Sony Ericsson Cedar

Sony Ericsson Cedar

User opinions and reviews

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  • 21 Jan 2011

falkonviper, 20 Jan 2011Hay guys why do u do so? This mobile is very good for thos... moreI aggree w/ you. Not all people are rich!!.. Stop making phone below 10k??? The one who said that is totally insane..

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PBR
    • 21 Jan 2011

    Ask your provider to send you the billing information if you wanna see the detailed log call of each call you've made in a month. There you'll see every details: call duration, call number, start time call, call ended time, caller location etc. It will satisfy your curiosity.

      • a
      • abhi
      • TL5
      • 21 Jan 2011

      Andrew J., 20 Jan 2011I bought Cedar two months ago.It's my first SE and for sure... moreAdd the fact that cedar support unlimited themes but ur samsung doesn't & also cedar has homescreen widgets, cedar also has the option to use flash based themes which make the phone look absolutely cool...... but ur samsung or moto doesn't.

        • a
        • anyonynonynonymus
        • 73W
        • 21 Jan 2011

        abhi, 21 Jan 2011-The last row of button is good to press. That's a typing i... morewell said bro! i am sure that he dosnt own cedar.coz evrythng he states is wrong.and ya ringt0ne v0l a bit l0w bt we can ch0ze a bit loud ringtone. .best u cedar.

          • a
          • abhi
          • TL5
          • 21 Jan 2011

          Andrew J., 20 Jan 2011I bought Cedar two months ago.It's my first SE and for sure... moreI am seeing people like u from many months who put their baseless & lame comments to prove a phone bad but these kind of people always fail...!

            • a
            • abhi
            • TL5
            • 21 Jan 2011

            Smard, 21 Jan 2011I agree. This is my first SE and really disappointing. I ... moreI knew u would support the comment of that troll.
            U r always like > oh god...... Someone say bad thing abt this phone & than I'm gonna support his comment by adding my disappointment.

              • a
              • abhi
              • TL5
              • 21 Jan 2011

              Andrew J., 20 Jan 2011I bought Cedar two months ago.It's my first SE and for sure... more-The last row of button is good to press. That's a typing issue with u not phone's keypad.
              -It has a missed call event indicator. I don't think u even own this phone.
              What programming do u want with ur keypad lights ? Do u want to do disco with ur phone's lights. This phone has the option to change the brightness & that's enough for anyone.
              -u can assign specific ringtone to each contact which is far better than assigning ringtone to a group.
              -it has accept call list which is as functional as reject call list.
              Everything else failed to impress u???
              Go to ur stupid samsung, motorola or lg which can't provide u Multitasking, a phone which never hangs or restarts, a phone which support unlimited msg storage, ultimate java app support which allows u to download any java app or game, so high internal memory that u can download very big files in a stretch, 3G HSDPA 7.2mbps, a much better cam quality, much better music quality, much better screen quality, geo tagging, track id, sense me, music call, smart contacts search, preloaded youtube, facebook, twitter, my space, neo barcode reader apps, preloaded google maps, a smart phonebook which allows u to save the contacts automatically to sim card when u save them to phone, a phonebook which can automatically ask u to save a contact which is not in ur phonebook, a phonebook which provides so much options to save the extra details abt a contact like u can save 7 numbers for each contact, add their website, email address, add their picture, ringtone, msg alert, voice command, add info abt title, company, street, additional info, city, state, country, zip code abt the place they work at & same info abt the place they live at, their birthday date & additional info abt the person describing him/her, a phone which allows u to save 5 alarms simultaneously, a phone with Netfront 3.5 browser which is way better than any any other browser provided by other companies, bluetooth which allows u to receive all the files directly to memory card & save those files automatically to their respective folders acc. to their formats, a phone which allows u to set a ringtone or wallpaper without the need of copying them to phone memory like samsung.

                • S
                • Smard
                • PFx
                • 21 Jan 2011

                Andrew J., 20 Jan 2011I bought Cedar two months ago.It's my first SE and for sure... moreI agree.
                This is my first SE and really disappointing.
                I will not buy SE again.

                  • f
                  • falkonviper
                  • fvQ
                  • 20 Jan 2011

                  Hay guys why do u do so?
                  This mobile is very good for those people who are not able to buy a higher one as their financial circumstances don't allow it and for those who like simplicity.
                  A good feature-packaged phone.
                  I bought an expensive one and guess what..............STOLEN.
                  So i bought cedar as it is really a good phone,gives u all what u need,I'm a sony ericsson fan as it provides a really good phones.
                  And as i said before there are a mid-ranged people who aren't able to buy the higher.
                  So take it easy,why r u so aggressive?
                  If u like the phone say it,found a drawback say it to benefit people,but please don't make it ugly.

                  Sorry for making it long
                  And thanks for reading.

                  Hope that helps.

                    • A
                    • Andrew J.
                    • 0Ur
                    • 20 Jan 2011

                    I bought Cedar two months ago.It's my first SE and for sure the last!I also own Motorola Ve538 and Samsung S3310 Metro.Here is my version about the ups and downs of Cedar.
                    -In the box I also found a data cable
                    -the batery backup is pretty good
                    -unlimited number of text messages(only found in nokia and se after my knowledge)

                    -the last row of buttons is kind of hard to press.just a design issue!
                    -it doesn't have a missed call event indicator like my motorola
                    -you can't program the keypad's light like in my samsung
                    -you can make groups and put contacts in them.but you can't assign a specific ringtone to a group!that's weird don't you think?
                    -no reject call list like in my samsung
                    -there isn't a detailed log call like in saumsung where you could see duration for each call not just for the last
                    -and ..oh...yes...the VOLUME!The speaker is a bad joke.I agree with LGLover.from the 1-4 stripes the volume is mute.very dissapointing!I owned 12 phones starting with Siemens A57 and by far Cedar has got the worst speaker.
                    Conclusion: I bought Cedar for it's manage messages feature.But everything else failed to impress me!
                    I'm waiting for your comments. you free to agree or disagree with my opinions!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • YQB
                      • 20 Jan 2011

                      Perfect dependable reliable classic mobile phone. No hanging or restart . Here is the ranking based on overall reliable 1)sony ericsson 2)samsung 3)nokia 4)lg but on hardware reliability 1)nokia 2)sony ericsson and samsung 3)lg. I love sony ericsson.

                        • a
                        • abhi
                        • TL5
                        • 20 Jan 2011

                        Anonymous, 20 Jan 2011ericsson is the one who is making the software and hardware... moreHey..., sorry for calling u sony hater but I don't exactly know what r u trying to say by ur comment ?

                          • a
                          • abhi
                          • TL5
                          • 20 Jan 2011

                          Anonymous, 20 Jan 2011ericsson is the one who is making the software and hardware... moreAnother sony hater...
                          Everything in SE phones is done by sony.
                          The proprietry OS in SE feature phones is work of sony.
                          The hardware too is provided by sony but the bad thing is that as Sony is not at all interested in in it's joint venture SE, it always provides outdated tech to SE.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TSL
                            • 20 Jan 2011

                            abhi, 20 Jan 2011I have always wanted Sony to get out of this partnership wi... moreericsson is the one who is making the software and hardware sony is just giving trademarks and marketing thts the truth bro

                              • k
                              • khuniz
                              • u10
                              • 20 Jan 2011

                              Anonymous, 20 Jan 2011i agree all phones have internet now its not that important... morelol..never seen such a great man lyk you..ya u r rite gps,3g front cam,loudest sound,atleast 5mp cam,wifi etc etc r most basic things to b in evry phone(which wil cost atleast inr 10000) so why n0t manufacters shut d0wn all their m0dels below 10,000. .wake up s0nyE,n0kia,samsung,lg,mm. .give us evrythng. .we all need evrything. . .haha. . .at 5000 this crazy lil guy wants gps n evrythng. . . .

                                • /
                                • /o/
                                • p@X
                                • 20 Jan 2011

                                LOL well say'd

                                  • y
                                  • yasir
                                  • vGW
                                  • 20 Jan 2011

                                  hai frnd, i dwnloaded the update file. but i cant updat my ph wit tat file. pls tell me the procedure step by step. pls. mail me @ or post here,. pls.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • p@X
                                    • 20 Jan 2011

                                    i agree all phones have internet now its not that important.seems like some people really need there internet browsers for some reason.most important is good camera to imortalize moments,good mp3 player,good video calling,gps is always welcome,all in all a good strong phone with some important features we really need,seems like some people here just like to mod there phone with little programs just to say i have this and you not but what are you with it? do you also still play games on your phone?
                                    24fps? video calling with a mirror? bad loudness? oh but you have opera mini 5 lol and can do 5 things att ones with your multitasking, that is sick.

                                      • /
                                      • /o/
                                      • p@X
                                      • 20 Jan 2011

                                      hah video calling was a good joke , apparantly we will see 004 use a cedar in the next james hindi movie , bad purchase i dont recommend this phone

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • p@X
                                        • 20 Jan 2011

                                        explain whats so good about those half working features , what is it that you can do that others cant and that is so important too you to have on your phone