
- 2@1
- 13 Sep 2009
can I install the document viewer on this phone like star..... or can I read pdf/doc files .... plz held.. Plan to buy this one...
- u
- ury
- pqV
- 13 Sep 2009
i'll get this phone tomorrow!!!!
i can't waitt !!!!!!!
- F
- Fakuryu
- uS@
- 13 Sep 2009
Janish, 11 Sep 2009Ya, cool man.... and please post if u find any software upd... more@Janish
I'm from the Philippines and bought my phone locally at a Samsung store. Yeah I would like an updated FW, specially the one from the video.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vQf
- 13 Sep 2009
Can anyone tmme howz d battery life and is it good to write messaeges as it doesnt have querty keyboard