Samsung U600
- ?
- Anonymous
- RX0
- 19 Aug 2007
U guys like this piece of crap? I've had it for 1 day and i'm already pissed off... firstly, the phone is top heavy when opened... the keypad is WAAAY to low... it's so light i find myslef cradling the thing cuz i think i'm gonna drop it... there's nothing to hold!1.. second: texting is a b*tch cuz the space button is the pound (#) sign... what are all the guys at samsung left handed cuz this doesn't work for righties very well.. i'm already having a tough time holding the phone and now you want to make me do funny things with my joints? finally: what's with the functionality? anytime i wanna do something i gotta make 3 or 4 key's to do it... "options-send-ok"?. how about just SEND... jesus... the power button to unlock the phone (which autolocks EVERY time) is too small... bad enough... but in order to unlock it, i gotta hit the cursor button first to get the "keyboard is locked" message and THEN hit the power button... and this isn't really possible with only one hand without drop risk!!
The things pretty... goddam it looks good, samsung needs to rething the programming though...
2 out of 10... 2 points for looks...
what a piece of crap.
"best phone u ever had"?? what were u using before?? a motorola 8800??!? jeesus!! even THAT one was better!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- jKw
- 19 Aug 2007
i just got this phone yesterday. Here is my situation. My last phone was a PDA, Cingular 8525. And here is my opinion:
I love this phone. It's really nice. I like all features in this phone. I still need some times to get use to the Touchy-button thingy, but that's a small thing. The graphic is nice, and everything else is really nice. The best feature, I would say, is finally Samsung put a MicroSD slot for me to use. hehe. I love this. My last Samsung was the D500, so, this is a great improvement for me
- S
- Savo
- Sng
- 19 Aug 2007
Well after a week of using it I can say:
It is the best phone I have ever had, after LGk800 e L7 Moto this is a nice improovment. I'd like you to know that I'm a "simple" telefon user, so I use it to phone and send sms/mms, ocasionally for photos and voice/video recording. The battery life, so far is good, some 3-4 days. I find very nice and intuitive the software and interface and I think that the quality/price is excellent.
Question: How can I put silent the ring tone of the incoming call without rejecting the call?
Thanks i pozdrav svima.
Savo, Milano, Italia
- t
- tammie
- ka8
- 19 Aug 2007
does this phone use a memeory card? i need to know urgently..... im planning to purchase this phone cause it look good should i? is it good and does it have a sim lock so if it get stole they wont get access to it? please some one give me a reply at
thank you
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Aug 2007
heyyy just got the phone and it's just plain love (: got a question tho, is it possible to save messages straight to the memory card?for some reason, i've been trying to transfer even some old sim card messages to my memory card but it prevents me from doing so! =/ hope there's someone out there who can help. thanks!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pLb
- 19 Aug 2007
I seem to be having problems with my phone & wondered if it has happened to anyone else?? While phoning someone I could hear them&but they couldnt hear me. This happen several times to 2 people then after 3 or 4 attempts at ringing them it worked & we could hear each other. So Im thinking it must be my phone..has anyone else experienced this?? Also when texting the screen sometimes freezes & resets itself to the beginning..anyone experienced this to? It only happens a few times but very annoying!! Any help or advice or opinions greatly appreciated
Thanks x
- J
- JD, Delaware, USA
- bY}
- 19 Aug 2007
I just got this phone for my fiancee and I have to tell you in my opinion it is simply the best phone you can get for under $300 including S&H. I got the phone from I chose the white for her and it is phenomenal, I have yet to see someone who did not like it. They were amazed at the features such as the 3.2MP camera, the interactive desktop theme that changes, and the business card recognition feature is really popular and amazing. I was worried about the touchkey but I tell you its not even a bother to me or my fiancee. She loves it and it took her 2 days to get use to using it with the touchkeys. BUY IT!!! for $299 w/ FREE SHIPPING for 7-10 business days! I chose the 2-3business days option for a small charge and the phone was here within 2 days, I bought it on Monday night and it was here WED morning. They provide tracking as well!!
- :
- :)
- 18 Aug 2007
to the comment above about about the bluetooth needing a code..there is no set code as long as you type in the same numbers as the person you are sending too it doesnt matter...i find the easiest thing is to type 1 and if the person you are sending things to does the same what ever you are sending will go through :)
hope that answered you question :)
- Z
- Zen
- 18 Aug 2007
@ Everyone with the bluetooth issue:
I just don't believe how lazy & ignorant some of the owners are: what do you think, this is wikipedia? You just ask, and wait for the answer, no matter how enormously stupid question is? Is it so effort taking to browse some forums, manufacturer web sites, or else? Are you all physically disabled?
For the love of God, there is no default BT code! If you intend to swap files between two headsets, it is necessary to pair devices by entering two identical codes, which are only limited with your imagination, no matter if they have 4, 6, or 36578 characters!
Please, next time think at least twice before you post an totally inappropriate question, there are people who could find that as an insult for the intelligence.
- K
- Kat
- pwa
- 18 Aug 2007
Any new phone should be charged for 8 hours unless otherwise stated. If the battery life is crap, then exchange the handset... the Samsung battery life is pants though, I am so distraught after using a Sony Ericsson for my main phone, I have to charge the Samsung three times as often.
- K
- Kat
- pwa
- 18 Aug 2007
The code for bluetooth will always be 0000 on any phone/headset/device unless otherwise stated. I am guessing the person who doesn't know this is a bluetooth virgin.
- j
- john
- mpp
- 18 Aug 2007
just bought the u600, nice phone. problem being, how long do u charge the phone for at the start.i charged mine for several hours but is this enough as i,ve not stopped charging it since.played mp3 for several songs made some calls then power went down.
- p
- princez
- 2Ap
- 18 Aug 2007
i would like to know.. which is better, this one or the samsung u700... i mean, what's the difference? aside from the design and 3G? thanks. :)
- C
- Carl Adams - GOmobil
- mXm
- 18 Aug 2007
Very nice phone, why, why, o why did they put a touch screen on this phone, takes a bit to get hold of and i till find myself hitting them and that gets to me about this hand set, but on the bright side the phone is the dog nuts, so buy one now!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mEm
- 18 Aug 2007
is it touch screen?
- S
- 18 Aug 2007
hi, i wud really thnkful if n e one tell me tht , can i locked my imp photos, msgs or a folder?,so tht nobody see tht widout my permission [or i can put password], if 'yes' thn pl tell me 'how'????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZy
- 18 Aug 2007
Now I have RIZR and U600, and just before I owned W800i.
u600 has really good design, but that's all.
It has the worst user interface I have ever used.
For example, when I use bluetooth headset, I have to operate my phone(u600) whenever I turn on the headset. However, RIZR doesn't. Once you do pairing, you can use everything(call and mp3)with only bluetooth headset operation. You don't need to get the phone out from your bag.
This is real wireless advantage!!
In addition, U600 camera is really really slower than w800i, so taking picture is painful with tiny & unresponsive shutter button, and focusing is not reliable. quality is a lot behind.
Mp3 player is also bit slower than other phones, and speaker is not as loud as others although the volume might be enough for most people anyway.
Thus, if you really design lover, you can get it. it has huge lcd, slim line, beautiful appearance with many color.
However, you are looking for a good performer, than you do better go others.
- M
- Mystical
- n58
- 17 Aug 2007
BLUETOOTH: The password to access it is normally 0000 hope it works!
- m
- mihutz_b
- 17 Aug 2007
Hi, can somabody tell me about the video operation, what rezolution... Thank's
- Y
- Y
- pwh
- 17 Aug 2007
I recently purchased this phone and I m in love with it. I did get the D900 when it first came out and was in love with that too, then after losing it i purchased the sony erricson w800i ... it does do things that some phones dont do and it seems more durable BUT the samsung does it for me ... i love my U600 ... its so sexy. I wouldnt give it for any other phone till a new samsung comes out that i fancy hee hee x x x