Sony Ericsson K700

Sony Ericsson K700

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • alyxxiss
  • P@d
  • 03 Sep 2005

just wnt to know if its really a good phone coz im planning to buy next week,just want to know if im not wasting my money, and if i can download true tones on it?

    • s
    • sunny
    • ije
    • 02 Sep 2005

    plz some one tell me how 2 tranfer data 4m cell 2 comp fast with a data cable

      • t
      • twk
      • F4p
      • 02 Sep 2005

      now...the k700i shutter sound can be turned off by putting it to silent..and the new upgraded k700i is better than last it is much better phone now...and it is cheaper now..
      k700i fan..

        • m
        • mobile user
        • PFM
        • 02 Sep 2005

        It's DCU-11.I think you should get the dss-20 synstation tho.So you can update firmware with it.It works twice the same but it cost slightly more.


          • c
          • coool
          • F4p
          • 02 Sep 2005

          what type of cable is K700i using?Sony Ericsson USB Data Cable DCU-60 or Sony Ericsson USB Data Cable DCU-11?i need an accurate ans ..pls..

            • M
            • Matthew
            • m9I
            • 02 Sep 2005

            The thing is Replayee its those Nokia fans that hate this phone trying to spread bad vibes towards it and really theres nothing we can do about it apart from argue back...

              • R
              • Replayee
              • PGT
              • 02 Sep 2005

              Hmmm i am so sick of everyone complaining about this phone. Its GOOD alright just go and buy it. Can someone post something interesting like new amazing applications or how new firmware does bla bla bla. JUst something interesting please instead of all the old @#$%

                • B
                • Ben
                • P5m
                • 01 Sep 2005

                and also Matthews,

                i saw u posting somewhr tht ur still a young teenager. if im wrong my apologies. but if u are, then that should explain ur immature attempt to discredit everyone who has criticised this phone. kid, i suggest you let go of trying to be so bias towards this phone and diss everyone who doesnt think this phone is the best thing that ever happened to them like you do. lots of people dislike this phone simply because its no good. but of course there are others like urself who idolise it. that's all fine. that's just a fact of life a kid like urself stil hasnt come to grips with.

                  • M
                  • Matthew
                  • m9I
                  • 01 Sep 2005

                  jimibags, alot of people on this site have battery problems (not me though) and my advice is to do what i do...When you got the phone did you charge it for that full 12 hours before use? (You have to do it to all phones before you use them not just SE K700i).
                  If you did fair enough but you have ti be FAIR with the cannot listen to mp3's, the radio, take pictures & record videos, turn on save mode, keep the bluetooth & infra-red on (when your not using it) and expect the battery life to last very long.
                  So just experiment on the things i mentioned and you just might see a difference...oh and remeber to turn your phone off at night (unless your waiting for a call or text), by the way whats wrong with charging your phone every night? Your asleep fpr aboout 6-9 and thats enough time for it to charge i don't see the problem.

                    • M
                    • Matthew
                    • m9I
                    • 01 Sep 2005

                    Oh & Carly Bolam,
                    What teenager on their right mind (except you of course) would want to buy the Nokia 3210? It's one of the oldest phones, it dosen't have mp2 & a camera it has monphonic ringtones and its not even colour screen also it only has a few games & you can't download anymore!

                      • M
                      • Matthew
                      • m9I
                      • 01 Sep 2005

                      "Carly Bolam" What was the point?
                      And worst of all you made it very long & repeated it 3 times...
                      Even though i didn't understand what the point of what you said this phone ain't balls, i don't need you to buy me a fresh phone (but i wiill take it anyway LOL :)) & FYI Fresh is actually the least proffesional brand out of all the top ones today simply because it is not as old or experinced.

                        • j
                        • jimibags
                        • nEX
                        • 01 Sep 2005

                        I've had this phone for about a couple of years, it's a great little phone however I am so dissapointed with the battery life. If i charge it in the morning, it will be dead by early evening with only light use, wondering if anyone else has a battery problem?

                          • O
                          • Oluwaseyi Subulokun
                          • miv
                          • 31 Aug 2005

                          This is the best phone i used. Am most impressed. The features on this phone are what i have longed for, however i think i can modify its features to K700i+

                            • S
                            • Shaun
                            • Ghc
                            • 31 Aug 2005

                            The bets phone. I love all the feautuyres and the great camera and video with flash!

                              • M
                              • Matthew
                              • m9I
                              • 31 Aug 2005

                              And also "Ben" remember these other brands that you claim to be reliable also have their problems, Motorola with its slow bluetooth, Nokia with its not so good canera quality, Samsung with its confusing menu and overall boring approach and siemens with its overall boring style & features, and most people may not agree with me but if someone is going to come on and diss SE its time someone disses the rest!

                                • M
                                • Matthew
                                • m9I
                                • 31 Aug 2005

                                Ben I can't argue whether your opinion is wrong but...oh what the heck you are wrong, the camera you got with the k700i is hideious mine performs greatly, and just because you didn't like this phone you said all SE's are hideous, thats not an opinion thats taking a shot at trying to make people hate this phone.

                                Just remeber SE made the 1st ever colour screen phone with attachable camera (t68i) it sold millions and SE are still striving, and they may be the 5th best manufacture in the world right now, but they are rising thats a fact!

                                  • m
                                  • marius cenuse
                                  • T47
                                  • 31 Aug 2005

                                  hallo !
                                  ...about my K 700i : in general it's an iteresting phone, full options but it has a lot of problems with software.I have big problems when battery is low or when I give it two simultaneous comands.
                        , I have a new problem, during calls it intrerupt my calls and stop itself.
                                  WHAT CAN I DO ?...AND I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS PROBLEMS WITH K 700i !!!

                                    • D
                                    • Dimebag
                                    • Pqw
                                    • 31 Aug 2005

                                    Help!!! i tried to convert some videos from mpeg to mp4 in fact i did it, but when i send the video to the cellphone there is no video only sound can anyone help me, i use imtoo psp video converter

                                      • B
                                      • Ben
                                      • P5m
                                      • 30 Aug 2005

                                      the cam is absolutely hideous! this phone is all show and no go. just like everything else from SE. what more can u execpt from the 5th rated mobile phone manufacturer in the world?? always better to stay with the other more successful and reliable companies! that's my opinion.

                                        • M
                                        • Matthew
                                        • m9I
                                        • 30 Aug 2005

                                        For the unknown, the play now icon simply lets you download and pre-listen top music ringtones straight from the phone desktop in three clicks.
                                        It's not much to brag about.
                                        and the proccecssor speed is 29.7MHz but through some research it is said it has 312MHz am not to sure about prosseccor speed sorry.