Sony Ericsson F305
- w
- war
- utx
- 27 Mar 2009
hai guys i m also d user of dis product its good but there r a a few problems with it
like:themes r unavailable,games r slow
- a
- amrit
- vwn
- 26 Mar 2009
the screen goes blan when talking on phone
- i
- iyt
- Nhi
- 26 Mar 2009
..., 23 Mar 2009does any one know how to get pictureds tat you have deleted... moreu stuip
- a
- annon
- 25 Mar 2009
June, 24 Mar 2009 No offense, but Nokia is not a nice phone. They are compli... moreI totally disagree with the statement made.The actual dislike depends on the indiviual exprience with the product,for example... if you are unable to understand the workings of a Nokia then you would say that it is not user friendly and so on.If you have noticed... all the major manufacturers have now agreed to use a statndard setup on the menu screen.just have a look at a Nokia menu and a Sony Ericsson menu and a Samsung menu... They are basically used in the same way because of the similarity in the way the menu screen setup is designed.
- N
- Naveen
- u1E
- 25 Mar 2009
hey guys.... its bluetooth is very poor... its not working properly.. so u plz.. don't buy it..
- p
- prasanna007
- vG0
- 25 Mar 2009
Hai iam using this mobile its good.But head phone option is not far,gaminig islow,clarity wise very nice
- l
- luckey 7's
- uWx
- 25 Mar 2009
vicky, 23 Mar 2009I was thinking to buy this phone but after reading the most... moretust go w910i its realy a good and good looking fone it also got accelerometer in it and motion based gaming and also shake system for changing songs!!!!!
- k
- kane
- 25 Mar 2009
dont buy this phone,,, it is useless,
no themes , poor memory stick , think twice to buy this phone,
one good thing dual speckers, poor ear phone...
dont buy this f305 phone......
- J
- June
- PtZ
- 24 Mar 2009
No offense, but Nokia is not a nice phone. They are complicated and very repetitive. Nokia company likes imitating other models. Sony Ericsson, even though the phones do not look great, is simple, affordable, easy to use (user friendly) and original.
Best looking phones: Motorola
Worst looking phones: LG
Most complicated: Nokia
Less popular: LG?
Less femenine: Sony Ericsson
Best Technology: Sonny Ericsson
Worst technology: Motorola? Sammsuing?
- .
- ...
- i5Z
- 23 Mar 2009
does any one know how to get pictureds tat you have deleted off your ohone back ?
- k
- kala
- 2In
- 23 Mar 2009
hi everybody! i had this phone a while back and i really enjoyed using it but u know, i was forced to give it back because it kept on freezing, so i called up the person who sold it to me and he said its good i gave it back because its a flop in the market and i shouldnt have bought it. so please take my advise and dont buy this phone. go for any other sony ericsson phone cos there all great! =)
- v
- vicky
- PGj
- 23 Mar 2009
I was thinking to buy this phone but after reading the most comments i thik it is useless to buy. Please advise me or any other SE phone in this range. Can sms to 9417213618.
- H
- HRCorpsegrinder
- prk
- 22 Mar 2009
Bought it a few days ago as a temporary replacement phone.. and regreted it. This phone is absolute piece of crap:
- no themes
- contacts->select *existing* contact->options->delete->all->SIM card... OMFG, I've searched that for half an hour!! There's many more 'feautures' like that. I wish a slow and painful death to the one who approved this software design.
- you can't disable operator's shutdown animation (which is loud as hell.. for example, yo're going to sleep and with shutting down this hellphone, it yells this insane melody and wakes everybody up. What is the point of *PLAYING SOMETHING* when shutting down !?). But you can disable startup animaton !? WTF!? Who's crazy here?
- your keyboard unlocks when you recieve sms or miss a phone call even though your slide is 'down' (helloooo!?). What's the point of keyboard *locking* then!?
- software support? buahahahah
- last but not the least.. My Nokia 6110i has a better camera (CIF) then this crap.
Overall, my bussines phone SE V600i (dating from around 2005., if I'm correct) kicks F305's ass!
Please, do not buy this phone!
Best regards.
- b
- bala
- upd
- 21 Mar 2009
i want pc suite to connect system sent to mail id
- a
- akash
- t47
- 21 Mar 2009
JIngFlick, 13 Mar 2009i just wanaa told u all, it's useles to using PC SUIT, cozz... moreBut how to connect to internet via laptop????
- a
- akash
- t47
- 21 Mar 2009
no PC suite......
no supported themes or software......
hell i regret!!!!
- c
- chia~
- wc6
- 21 Mar 2009
hi guysS~~
i hv tis fon 4 yesterday... i love it cos it so cute..hahaha.. but the problem is tis fon no support to using n other SE fon themes tis is very boring.. but the sound is GOOD enough^^ so.. who got themes can tell me?? i will waiting^^ tqtq much~~~
- T
- Tushar
- UqX
- 20 Mar 2009
reddy, 28 Jan 2009i wanted to buy this mobile. Can anyone tell me how is the ... morewell there are some BIG loop holes in the handset, if still u dont have any problem with them(because need varies from person to person) do go for it.......
- a
- arun
- vGv
- 20 Mar 2009
hey the phone looks are pretty cool...... but it hangs a lot and please let us know how to download new themes..... and wat we can do tat t doesn't hang much
- T
- Tushar
- UqX
- 20 Mar 2009
A sincere review of Sony Ericsson F305
this is a very much hyped(over hyped handset)phone by SE, when looking superficially this seems to be the coolest handset in a a decent price available in the maRKET BUT ACTUALLY THIS IS NOT SO...........
the reason is not one but many,,,,some of them
1.u call it a ''gaming phone'' which DO NOT ALLOW GAMES GREaTER THAN 500KB to INSTALL,, my god!!!, n u saY THIS IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GAMING? ??? crapp!! most of the new games are greater than 500kb also the 3d games n u cannot play them
2. cannot even install a dictionary software(because application is too large to install!!)
3.there is option of speed dailing but when u assign it n dial 1,2 or ny no. assigned nswer is UNAVAILBLE!! does this men it do not support speed dialing??
4.There is no provision of recording calls( it is available even in k300i like lower range phones!!)
5.Messaging is really irritating -
-while reading new sms u dont know whose message u r reading becuse no name is displayed on the top of message!!
-whenever u delete ny delivery report message is deleted frm inbox indicator goes to first (newest) message, it is really irritatiung if u want to delete few messages in middle of inbox every time u hve to go in that specific location!!1
-typing is really slow n also erroneous for ex. i have bought cell 20 days ago, in 40 typed messages atleast 10 times this type of error occurred(no problem with time of key pressing i was fast enough)
i wanted to type HAI. n typed matter was HAGG!!
6. speakers r too gud to b praised but HEADSET provided is comparitively very noisy! POOR QUALITY....:(
7. U cannot install themes(ok if cant then also it is not very big matter)
8.Does this suppor WMA format??? crap i tried evrty sample rate it do not support it(do not know of wav), similr is with many files of mp4 format.
9.GPRS -yet another crap performnce
if u want gud downloding speed ,or surfing speed many nokia phones in this range provide far....much guud speed in internet,
my phone crashed 4 times when i was downloding jar file from the net.!!!
crashing creats 16.047 mb of dump......txt.bis file,, there were 11 files like that in my phone 2 days earlier only!!!
gprs performance is not at all good, much cheaper nokia phone give beeter speed
any one with little fond of taking pictures will b highly dissappointed..the camera is LIKE INSULT TO THE TERM ''2 MEGAPIXLE'' very very bad, u cnnot zoojm in mp mode, u cannot record video in megapixle mode... little zoom is availble in vga mode photogrphy only
11.most of the softwares r not supported by the phone
12. processing speed not the best
13. cnnot rotate the image (if we want to edit image!!0 a basic need)
14.cnnot send files via bluetooth which is not supported by phone(like pdf, doc , rm or any other)
15. a bloody crap is tha u can mke a voice recording only for 30 secs no provision of extending it n listening it at that time only(u hve to go to music folder for it)
16.browser saves web pages in .ted format which cnnot be renamed!! HELL!!!!!(because even two different webpages can have a same name) DOWNLOADING THROGH MOBILE IS A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE, U CANNOT EVEN DOWNLOAD MP3 SONG THROUGH DEFAULT BROWSER(thanx to operamini) internet setting have to be manually entered they annot b imported from internet profiles in internet settings. phone has crashed 16 times till now!! in this context i was hppy with my k300i
19. no usb cabel
i hve lost faith in SE, it will b little difficult for me to refer SE to any one from now, because also of BLOODY CONSUMER CARE SUPPORT.
but still phone is not all abt lacking features there r a few VERY VERY gud things too, but this isnt a cooool phone this is a dissapointment
i m not enjoying to write these things about my handset, its pain[:(], dont take it otherwise but i m true upto my knowledge...
20.when music is being played in the back ground, after sometime smoothness of operation is gone!!, phone becomes little slow! same is the case when its RAM memory has 900kb approx. free.
there was a very very important point left in the review
21.THE PHONE CANNOT BE USED AS A MODEM!!!! i.e. u cannot connect to internet in ur pc through mobile because F305 DO NOT SUPPORT THIS FUNCTIONALITY....!!!![:O][:x]
I cant believe my eyes but this is what i read this saturday!! U have no PC Suite for it,. so u cannot connect to internet via USB, n when we try it using bluetooth modem it gives error 777.
i cannot believe this... in my dreams too i could not have thought of a phone so ILL-FUNCTIONAL in this price range!! What a crap not even a modem!! no no not expected from SE, its a nightmare...
it would have been really great, if there were 2 or 3 more such basic feature expected, to be ABSENT IN THE PHONE, developers might have been seeing for some more features from which phone can be deprived off[:x][:x]
now i m running out of my brains, so large pitfalls n every one over the net is praising the handset!!!![:(][:O][:(]
that is very gud if camera is working fine or u r satisfied with the quality of images captured but actually most of the snaps taken by me are looking as if i have taken from a vga camera(they r 2 MP photos), photos r fine(?) only in BRIGHT SUNSHINE and no where else, there is no night mode n quality of pictures in dim light is CRAPP!!!,quality of video recording is bad u cannot pause recording too(can be considered because it is not the only handset with such type of video recording).
something gud about the phone-
-superb design, cool looks
-soft keys
-dedicated gaming buttons(which works with only a few games came along with the handset)
-SE software interface(looks which many says SE hadnt change anything)
-Inbulit loudspeakes(dual stereo speakers)
-4 GB expandable memory
-U can choose video as a wallpaper(like windows vista), although this is also present in s302
-u can even select video as a ringtone, so whenever there is a call, video with sound is dispayed as a small thumbnail! thats nice
-ability to save voice tasks(not a unique thing)
-176x220 screen size is an advantage because largest number of games are available for this screen size
as far as other highly non recommended handset is which is newly launched------
S302, now again i dont want to write a similar review for it, it is the BEST CRAP AVAILABLE for Rs.6500/-, functionality is null, only gud part is the camera which is better than F305.
What the hell SE is doing?? I became a die hard SE fan after using n seeing phones like k300i, k310, k550, w300 etc, z550 was also gud....But this time i trusted SE and rest u know abt the phone
-inbulit loud speakers(DUAL STEREO SPEAKERS), they are really nice - LOUDNESS WITH QUALITY.
-attractive n stylish looks
-good interface.
- if u r a HARDCORE GAMER(dissapointment for u because u have a limited choices)
- if u r a MUSIC FREAK(because u can distinguishly tell the bad abt headphones provided with it, if u can adjust then its alright)
-if u sometimes do serious work in mobile.
-if u r a crazy about installing softwares.(hell!! operating system do not allow u to install application above 500kb) and many(most of) softwares supported by SE phones do not work in this GREAT F305.
-if u need to connect to internet in pc via mobile(i m still in doubt but its true)
better if SE provide any update for the phone, else wait for while till SE launches another motion gaming enabled handset, i will rate the phone in less than zero (-3/5)[:X].[:(]