Samsung S5600 Preston

Samsung S5600 Preston

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • Georgie x
  • nE9
  • 06 Sep 2009

I am about to order the Samsung preston/s5600 and it has got a few bad reviews. I was wondering if anyone thinks it is a bad idea for me to get one because I would use it at school for messaging friends and calling. I would also like a game. I need quite a good camera because I am making a scrapbook. I had the Lg chocolate before but it broke. It doesn't necessarily have to be reliable but my contract is £15 a month for 24 months so I need it to be quite substantial.

Open to any form of help!
Georgie xxx

    • a
    • ary
    • v{W
    • 06 Sep 2009

    yes there is site known as u can use this site for more widgets

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 0U0
      • 06 Sep 2009

      i understand that i can download more widgets online directly to my phone...the problem is that i dont have the "more widgets" widget that would help me there some sort of site from which i could be able to download widgets? please someone would be really nice if someone actually answered my question!!!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0U0
        • 06 Sep 2009

        Janish, 06 Sep 2009Does any1 know what does "No Event" Widget in the Widget ba... moreit's for when you get new messages or calls i think... i'm not really sure...

          • J
          • Janish
          • utp
          • 06 Sep 2009

          Does any1 know what does "No Event" Widget in the Widget bar stand for...????

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0U0
            • 06 Sep 2009

            i understand that i can download more widgets online directly to my phone...the problem is that i dont have the "more widgets" widget that would help me there some sort of site from which i could be able to download widgets? please someone help...

              • c
              • carl
              • Trx
              • 06 Sep 2009

              Anonymous, 02 Sep 2009Hi guys! Do me a favour and ask yourselves howcome is Sa... moreI agree, it looks pretty and feels nice in the hand, and that is it, badly and quicky designed, with not enough thought, call quality is terrible on any network, needs full signal strength to make or recieve a call, very limited options, the 'touch screen' sometimes is over sensitive and others times you have to really tap it hard, very poorly thought through by samsung, as you said made down to a price....

                • c
                • carl
                • Trx
                • 06 Sep 2009

                Sourav, 04 Sep 2009I am thinking of buying this phone, but just a few question... moreThis phone is pretty and has a nice feel in the hand, the camera is good as are the general operations of the device. All touch screens take a little getting used to. But for me the phone in general is not very good at all and I would NOT recommend it anyone, although displaying good signal, you cannot recieve or make a call unless it is actually full strength on the signal display, one bar short and your out of coverage, it is very weak. Samsung assure me there is nothing wrong with my phone so one would assume they're all the same. Not worth the trouble I'm afraid.....Just making a call is a problem. My phone is unblocked but configured to my provider. Very disappointed....

                  • c
                  • carl
                  • Trx
                  • 06 Sep 2009

                  Sourav, 04 Sep 2009I am thinking of buying this phone, but just a few question... moreThis phone is pretty and has a nice feel in the hand, the camera is good as are the general operations of the device. All touch screens take a little getting used to. But for me the phone in general is not very good at all and I would recomend it anyone, although displaying good signal, you cannot recieve or make a call unless it is alctually full strenght on the display, one bar short and your out of coverage, it is very weak. Samsung assure me there is nothing wrong with my phone so one would assume they're all the same. Not worth the trouble I'm afraid.....

                    • h
                    • hemanth
                    • utx
                    • 05 Sep 2009

                    jot, 03 Sep 2009hi friends, i am using samsung star and i activated gprs s... morecall customer care

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 0U0
                      • 05 Sep 2009

                      i understand that i can download more widgets online directly to my phone...the problem is that i dont have the "more widgets" widget that would help me there some sort of site from which i could be able to download widgets? please someone help...

                        • C
                        • Constantine
                        • PUM
                        • 04 Sep 2009

                        jot, 03 Sep 2009hi friends, i am using samsung star and i activated gprs s... moremost symbians would get the gprs settings by themselves not ho care with samsung ones anyways you can ask your operates to send the settings which is the easy way but you can manually enter them as well in settings if you still find trouble let me know your operator and i ll be happy to help

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0U0
                          • 04 Sep 2009

                          i understand that i can download more widgets online directly to my phone...the problem is that i dont have the "more widgets" widget that would help me there some sort of site from which i could be able to download widgets? please someone help...

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2SS
                            • 04 Sep 2009

                            and does this mobile hav a motion sensor???
                            lyk, does the picture or photo while veiwing the gallery rotate wen v rotate the phone in horizontal from vertical???

                              • S
                              • Shannu
                              • 2SS
                              • 04 Sep 2009

                              can any1 please post the best buy for the star 3g presently

                                • S
                                • Sourav
                                • ute
                                • 04 Sep 2009

                                I am thinking of buying this phone, but just a few questions to those who already own it in India.
                                1)Does the Indian version has GPS?
                                2)If yes, is the Geo-tagging feature available?
                                3)About the memory, is 16 GB supported?
                                4)Finally, is the Nokia 5530 available in India now?If yes, which one would be a better choice?The Nokia lacks 3G and GPS, but has WiFi.

                                  • s
                                  • sekar
                                  • vG4
                                  • 03 Sep 2009

                                  not very touch sensitive--low sensitive touch. low batt backup. but very slim.

                                    • j
                                    • jot
                                    • utp
                                    • 03 Sep 2009

                                    hi friends,
                                    i am using samsung star and i activated gprs service on my mobile ...its not working ....when i open any site in my phone browser the 'NO RESPONSE' error came on the screen ...if i insert my sim card in any other mobile it works....plz suggest me any solution...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • m@w
                                      • 02 Sep 2009

                                      Hi guys!

                                      Do me a favour and ask yourselves howcome is Samsung releasing fulltouchScreen mobiles at a really low prices???
                                      For those who are deeply convinced that this phone is great, the answer to the above question is that it costs less money to make a mobile which has not been thought through during the development process!! Just read the critics of the latest Samsungs and see for yourselves how many of them do not have bugs...
                                      Anyone still convinced? Please answer the quesions below then...
                                      Why are we not able to see the clock when tipping an sms…Can this be solved by the multi tasking?
                                      Why is the phone menu not accessible during a phone call?
                                      Why do Pictures and ringtones need to be saved on the mobile?
                                      Where is the turn to mute function?
                                      How handy is it to personalise the background picture due to the 3 screens?
                                      Where is the copy paste function (Which was present on the old tocco!!!)
                                      Why limited characters amount in the notes?
                                      What kind of joke is the tilting function to scroll though the pics?

                                      But yeah....Good job Samsung!!

                                        • d
                                        • dim1
                                        • 0Zr
                                        • 02 Sep 2009

                                        no wireless lan ? does it worth?