Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • bbb
  • F4p
  • 17 Apr 2006

IMHO the SE W800i is a better buy compared 2 the K750i. It only costs a little more in Singapore BUT u get a WALKMAN fone + 512mb memory card. Then again, this is also provided u can accept the white/orange colour combination of W800i. Yes, it looks cool 2 me, but i find it too feminine.

K750i's black/silver colour is more suitable for matured/ conservative guys.

    • b
    • bbb
    • F4p
    • 17 Apr 2006

    Thx 4 the correction.

    Guess it must b K750i's 'auto-focus' feature.

      • c
      • citysoldier
      • PBC
      • 17 Apr 2006


      K750 does not use carl zeis lens.


      Yes you can view clips horizontal. Just click more and then horizontal.

        • b
        • bbb
        • F4p
        • 17 Apr 2006

        I wish 2 add tat i own both the K750i & nokia 6280.

        Although both r 2megapixel fones, K750i shoots better foto. Could it b its carl zeis lens working wonders 4 SE? :)

        Unfortunately if u frequently use text msging, then u may find it a little frustrating coz it requires more key-press compared 2 nokia fones. And also K750i's calendar/ appt features sux bigh time.

        Thus, im currently using my 6280, & my K750i is a reserve fone.

        There r many pros & cons comparing the K750i & the nokia 6280. It all depends on wat the individual's priority r when getting a mobile fone.

        1 more thing, apparently both SE & nokia fones r very prone 2 dust 'mysteriously' getting into the display. Nowadays i try 2 make it a habit tat if i need 2 leave my fone 4 a long period of time, i place it face-down on a piece of cloth.

        B4 these two fones, i was using the nokia 6610.

          • a
          • andreas
          • n{k
          • 17 Apr 2006

          can anybody tell me when you recording a video clip,can i watch the video clip in full screen turning the phone horizontally,like samsung D600?

            • S
            • Simon
            • iLS
            • 16 Apr 2006

            I've got this phone...amazing, except one small problem...the joystick has broken from use. Joysticks are useless pieces of crap.

              • i
              • iceman
              • PQJ
              • 16 Apr 2006

              Hey everyone,
              I just got this phone and it's great. The camera quality is one of the best and the mp3s are good as well. I just have one problem. The camera shutter sound cannot be turned off. I read the review of this phone and they said that there are some firmware versions that allow you to turn it off. Does anyone know which firmware versions allow this and how I can change my firmware?

                • t
                • tone
                • M@P
                • 16 Apr 2006

                These are great phones, the camera is brilliant, and the user interface is fine, BUT that ******* joystick! Had mine 5 months and the joystick is basically useless. It takes me 5 minutes to type a single message that would have taken 20 seconds before. Grrrr! They've had long enough to sort this design out, surely?

                  • r
                  • rahul
                  • 2SU
                  • 16 Apr 2006

                  hi frnds this is the super rocking phone before this n90 which is very much bulcky.this phone has great feature compare to my n90 the photo is in yellowish color but it take clear photo.but frnds mine has only 9sec video recording which make me sick pls hep me and i found magic word i dont no wat is that and one more question how pair with more than one phone at time with blue thoot mine pair with one phn only thus it is problem and how to work with remote control.thanks

                    • E
                    • Ernie-E
                    • 4kQ
                    • 16 Apr 2006

                    Hey ANY ONE that knows
                    -Where is a site where i can upgrade the filmware??
                    -If I upgrade it can anything wrong or bad happen??
                    -Would it be a good idea to do it

                      • S
                      • Sadex
                      • TqL
                      • 15 Apr 2006

                      1st thnx alot 4 quick answers ...
                      2nd i wanna compare between k750 vs w800...
                      from price,and your opinion....thx again

                        • v
                        • virus
                        • nye
                        • 15 Apr 2006


                        i`m tryin` to watch converted videos on my phone!
                        why do they freeze?
                        i`m using imtoo 3gp converter and no matter what format or what properties i choose for the mp4 or 3gp the video sometimes freezes especially the mp4. it`s very annoying! also if the filesize is over 30mb the video wont play at all! if anybody knows the answer to my problem pls help!! :) would it help if i would buy a bigger, 'high speed' ms pro duo card?

                          • @
                          • @DoUL
                          • iEt
                          • 15 Apr 2006

                          K750 price nowadays in Egypt is around 2400 LE -2450 or 2499 don't remember exactly-, and I don't think that it will change untill the lanuching of K790 and K800 in next June and July.
                          As for the MS prices, I'm afraid that I don't have the latest prices, last time I asked about them -around 4 months ago, or maybe more- 1 GB of Sandisk MS was around 750 LE and 1 GB of Sony MS was around 1100 LE, 512 Sandisk was around 470-500 LE and don't remember the price of 512 Sony at that time.
                          Anyway, all kinds of memory suffers from frequent price changes -ups and downs- in all levels and kinds, don't bother yourself with MS prices now for I doubt that it will be the same prices at the time in which you buy the phone.

                          Nothing wrong in your steps ya man, wa no worries at all, wala ta3ab wala 7aga.
                          Seems that SE server was down at that time, try it again in another time and it should work, also try to test it on a broadband/DSL connection if you're on a dial-up.

                          1. I've wrote a basic comparison between these two models, it's in my posting down this page -could be moved to be page 2 after puplishing this posting- addressed to "anooser & ALL K750 VS. W800 Wonderers", you may need to check it.
                          2. Regarding the camera cover mechanism, I don't know, K750 mechanism suits me more, it's a matter of your taste anyway, but K750 one is NOT hard at all, instead of moving a button -like in W800-, you directly move the cover itself with your thumb.
                          3. There are no direct comparison between K750 and W800 shots, cause it's illogical to compare the same lens in different models -say a Carl Zeiss optics lens model x was used in a Canon and the same exact lens model was used in a Nikon, should we expect any difference in quality ??-, anyway, you can search for personal comparisons in other forums, but don't expect to see even the slightest difference in quality.

                            • t
                            • tim
                            • PFM
                            • 15 Apr 2006

                            dear gurus (e.g. @DoUL et al) & current k750i users out there:

                            am on verge of buying but wanna do last check plse.

                            1. if offered at same price, which is better buy - k750i or w800i ?

                            2. i am really going for camera function of the SE. w800i's camera cover seem to look less robust or user-friendly than k750i's. true or false?

                            3. anyone who'd compared picture quality plse comment!

                            thank you all in advance !

                              • s
                              • sheeko
                              • iEu
                              • 15 Apr 2006

                              hi @Doul ,
                              thnx man 4 concerning,but i think i have a little prob with the seus,every thing was going just fine,i installed the update service ,i noticed tht my pc didn't ask 4 a restart(is tht normal?)anyway i manually restarted my pc & clicked the seus icon on my desktop,the macromedia demo file began 2 show then a message appeared telling me "the service is unavailable at the moment ,try again later"i tried this 4 almost 5 hours over & over but seems there is no use,any recommandation ya basha...
                              thnx in advance @doul(ta3bak ma3aia :)

                                • S
                                • Sadex
                                • TqL
                                • 15 Apr 2006

                                thnx man so much... and how about price of the phone and the memory cards now in the market, couz i wanna buy soon?

                                  • j
                                  • jack
                                  • mxE
                                  • 14 Apr 2006


                                  ok ill wait.

                                  r1b002 firmware

                                  has anyone noiced shorter battery life and problems with java games and applications?

                                    • @
                                    • @DoUL
                                    • iEt
                                    • 14 Apr 2006

                                    I'de like to apologize but today I'm kinda busy, so mostly I'll refer to older posts/answers.

                                    What you have downloaded is the updating software through which you update your device firmware, it isn't the latest firmware itself.
                                    For a detailed description of "how to" manually update your K750 firmware, please read my post addressed to "maani" in my posting in page 30 or 31 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p30.php", or just add "p30" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 30-.

                                    - Regarding the internet issue, you have to go to, choose your region, country and language, go to "Support" page and select the product "K750i/K750c", click on the link named "WAP" under "Software and setup" category, and then follow the instructions, when you receive the settings, just click on "Install".
                                    Now, call your service provider and tell them that you want to enable the internet/WAP accessing from your mobile phone, then they will send you a similar package/settings, also install it.
                                    Finally, read the manual from page 56 to learn how to browse the internet via/from your K750 device.
                                    If you done all of these steps and still facing trouples in WAP accessing, please contact your service provider about it.
                                    - Regarding the connectivity issue, please read my post addressed to "pp" in my posting in page 39 or 40 to know how to install your phone on your PC through the supplied USB cable -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p39.php", or just add "p39" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 39-.

                                    I don't know, not so sure about it, I used to think that it's something like a time zone indicator, but mine have changed several times already though I'm still posting from the same location.
                                    I don't think it's like you said, GSMArena forum is built on an automated filtration system, it quick-scan your post, and if it found any illegal word in it, it auto-hide it -and tell you that it has been saved untill a modirator checks it- untill an admin./moderator reads it and decide whether to publish, edit or remove it completely -that's what I think- and it doesn't auto block a certain person, also, if what you said is true, then why my "permanent" ID have changed from the one I had yesterday ??

                                    No one can tell, you just wait like the rest of us untill they release a new one.

                                    Hey Sadex, good to see you, how have you been ??
                                    I've answered that same question before, and it magically suite your case -read it to know why-, it was addressed to "Carthik" in my posting in page 17 or 18 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p17.php", or just add "p17" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 17-.

                                    Check this one:
                                    Also google for others.

                                    boss ya sedy, enta te3mel elly ha2oullak 3aleh dah.
                                    First, you'll need to install your phone in your PC, because SE K750 can't be auto identified by the PC, certain software is needed, just read my post addressed to "pp" in my posting in page 39 or 40 to know how to install your phone on your PC through the supplied USB cable -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p39.php", or just add "p39" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 39-.
                                    After that, you'll need to download and install the "Sony Ericsson Update Service" aka (SEUS) from, also read my post addressed to "maani" in my posting in page 30 or 31 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p30.php", or just add "p30" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 30- to know exactly how to install SEUS and use it in updating your firmware.
                                    Law fee 7aga 3aslaget ma3ak, bas sheddely mail wa neshouf sa3etha hanetsarraf ezay.

                                      • s
                                      • sheeko
                                      • iEu
                                      • 14 Apr 2006

                                      ezayak @doul...
                                      i am really confused,i have se w800 & i simply wanna update my firmware from R1N035 to R1BC002,i dunno how 2 start aslan,can ya tell me abt any site or whtever the mean 2 fulfil my dream without getting help from the sony ericsson agent,thnx bro in advance
                                      a7'oook sheeko ;)

                                        • d
                                        • dr.yasser
                                        • N7F
                                        • 14 Apr 2006

                                        pls i want some sites that supports software of k750i

                                        thanks all