Samsung Watch Phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 07 Apr 2003
another shit made by Samsung that cannot be smelled
- h
- how does the watch p
- 05 Apr 2003
explain how the watch phone works
- M
- Moosa
- 02 Apr 2003
Thanks Samsung For something new.
come on people this is what other manufacturers have been looking at for sometime now but samsung was brave enough
to launch into the unknown market.Now what's missing is a tv built in the Phone Watch.
- n
- noels
- 31 Mar 2003
this is suxx!!!!!!!!! watch fone watz da fukin hell !!!!!1
- N
- Nainesh Patel
- 31 Mar 2003
i like the phone and i m intrested to know about the prize of watch phone. so please kindly send me the more information.
- t
- thinh
- 30 Mar 2003
we wait for it's launched
- J
- Jakov
- 29 Mar 2003
No IrDA,but Bluetooth???So you have to transfer all data-numbers,mesags,internet bookmarks through Bluetooth conection and then use it???Screen is good enough,but speakerphone is to low.
- A
- Alvin Leong
- 29 Mar 2003
Hi, this watch phone is very intresting product i never see befor, to i really like this watch phone so much co's l'm a samsung product support .I wanted to buy one from you this watch phone ,can you let me know what is the best price you can offer me ! or you can contact me at Hp:+65-90900301.....thank you...........
- B
- Bob
- 28 Mar 2003
it's a small phone.... but the probelm is...How could you talk while you are calling?
- c
- coon
- 28 Mar 2003
it'd be good to just take off the straps and be left with a really small phone...
- D
- Damn oil war!
- 28 Mar 2003
Guys... you can not expect to have all of recent features in this tiny ingenious watch-phone off course...
If you love to have all of the features, you won't have a watch-phone, but a grandfather-clock-phone instead... ;-)
- S
- Stone Cold
- 28 Mar 2003
That watch is suitable for Stone Cold Steve Austin LOL
- C
- Chalys
- 27 Mar 2003
How the numbers are dialed or the names stored? Only by voice? If so, it sounds really foolish! Even if technology is growing fast and I personally love hi-tech, anybody knows that, at the moment, it's not reliable giving an input to a device by voice, above all when we've noise around us (like for instance in a car). It's my opinion. What do you think about?
- t
- the cops
- 27 Mar 2003
Dick Tracy come in over, calling Dick Tracy!!!
- S
- Siemens Fan
- 27 Mar 2003
to the guy below: LOL man i can tell how you feel about this watch phone! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 27 Mar 2003
LOOOOOL this is the future folks!!. The features are interesting, with colored screen, Polyphonic ringtones, bluetooth, sms, and GPRS!. I'm curious on how you dial numbers? by voice? how can I store names in that watch by voice also? that's hard. Hell no I won't talk to my watch lol imagine all people talk to their watch, that would be so stupid, and it would so so expensive, your expecting a $1000 - $1500 price!!
- L
- Leo Laporte
- 27 Mar 2003
Looks honking large..
I can't see myself speaking into my wrist..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Mar 2003
Who wants to be James Bond?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Mar 2003
Samsung, you are genius!!!
- N
- Nils
- 26 Mar 2003
Where are the buttons?