Samsung Z500
- R
- Rhys
- Rxc
- 03 Aug 2006
the highest resolution the z500 can video at is 176x144, for a 1 megapixel camera, this is awesome video recording and great camera, hope this helps
- r
- rojjj
- U2T
- 26 Jul 2006
its a good phone but i had a samsung z500v and i put my transflash card into the samsung z500 and it wont work not that i dont know i cant find the files or were to access it
- R
- Rhys
- Rxc
- 26 Jul 2006
this phone is GREAT, i just bought one on ebay, for $250 aud, i got a discount of $500, if anyone is thinking of getting an awesome phone cheap, its worth getting an ebay acount for this phone!, and for a 1 megapixel camera, the camera rocks!
- L
- Logan
- Pxv
- 24 Jul 2006
I love this phone. I had an old Samsung CDMA model, and then switched to Sharp - but was never really happy with the change.
So, I have gone back to Samsung and I'm really happy that I did!!
- a
- angel
- 2A3
- 24 Jul 2006
i want to erase the ringtones stored in my phone but they're locked. and my big problem is i dont know how to unlock them. Pls help me with this. I have no manual. i lost it. i would be happy if you reply me in my e-mail ad. thanks a lot guys!!
- T
- Tiana
- PQh
- 24 Jul 2006
Hi there i am considering purchasing the Z500 but without any manual, features etc. Just wondering how the MP3 player works, if it has software to download songs from a PC and how many MP3 songs it will hold.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
- l
- linzi
- S35
- 22 Jul 2006
hi micheal, your problem with the bluetooth can be fixed by delting other bluetooth devices you have already connected to. just try by deleting a couple then you should be able to then connect to other handsets. hope this helps
- f
- forpy
- iZq
- 19 Jul 2006
great phone
- c
- carolyn
- iZq
- 19 Jul 2006
Ooops forgot to put my email address....If I record a message with the voice memo/voice recording - can I then set it as a ring tone? Can't work it out on this phone! Thank you
- P
- Peter
- NHv
- 19 Jul 2006
Samsung have done well with this one, especially for old E700/E710/E720 users.
I have found for extended battery life, change network moe from automatic to 900/1800. The phone spends less time polling for 3G connection. Also, only activate bluetooth when needed, this also chews battery life.
Does anyone know of a site for additional themes, the Vodaphone live themes are limited
- M
- Michael
- NH6
- 18 Jul 2006
I think my bluetooth is broken. It doesnt detect anything else, even when there is another phone with bluetooth switched on. Has anyone else had this problem? Mail me please if you have had this problem and fixed it. Thanks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- i5B
- 12 Jul 2006
The clock seems to stop working when it feels like it then restart again! The alarm only wants to be set when it feels like it. Frequently I will try and set the alarm and it will state Retry! Frustrating! & when you are able to set the alarm, the phone has to be switched on it order for the alarm to come on. The battery life is very poor - charging every day.
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2u
- 11 Jul 2006
hey i'm gonna buy this fone but i was wondering is that a camera wen u flip it open?
- s
- shinshan
- wu4
- 07 Jul 2006
if your problem is the battery....
then a car battery to your celfone..
or buy several batteries to your celfone..
are you thinking wut im thinking?
im not thinking of you.. thank you
- ?
- Anonymous
- n19
- 05 Jul 2006
battery is really pathetic on this phone, going back to sony now as battery dies as soon as you make a phone call - it appears full and suddenly goes from 3 bars to flashing on 1 not good!
- M
- Márcio
- P0i
- 04 Jul 2006
Hi. This phone have voicer comand??? Thank's.
- j
- jennie
- pYI
- 04 Jul 2006
I got the Z500 last week, I have now sent it back because I did not think it was as good as the E720. Although it had added features.
I found the reception was worse I have more bars on E720 and also the E720 looked better, I think that Z500 looked a bit too plastic for me.
I sent it back beacuse I was having to pay £25 for the upgrade, I think I will look around for some thing else.
I still would like a flip phone and have had a samsung for the last 3 years,
- a
- angie
- 04 Jul 2006
not the best samsung have made cant use downloaded tunes as ringtones setting up voice mail complecated so i would not recomend this fone to anyone
- g
- gennadi
- 30 Jun 2006
can enyone tell me : is this a good phone
(how is the cemera,sound,and memory)
please tell me a wonna bey this phone
i have now motorola e770v
which one is betta
- T
- TM
- m25
- 28 Jun 2006
sum 1 pls pls pls help me.i have searched all over and i still cant find help.wat is the highest resolution the z500 can record video at?thnks 4 ur time.and thnks 4 invance:-)