Samsung U600

Samsung U600

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • david
  • 4UC
  • 21 Aug 2007

i can't get ahold of one of these phones so i had 3 questions. Can you shortcut the camera to the homescreen, and shortcut the contacts to the down button? and can you turn off the effect sounds, like camera shutter, message sent sound, or typing sounds? Also the camera is high megapixels, how fast is it? pleasy reply

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4Bc
    • 21 Aug 2007

    I've had this phone for a few weeks now. I am very pleased with it. The touch sensitive keys weren't a problem at all, in fact I actually prefer them. As for battery life, it isn't bad: 2 days with medium/heavy usage.

    QUESTION: Can someone tell me how to set up the "Mobile Tracker" feature (if there is one)?
    For those who don't know what that is:

    "Even more, the system might also prove useful in the case of stolen mobile phones, and not only of the lost ones. This is ensured by the technology that Mobile Tracker uses. Every time a new SIM card is inserted in the mobile phone, two pre-selected phone numbers automatically receive a prompt informing on the contact number of the new user. Interesting enough, this process takes place without the knowledge of the new user of the handset."

    Your answer will be helpful to everyone

      • N
      • Nico
      • m7Y
      • 21 Aug 2007

      I have had the U600 for a week now. Its battery life is not great, but isnt that bad either. The touch keys take some getting used to and it helps to reallocate the functions on the circular button to avoid accidentally going online. To set silent easily just press and hold hash / space. Do it again to go back to your normal setting.
      Does anyone know where the settings are to get the Big Ben / location based wallpaper working. I have tried restting to defaults but it didnt work.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Y9Z
        • 21 Aug 2007

        Hye podigoto - D900 Or U600. Featurewise - There is hardly any difference. But lookwise U600 looks more better and moreover there is hardly difference of 30 to 40 $ in cost, then why not to go with the latest phone???

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • ijv
          • 21 Aug 2007

          A real pain to use. Regret buying it...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2Fy
            • 20 Aug 2007


            I use phone mainly for business calls & basically my requirement is the same as yours.
            The best reception out of all phones that I've owned is the Vertu Constellation(too expensive for a Nokia made phone). My Nokia 8600 has got weak reception. If you want a phone with resonable price, great reception & a long lasting talk/standby time; buy the Motorola K1(I'm still using it everyday). The K1 not only have strong reception, the voice quality is good, loud & clear.

            I highly recommand the Moto K1 to you!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • kZm
              • 20 Aug 2007

              Can this phone does web browsing just like PDA phones?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • MIa
                • 20 Aug 2007

                how does the tv out option work?

                  • S
                  • Sara
                  • MPB
                  • 20 Aug 2007

                  Has anyone seen the phone in red colour IRL? Does it look good? Or is it better in a more neutral colour?

                  Thanks :)

                    • J
                    • Jo
                    • nDb
                    • 20 Aug 2007

                    oes any1 know how to turn off the tone that sounds after a word is selected in a message, and the tone that sounds after you have sent a message.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 0v@
                      • 20 Aug 2007

                      zen,what about d900 or n73 will they also waste
                      my credit when im on the internet,thnx(and what should i look for other than gprs)

                        • C
                        • Cappy
                        • 073
                        • 20 Aug 2007

                        I was wondering if anyone knew how well it did on the Vault Test. I really need to find a phone that gets good reception everywhere anyone have any suggestions?

                          • l
                          • lyn
                          • ibm
                          • 20 Aug 2007

                          that stupid slim but funtionality is totally disappointed.regret buying it..

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pJj
                            • 20 Aug 2007

                            any help on how i can send a message when the phone tells me the sim card message memory is full but its really empty not a message on the phone whatsoever???

                              • k
                              • kyle
                              • 0aX
                              • 20 Aug 2007

                              I had a similar question actually, i haven't been able to play with one of these phones yet but have reviewed some of the menus on
                              It's a good website to learn from. Yes you can turn off the shutter sound but shortcuts i don't know about either. I wanted to know if you could move the contacts to the down button. It's what i'm used to on my motorola currently and seems easier for me. Also how fast is the camera, i can't find any speed reviews.

                                • d
                                • david
                                • 0aX
                                • 20 Aug 2007

                                I've tried some Samsungs recently and they seem to be coming up short. I was wondering about this phone, can you shortcut the camera so it's on the homescreen? and can you turn off the shutter sound? also are the menu's customizable? and to what extent? So far the samsung A717 and A727 have come up very short in these areas, I was wondering if this was the same way.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • UD%
                                  • 20 Aug 2007

                                  the password for samsung is 00000000 is it a 8 zero or 7 zero. thats the only password for samsung..

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • F4p
                                    • 20 Aug 2007

                                    sadly for those who dislike this phone i can only say it true that they doesn't have any taste.. they still dunno the Concept of slim and stylish.. forgive them... i used this phone over a month now.. it work perfectly fine.. no pro at all..

                                      • J
                                      • JD - Delaware, usa
                                      • bY}
                                      • 20 Aug 2007

                                      To RXOR: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There is not a single phone out there in the market that will satisfy everyone's needs and wants. It sounded like you were so mad with purchasing the u600 so I suggest just go ahead and return it. The top of the phone is heavier when you slide it open but I tried numerous times sliding it open and close to see if I might drop it (over my couch lol) and I have not done so. Its heavier but NOT HEAVY!! you wouldnt even notice it unless someone mentions it. Even my clumsy 9yr old daughter failed to drop it so far.

                                      The screen resolution is one of the best!! think Sony VAIO!!! the camera with 3.2MP is awesome although the Cybershot phones I have to admit looks more sharp by a point which doesnt really matter. The key pad is not that far down and its easy to use and is much better than other phones where I always end up pressing the wrong number b/c its too close together. The # sign does have the "space" for typing but I have no trouble adapting to it even after using a Nokia one or a Motorolla which of course is different. Im also right handed mind you and my hands I would say is bigger than the average.

                                      As I said before the phone is amazing TO MY OPINION. I have used other phones in the past. Nokia's, HTC's, Motorolla's and other Samsung's.... the U600 is very easy to use and just looks great.

                                      The features goes beyond its pricing and it surprises me with only $299 as its price tag at I dont work or affiliated with that website at all but im sure glad I took the time to research and was able to found that website that I think offers the phone the cheapest out of everybody else. I bought the white one and as some of you who might have researched this phone... the white is often more expensive than the other colors but its all the same price at cellswholesale. I wish I can post pics of the white phone somewhere so you can see. I had hard time looking for an actual pic of it (not an ad) in the internet. The phone still amazes me and im in to my 2nd week, my fiancee who I bought it for LOVES IT although I mess around it more than she does.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • iKv
                                        • 19 Aug 2007

                                        You simply make up a PIN and give it to the person you're trying to connect to. You can just put in 0000 or 1234 or something. It doesn't matter what it is, just both phones need to use the same PIN to pair up.