Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • @
  • @DoUL
  • iEt
  • 14 Apr 2006

I'de like to apologize but today I'm kinda busy, so mostly I'll refer to older posts/answers.

What you have downloaded is the updating software through which you update your device firmware, it isn't the latest firmware itself.
For a detailed description of "how to" manually update your K750 firmware, please read my post addressed to "maani" in my posting in page 30 or 31 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p30.php", or just add "p30" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 30-.

- Regarding the internet issue, you have to go to, choose your region, country and language, go to "Support" page and select the product "K750i/K750c", click on the link named "WAP" under "Software and setup" category, and then follow the instructions, when you receive the settings, just click on "Install".
Now, call your service provider and tell them that you want to enable the internet/WAP accessing from your mobile phone, then they will send you a similar package/settings, also install it.
Finally, read the manual from page 56 to learn how to browse the internet via/from your K750 device.
If you done all of these steps and still facing trouples in WAP accessing, please contact your service provider about it.
- Regarding the connectivity issue, please read my post addressed to "pp" in my posting in page 39 or 40 to know how to install your phone on your PC through the supplied USB cable -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p39.php", or just add "p39" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 39-.

I don't know, not so sure about it, I used to think that it's something like a time zone indicator, but mine have changed several times already though I'm still posting from the same location.
I don't think it's like you said, GSMArena forum is built on an automated filtration system, it quick-scan your post, and if it found any illegal word in it, it auto-hide it -and tell you that it has been saved untill a modirator checks it- untill an admin./moderator reads it and decide whether to publish, edit or remove it completely -that's what I think- and it doesn't auto block a certain person, also, if what you said is true, then why my "permanent" ID have changed from the one I had yesterday ??

No one can tell, you just wait like the rest of us untill they release a new one.

Hey Sadex, good to see you, how have you been ??
I've answered that same question before, and it magically suite your case -read it to know why-, it was addressed to "Carthik" in my posting in page 17 or 18 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p17.php", or just add "p17" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 17-.

Check this one:
Also google for others.

boss ya sedy, enta te3mel elly ha2oullak 3aleh dah.
First, you'll need to install your phone in your PC, because SE K750 can't be auto identified by the PC, certain software is needed, just read my post addressed to "pp" in my posting in page 39 or 40 to know how to install your phone on your PC through the supplied USB cable -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p39.php", or just add "p39" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 39-.
After that, you'll need to download and install the "Sony Ericsson Update Service" aka (SEUS) from, also read my post addressed to "maani" in my posting in page 30 or 31 -just go to page two and manually change "1090p2.php" to "1090p30.php", or just add "p30" between "1090" and ".php" in the "Address" bar and press "Enter" to go directly to page 30- to know exactly how to install SEUS and use it in updating your firmware.
Law fee 7aga 3aslaget ma3ak, bas sheddely mail wa neshouf sa3etha hanetsarraf ezay.

    • s
    • sheeko
    • iEu
    • 14 Apr 2006

    ezayak @doul...
    i am really confused,i have se w800 & i simply wanna update my firmware from R1N035 to R1BC002,i dunno how 2 start aslan,can ya tell me abt any site or whtever the mean 2 fulfil my dream without getting help from the sony ericsson agent,thnx bro in advance
    a7'oook sheeko ;)

      • d
      • dr.yasser
      • N7F
      • 14 Apr 2006

      pls i want some sites that supports software of k750i

      thanks all

        • S
        • Sadex
        • TqL
        • 14 Apr 2006

        hey @DoUL
        that's me Sadex r u, plz try 2 call me @ 0104353917 or 5166698......thx.

        Hey everybody
        i'll specify my last question alitle bit... "I wanna know the difference in performance, speed, and specs for types of -k750 fit- memory sticks"

          • j
          • jack
          • nEQ
          • 14 Apr 2006

          does anyone know when new firmware is out cos i hate r1b002

            • p
            • patrick101
            • PNE
            • 14 Apr 2006


            tkae it to the nearest mobile shop they should have sum tools to lift the cover off it


            there is actually a kinda olike a permanent id that is on your computer or something it is enxt to the time and date the message was added to the forum eg yours is idead or something its jus a thing the sight made up so they can block mischevious people

              • s
              • sumit
              • P$3
              • 14 Apr 2006

              this is a very good set but i m facing problem while accessing internet on this....tell some easy solution...and how can i use it as USB port

                • s
                • saqib
                • Pxx
                • 14 Apr 2006

                Can anybody plz temme how to upgrade the s/w of k750 after formatting the phone. I have downloaded the upgraded version of its s/w from net but unable to install it on my phone.

                  • b
                  • bbb
                  • F4p
                  • 14 Apr 2006

                  There is some dust gotten into the display panel of my K750i.

                  Anybody able 2 advice how 2 remove it?


                    • @
                    • @DoUL
                    • iDe
                    • 14 Apr 2006

                    - SE K750 is all about first class -not comparable- still shots and MP3 play-back quality -through headphones-, all other stuff -calls clearness, receiving strength, messaging and user friendly menu- are just top notch and comparable with any other top-of-the-line models, only video capturing resolution is the main drawback -not awful but just lower than other competitors-.
                    - As for hacking, I'm not sure, bluetooth connection is now set to only send/receive files and nothing more, you can't browse other mobiles data, and I think it works the opposite way to -now I think anyone wants to hack on you, will have to send you the hacking software and you can just refuse to accept/receive it-, not sure anyway, make a research about it.
                    Anybody have more info. about that hacking question, please share it with us.

                    anooser & ALL K750 VS. W800 Wonderers
                    - K750 and W800 are built on the same set of hardware -only differs in layout design and arrangement- and same piece of OS/software -only minor differences here and there-.
                    - Both models have the same camera lenses -identical still shots and video clips quality, though clips quality could be more dependant on the firmware version-, same LCD -at least in dimensions & resolution-, same joystick, same supported MS types, and of course, same media player play-back quality.
                    - Both models are different in the following, they have different key bads -read reviews to find which is more comfortable to your thumbs-, they have different active lens cover design and mechanism, they have different media player layout/interface design, and they have different supplied headphones and memory stick capacities.
                    - W800 is superior in having the flight mode -in which you can access the media player and play a song/clip with the phone switched off, not present in K750- activated with a special dedicated key, while K750 is superior in having a special dedicated shortcut & last actions key which in W800 the flight mode fast access/activation key is replacing it.
                    - K750 is higher in build quality than W800.
                    - Of course your eyes can tell the colors difference so this aspect is just up to your own taste.
                    Guess I've cleared some of your doubts and thoughts about these two models, please read some reviews if you needed details.

                    You can use the compare feature gived to us from GSMArena staff to know the basic differences between them, and read reviews about each of them to know the detailed differences based on a technical and dialy usage perspectives.
                    All I can assure you about is thet K750 is better in still shots while D600 is better in video capturing, also, I'm not sure about D600 media player play-back quality, but by all means, it won't exceed K750 quality in MP3's -if not lessen it-.

                    I don't think you'll need it, K750 media player has a built-in 5 bands equalizer that will do fine for that job -if you mean auto-leveling the sound, that's why there are two volume keys located at the right-hand side of the phone, just to raise up/down the volume to suite your ears using them-, anyway, after a quick search, no MP3 gain version for K750 till now.
                    Regarding the speakers, you have to know that the loud speaker is mono, so some distortion will be heared at higher volume levels, as for the supplied headphones, they will do just perfect in the highest volume level with all equalizer preset settings, persoannly, I prefer to manually set the equalizer bars in the reversed pyramid shape -last bar on the left (bass) and last bar on the right (treble) are at their max. value, and the 3 mid-ranges bars on the middle, the 2nd and the 4th are set to ~ 70% and the middle one is set to ~ 50%-.

                    Both have the same quality, they only differs in media player layout/interface, and supplied headphones, please read some reviews to know which headphone will better suite you as some like K750 standard one while some others like W800 one.

                    I don't know, actually you're comparing between two different mobile phone categories, K750 is multimedia phone while i-mate SP5 is a business phone, just use the comparing feature and select the one that suites your needs more, also read reviews about them.

                    Yes, there is available application for K750 that allows you to chat using AIM instant messaging package, among which is AOL.

                    Hey man, are you A7med 7asan Sade2 from Cairo, Egypt ??
                    Regarding your question, K750 supports both MS Duo -available in 32, 64 and 128 MB sizes- and MS Duo Pro -available in 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 MB, 1 GB and 2 GB sizes- types, and it supports up to 4 GB.

                    lol phones !!!!
                    Got it just yesterday and already bored with/from it ??!! What a brain waste !
                    I'm wondering if we have multiple "praveen" in here !!

                    I'm really curious to hear the definition of A BORING MOBILE PHONE.

                      • b
                      • bbb
                      • F4p
                      • 14 Apr 2006

                      Im from Singapore. Paid S$273 with 2-yr mobile plan contract.

                      Overall a GOOD fone. Unfortunately its calendar/ appt features sux!

                      User interface for text msging lose out 2 Nokia. I was using the 6610.

                      Joystick over-sentive.

                      This K750i which i've bought recently did hang on me once.

                        • p
                        • praveen
                        • ij9
                        • 14 Apr 2006

                        hi i think it is the good phone,just buy yesterday for 200 dollar{11500 rs} this is realy vey fisrt i thought it will be more than n70 but after listening to price just buy.but it has not compleate bfeature like my old nokia produce almost same sound like 6630,same camera.but tihs phone was some what bright and wieght less and it has radio.which is to 6630 it is nothing.just get bore with this.soon i will sell it buy new nokia n80 or n70.which good because u do with symbian phone but not with this kind of lol phones.over all waste phone compare to nokia

                          • S
                          • Sadex
                          • TqL
                          • 14 Apr 2006

                          hi... I'm askin about the kinds of memory stick work with k750, and what is the difference between them

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • k7n
                            • 13 Apr 2006

                            does anyone know if aol instant messenge (aim) is available with this phone?

                              • R
                              • RaHeeL
                              • Px}
                              • 13 Apr 2006

                              HeLLO ppL i had w800 than i sold it because of itz orange color and main problem WITH w800 iz u cant change the cover At present i am using w550i but i am planing to buy k750 can anyone plzzz solve my confusion about both of there sound qualities i mean w800 and k750 which one iz better

                                • O
                                • O2 retentions
                                • iIR
                                • 13 Apr 2006

                                this fone is brilliant in terms of looks and memory etc...the only thing that im disappointed about in regards to this phone is that you can't get changable covers for it.

                                  • s
                                  • sifat
                                  • PEm
                                  • 13 Apr 2006

                                  this set is absouletly amaizing. can anyone use mp3gain software .please tell me if i use the mp3 gain song in my k75oi.there have any chane to destroy the speaker .

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 2Zu
                                    • 13 Apr 2006

                                    bad luck mate.. i've been having my K750 for almost 6 month right now and it works perfectly, and still feel like new. I love it so much. It never dissapoint me, i use the mp3 player on everyday basis and it works perfectly (if i dun lose my W800's rubber part of the headset).

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 2Zu
                                      • 13 Apr 2006

                                      neil.. i just wanna ask u one question:
                                      when you are talking about the sound quality.. are you talking about the speaker or the headset? u said that K750 will never be able to do the 3D sound.. that sounds like you are talking about speaker (of which K750 has the mono speaker, and there is no way to make it sounds like 3D). But if you are talking about the headset.. i will be really curious what the 6270's headset will sound like. As far as i concern, the best nokia's music phone is not 6270, its N91. Even with the 3250 (the lower class music phone) the headset quality is nowhere close to W800---check it in They stated that frankly. That's y, i just want to confirm it with you ^_^.

                                        • v
                                        • varkey
                                        • PBx
                                        • 13 Apr 2006

                                        to @doul

                                        can u say which phone is better SEk750 or samsung D600??