Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • p
  • patrick101
  • PNE
  • 14 Mar 2006

doul with the firmwire thing i went to the esato sight thing now what dop i do with it

    • A
    • A dawg
    • QS1
    • 14 Mar 2006

    i just bought a SE 750i from india and i'm in canada and i'll be getting the fone at the end of march. Now i know that it'll work here but i was just wondering if there are any software upgrades i can do cuz i want my fone to be better than all my friends' fone. so help me out and tell me what cool stuff can u do with this fone. thanks to whoever replies. and peeZ to all the haters. laters

      • p
      • patrick101(techno ma
      • PNE
      • 14 Mar 2006


      once you have all of the software and stuff down laoded for your k750/i plug it in and click on my computer and removable disk and it will come up with dcim, mp3 and mssemc

      dcim is ur camera photos
      mp3 is your songs
      mssemc is stuff to put on your phone

      click on mp3 now open up your library of songs wether its itunes or windows media player or another one open it up and then drag and drop

        • m
        • miaumiau
        • EqV
        • 14 Mar 2006

        i bought this moblie today only, but i found that the music playback volume is very low, can any one please let me know that its the problem with my cell or it is like that only.. please reply...URGENT How to put my mp3 from computer to my phone k750i by cable?

          • m
          • miaumiau
          • EqV
          • 14 Mar 2006

          this hp very good....but i hav one problem ..anyone can tell me how to put mp3 from computer to my hp k 750i by the cable....? i very need ur help ...plz

            • t
            • techno madman
            • PNE
            • 14 Mar 2006


            yeah two weeks is a bum becuase i use my fone alll the time...but they should give you a replacement fone if u took it back where u bought it from if not oh well atleast it will b fixed...


            taske it to your nearest SE dealer they should fix it up as nicloe said it will take around 2 weeks but it is worth it cuz sum of the time they will giv u a brand new 1

            just every i am changing my name from techno madman to PatricK810

              • j
              • joe
              • PRP
              • 14 Mar 2006

              hey the phone is cool but its true that no software works on it where it works very well with Nokia.. so never expect any softwares to work with it.... apart from that the camera is ccol with 2MP which gives U excellent clartiy wen compared to other mobiles... the add on flash light is cool

                • j
                • joe
                • mXA
                • 14 Mar 2006

                Thank you for reply me
                Today I remove the battery, after I charged it , I replace it.
                I switch on the phone as usual, it automated switch off again, I have check the battery, that's no problem. Can you tell me what can I do by myself ?(I buy the phone on Sept. 2005 from Hong Kong, I am living in UK now, so i can't bring the phone to the supply in Hong Kong)

                  • N
                  • Nicole
                  • nHT
                  • 14 Mar 2006

                  Hi thanks for answering my questions. I took the phone back to the shop as it was still under warranty. They've sent it away to be fixed. It will take 2 WEEKS!!! Being without my phone feels as I've lost a body part :0(((((

                    • t
                    • techno madman
                    • PNE
                    • 13 Mar 2006


                    as doul said the light stays on all the time unless uset it to do somsthing and when u take a foto with it on it duz an extra spark kinda thing when u take the pic

                      • @
                      • @DoUL
                      • iDe
                      • 13 Mar 2006

                      techno madman
                      Well, check my post addressed to "maani" in my posting in page 6 to learn how to update your firmware.
                      "kim" just posted the specs. of the latest K750 firmware, when you update your K750 firmware, the updaing software automatically update into the latest firmware -no option to choose/select a desired firmware version-, anyway, check this page to know what happened in each firmware -keeping in mind that the fixes which they made in previous firmwares also present in recent ones, that DOESN'T apply to bugs found/present in previous firmwares-:

                      The shutter sound, as I said before, is country dependant, not firmware dependant, if you set the phone into silent mode and still hear the shutter sound, then try to update into another country firmware -in most of the cases it will be your same working firmware, but with the slightest differences of languages supported and muting the shuter sound ability-.
                      Read my post above addressed to "techno madman" to read the answer of your other questions -read his post if you haven't read it yet, he answered your sound volume enquiring-.

                      Since updating the firmware didn't work with your device, then it's probably a hardware issue, and that's where my guide/help-ability stops.

                      No, it stays on untill you turn it off. You also have the options to turn it on for only 1 minute, and to have it flash doing a light S O S Morse code.

                        • k
                        • kim
                        • iDm
                        • 13 Mar 2006

                        last software:
                        - Released on SEUS for the K750 on 9/3/06.
                        - Free memory is now listed in MB instead of KB.
                        - Photos are now taken as soon as the shutter sound is heard.
                        - Slight increase in speaker and headphone volume.
                        - Slight increase in phone responsiveness.
                        - FIX: Background noise during lower volume calls ('hissing bug') now fixed.
                        - FIX: Picture zooming bug fixed. Pictures larger than 1632 pixels wide and/or 1224 pixels tall can now be zoomed into.
                        - FIX: All USB transfer issues now fixed.
                        - FIX: Increased stability in PhotoDJ and VideoDJ applcations.
                        - JBenchmark 3D LQ: 202
                        - JBenchmark 3D HQ: 126
                        - JBenchmark 2: 340
                        - JBenchmark 1: 3889
                        - Software versions:
                        LCD 0
                        Camera 4.5
                        ITP CXC 125 932 R1B
                        but i have a question
                        most of java programs can't send or recieve information through internet for example : opera mini

                          • n
                          • nima
                          • TuK
                          • 13 Mar 2006

                          hi eery bod.tnaks you doul for your replaying.
                          do you know whats new in last firmware?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Ui$
                            • 13 Mar 2006

                            Hi,when the camera light is set to on, does it shine only during the moment the picture is taken, or does it remain on constantly as soon as it is set to on(like the E398's light)?

                              • t
                              • techno madman
                              • PNE
                              • 13 Mar 2006


                              im from australia and let me tell u if u have under atleast a yrs warranty on your fone then something is wrong, how much did you pay for it and how muc warranty did they say u could have...where aobuts do u live aswell because i got mine and for $20 extra i got 24 month warranty so how much did u pay for it and here do u liv

                                • D
                                • DJ_Stefan0
                                • PMV
                                • 13 Mar 2006

                                DONT BUY IT
                                It has all the features I wanted but...

                                I have had this phone for about 7 months now(first person to buy it), the keypad and the joystick button together have a very short life, and being integrated wen it fails so does the circuitry below it. Ive been always really careful with it, never exposed it to water/physical damage.. yada yada.
                                The warranty's here in australia for mobiles are really bad, they'l make up a reason like "your house is green and the fone doesnt like it" so they can charge u for the repair anyway. and the repair is usualy more then the cost of the fone itself :(

                                Half of my buttons dont work now, they started failing through time... and i was always very cautious

                                I decided to get a Panasonic VS6 at least its available for half of wat its worth so i wont be as pissed wen it cr@ps itself

                                  • s
                                  • safi
                                  • w4q
                                  • 13 Mar 2006

                                  i have a prob with my K750i some time it works fine and some time it gets hang, and when if it is hang its big problem to come back normal, i try to to give SE workstation but they said ur phone is DEAD will have to change the CPD board which will cost Rs.12,000/- and even i try to flash the phone twice , but still its in the same condition, anyone facing the same problem plaesae giude me what to do ?

                                    • t
                                    • techno madman
                                    • PNE
                                    • 13 Mar 2006

                                    the k750i doesnt have a soound when you open the camera cover, the only sound is the click from when it hits the end of ther slide slot. the sound it makes when it takes the camera shot is just a sound it makes the fone doesnt generate it it just makes that sound no way of changing that i no for the sound quality could be better as for me i blast mine on full volume all the time so that wont do much for it but the sound quality is pretty decent

                                      • r
                                      • remixme
                                      • PDT
                                      • 13 Mar 2006

                                      i just chkd da article compring 6630 n k750z camera so nw leavng that topic aside,i wanna knw the names of firmware versions on whom the camera shutr sound can b switchd off...n wat abt k750i's sound qlty???

                                        • t
                                        • techno madman
                                        • PNE
                                        • 13 Mar 2006

                                        hey doul well i am actually 14 my names patrick and i live in australia i grew up with technology so i pick thinhgs up pretty quick n im not gonna go far cuz i enjoy reading comments etc that are put here and helpin out i can do my best to help wit ya if u giv me some help with like upgrading software etc and wat the difference in software and that kinda stuff is

                                        if u have msn or yahoo or anything add my email adress and we can chat