Samsung S5600 Preston
- S
- Sourav
- ute
- 13 Sep 2009
I am using this phone, and this question is to those who are using it.
From where do I set password for each individual application (say messaging)???
There is an option to do it because I have already set a password, but now I cannot find from where I have done it.
- S
- Sourav
- ute
- 13 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Go for this one, it's better than the Star (even though you will miss the QWERTY keyboard in this one).
- ?
- Anonymous
- vQf
- 12 Sep 2009
SHld i go for this phone or star
and wht is d message storing capacity in both of thm
- f
- faraaz
- utq
- 12 Sep 2009
hi this is faraaz. any person in india if needs info or any info of any brand contact me. im using this phone currently. its best in its price range. more details of this phone and any other phone text me my num is 09993992000 and 09098411115.
- g
- govardhan
- ut1
- 12 Sep 2009
I just want to know about the loud speaker quality of this phone. what about the sound quality when you play the songs through the loud speaker?. When you get the call at the time of traveling whether you can hear it or is there a chance of missing it
- J
- Janish
- utp
- 11 Sep 2009
Fakuryu, 11 Sep 2009Good news! There might be a software update for the Preston... moreYa, cool man.... and please post if u find any software update for the phone.
Where r u from Fakuryu and from where did u buy the phone???
- m
- maaz ali
- PSd
- 11 Sep 2009
hi evryone !!!!
man !!! m cnfused wich fne to buy !!!! Star or Star3G !!!!!! does STar 3g Has QWERTY or not !!!!! Cn any1 pLz explAIn how does This Gesture Lock wrk !!!! w8ing 4 ur replyz !!!!!!!
- F
- Fakuryu
- wY8
- 11 Sep 2009
Good news! There might be a software update for the Preston. Go to Youtube and seach "Samsung S5800 menu". It is the Preston with an updated FW and hopefully it will be available soon for us Preston owners.
- A
- Avishek
- utf
- 11 Sep 2009
Could some one pls explain to me how the gesture unlock feature works?? havnt figured it out yet.....
- s
- sathish
- vGj
- 10 Sep 2009
dont buy this pone in india (s5603) as the gps receiver is remoed in this model...i bought this phone and was disappointed on gs function....
the internal memory is also downgraded to only 57mb and not 80mb.....
instead buy s5233 with same configuration with bigger screen and low cost than s5603 .. except for 3g
- G
- Gurdeep Singh Mander
- utn
- 10 Sep 2009
And for people, who got scared of all such comments :
These all are minor software issues, not hardware ones. The firware updates may be made available by the samsung, if they think those really required.
So keep enjoying ur handset and have fun :)
- G
- Gurdeep Singh Mander
- utn
- 10 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009Hi guys!
Do me a favour and ask yourselves howcome is Sa... moreMr. whoever,
Thankx for bringing your "discoveries" to us and establishing the fact for the preston, "a mobile which has not been thought through during the development process". For ur very kind information i must tell u, i use SGH-L700, and leaving apart the "in-call menu" and "msg copy-paste" thing, my cell firware behaves in exactly the same way as u mentioned in ur post about S5600. So do that mean i too use a copy of "a mobile which has not been thought through during the development process"??? Oh come onnnnn!!! I can't comment on "in-call menu" and "msg copy paste", since i haven't tried it myself as of yet. And u know it sounds so funny when u say a quickly desinged handset :)) Kindly be clear on your points and stop abusing the state of the art Samsung S5600. I m buying this beauty very soon n will definitely comment on it later :) So, people who wanted to buy it, please do not change ur minds and go for it :)
So cheeeeeeeeers!!!
- S
- Shashi
- PUa
- 10 Sep 2009
Hello All
This will be my last post here in this forum.
Got the S5603 last 2 weeks before, for 12900INR with 4GB mem card. :)
After seeing two weeks perfomance, decided to give my opinion about this phone.
1) Excellent music quality (thnx to DNSe (Digital Natural Sound Engine)), found better than any express music.
2) Good camera stills even in dark.
3) Excellent touch screen, promt response even to slight touch.
4) Files received through Bluetooh goes directly to appropriate folder(music/photo/video), unlike nokia, in which these go to message inbox.
5) Good Battery back
6) Excellent Guesture Lock application.
7) good photo gallery / photo editor.
8) Excellent audio while in calls, seems like person you are talking is just besides you.
9) Excellent audio while in calls through headphone. ( use diff 3.5 mm phone from the one avl in pack).
10) Very nice Widget application.
11) photo contact for 20 contacts.
12) etc etc .............
1) No zoom in camera (hope will get in next Firmware upgrade)
2) Secondary camera only for Video calls.
3) No user defined Profiles.
4) Very less themes (only 2 with handset)
5) Message mem for 500 messages only (I got my message mem full on 4th day itself).
6) Poor 3GP(videos) quality, poor Video recording quality.
In all nice touch phone within Budget. Definately Go For It moblie for budget users....
Happy Browsing..............
- m
- majid
- nq3
- 09 Sep 2009
Which web site offers a good video converter whith little size?
I want to watch my movies with my phone?
2-Is there any converter to install on phone instead of pc ?
Thanks in advance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@1
- 09 Sep 2009
does this phone has multi-tasking?plzz reply
- A
- Amrut
- bg{
- 09 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009Hi guys!
Do me a favour and ask yourselves howcome is Sa... moreHi, can i talk to u regarding this phone..?
I thought of buying this phone, and today only i saw your comments.
Now I'm very much confused whether to buy this or not..
Of course I have not yet operated this phone.
Will you please suggest me, shall I go for this or should I check any other phone..?
If possible, please give me your contact no. I want to talk to you.
Thank you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PUa
- 08 Sep 2009
Hello GSM Arena
Can we have the complete review about this phone ?
Coz unable to decide go/ no go for this phone based on Preview-First Look
Plz comment on this
- G
- Georgia H
- nE9
- 06 Sep 2009
I was wondering if anyone would suggest that I get some kind of protection for my phone like screen covers or cases? If so, which one? Thanks for your help! Love Georgia
- G
- Georgie x
- nE9
- 06 Sep 2009
What the hell is a widget? please help...... Georgie xx
- G
- Georgie x
- nE9
- 06 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009Hi guys!
Do me a favour and ask yourselves howcome is Sa... moreHi,
What was the point of that? Half those things you don't even need and my parents just paid loads of money for the Samsung Preston and now I am worried it won't work!
Thanks a bunch!