Samsung Watch Phone
- B
- Bjai
- 13 May 2003
When will the Samsung Watch Phone be available in the U.S. and does it use a sim card or what?
- a
- amir
- 11 May 2003
i am so happy that some 1 like me is waiting 4 the would be love
at first sight as well.i wish it comes soon. o happy i am so happy.
- H
- Happy
- 11 May 2003
Even it small, I like it. And the menus are so simple. And it has polyphonic sound. Also it has speaker phone. When I see it for first time, I just have a feeling like "Love at first sight". Thanks to make it!!!
- t
- thudawe
- 09 May 2003
i would like to know the price of the watch phone. and where i can buy plss,
- t
- takumi
- 03 May 2003
can i know the price of this watch phone in malaysia riggit
- a
- amir
- 02 May 2003
i call samsung electronic 2 find out when
the watchphone is due- they said end of 2003= xmas-time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 01 May 2003
- a
- abdul
- 30 Apr 2003
i would like to know the price of the watch phone.
- a
- amir
- 28 Apr 2003
how long is the wait for watchphone?.and
what ever is the cost i will go 4 it.a dream come true
- E
- Eugen Gheorghe Cebuc
- 16 Apr 2003
Easy to use.
Small enough.
- g
- gilbert
- 15 Apr 2003
According to me, phones made by Korea is not better than phones from China.Weak signal, worst battery life.
Will you buy a cellular phone which CAN NOT make a phone call or receive phone call when the GSM signal metter comes down to 2 (maximum is 4 or 5). I've had a change on using some of their phones which are : a100, a200, a300, a400, N100, N200, N220, N620, T100... I don't know why samsungs ate alots of battery!!! trust me, NO MORE THAN 36 HOURS OF NORMAL USING.!!!!! all of my friends ask me why my number so hard to dial, I passed thru a test by myself: using my telephone line to dial the cell number and the result is 1/5 means IT CAN ONLY BE CONNECTED 1 TIME AFTER SEVERAL TIME FAIL.
Be careful when you buy SAMSUNG if you don't have enough time to pay extension and ussually moving. Finally, I smell Dogs' meat when touching this phone. I swear
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 14 Apr 2003
This watch phone is Totaly USELESS if it doesn't support Bluetooth headsets. Period!.
- C
- Christiana
- 12 Apr 2003
- b
- blo-on
- 12 Apr 2003
well, how about sms ?
- a
- adji
- 12 Apr 2003
how do i get this watch phone?
- B
- Bunsay
- 10 Apr 2003
Well, it's interesting with watch phone. I'd like to buy it. How can get it? I'm in Cambodia and i don't know how much is it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Apr 2003
Creepy Samsung
- C
- Cher
- 08 Apr 2003
i think the button on the phone is to flip open the screen and there's a dial pad underneath the watch face. but without an ear piece... how are your friends on the other line gonna be able to bitch about your friend that's standing next to you?
- s
- saleh
- 08 Apr 2003
its very nice phone
would you send me the price
- S
- Saxers
- 07 Apr 2003
some of u sound like u not even old enuf 2 have a phone...