Samsung U600
- ?
- Anonymous
- kCD
- 24 Aug 2007
To Bubbles, if you need 3g then I would go with the u700, but keep in mind it is triband and the u600 is quad band. Also the u600 has more internal memory. Besides that I guess it depends on which ones look you like better.
- L
- Leroy
- mtV
- 24 Aug 2007
I've heard very good! It's 3.2 megapixel. But I've orderd a u600, i'm getting it tommorow i hope :)
- D
- DH
- cem
- 24 Aug 2007
This is the first Samsung i've had and to be honest probably the last, the battery life is poor (less than 24hrs)and the colour processor is not the best, for great colour photo's buy a SE phone they have the best camera's on boared.
The MP3 is pretty good and i'm pleased with the sound quality although you can only fit around eight songs on the phones memory, everything else is pretty average and nothing to write home about.
It looks good though!!
- b
- best
- nXE
- 23 Aug 2007
hello every1
im from Oman and im using u600 from end of june but still not prob at all
music player
etc etc
all r damn good
- N
- Nick
- mys
- 23 Aug 2007
this has got to be the best phone i have ever had! great music player and sound! the camera takes amazing photos! the flash could be brighter but this phone is soo slim they couldnt fit a big light in lol! this phone is the best ever!! thanks samsung :d
- N
- Nic
- pJu
- 23 Aug 2007
Just to let everyone know i contacted Samsung about the battery life on my U600 being bad (doesn't even last 24 hours) and they responded that i should call their repair centre! This is the 2nd phone and 3rd battery i have had so i think that Samsung need to recognise they have a problem on some batteries for this phone! If anyone else has the same problem please email Samsung directly so they have to take this seriously. Thank you.
- s
- szaiff
- 46p
- 23 Aug 2007
I've had the U600 for a good two months now,
it's been the best phone ever so far...
and I went to load a bunch of songs onto the
memory card, and now the damn thing won't
stop freezing during start-up..
So far, I can't access anything but
"The ULTRA Edition II"
anyone know how to troubleshoot this phone?
- J
- Jusf
- 23 Aug 2007
Where to buy samsung U 600 to purchase and
the price please.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGk
- 23 Aug 2007
can anybody tell me if this phone has a capability to block call and text messaging?
I need phone that has this feature, can anyone suggest any phone? thank you!!!!
- f
- fier
- nj$
- 23 Aug 2007
help me!!!!
how quality is u 600 camera and music player? they are very important 4 me. answer me. tnx lot
- v
- varun
- Uq9
- 23 Aug 2007
HI! guys can any one tell how does the external speaker of this phone sounds is it Great!, Average! or Worst!. Please give me a reply immediately because i am planning to buy one soon.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 23 Aug 2007
can anyone tell me why the actual phone number instead of name appear whenever i receive a message from someone? is there anything i can do about this? also, when someone call me, sometimes their number appear instead of their name too.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kCD
- 23 Aug 2007
To the person wondering if he should get the u600 or the d900, I had the d900i and everything is pretty much the same as the d900 except no doc reader and comes with radio. So using both(I have the u600 now) I would say def go with the u600. You wont regret it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jKq
- 23 Aug 2007
got mine today... and started messing around w/ it. found out that you can change the txt message's tone to music much like the ringtone as long as you save the song to the phone then change the tone from the settings.. really neat!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4xd
- 23 Aug 2007
Is this phone really that bad? Like am i better off getting a D900? I have a friend that is selling his U600 used for 300 canadian, but i might be able to get him down to 250. Would that be worth it? or should i buy this D900 i found on teh Net Brand new for 300$ canadian? Like which ones a better phone, thanks
- A
- Aaron
- SiG
- 22 Aug 2007
really don't go for this phone. I've had to return 2 separate handsets of the u600 back to O2 due to the phone freezing and turning itself off when on predictive text. The touch sensitive keypad is a nightmare. Rings people and goes online
- M
- Marsi
- M@T
- 22 Aug 2007
The touchpad is oversensitive
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG5
- 22 Aug 2007
i can't get ahold of one of these phones so i had 3 questions. Can you shortcut the camera to the homescreen, and shortcut the contacts to the down button? and can you turn off the effect sounds, like camera shutter, message sent sound, or typing sounds? Also the camera is high megapixels, how fast is it? pleasy reply
- ?
- Anonymous
- mVg
- 22 Aug 2007
Hi! Does anyone know how to set a date when make photo and video? Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pgh
- 21 Aug 2007
how long does it takes to have your batteries dead, with normal use.
About 30 min talk time / day
Mine´s been lasting for 1,5 - 2 days