Sony Ericsson K750
- Y
- Yoman
- TS}
- 04 Feb 2006
Hi @DoUL,
I found 1 problem when i try to play songs using headset.
I able to listen to songs when without headset.
But i will hear corrupted songs during headset is plugged.
Low battery?
Files corrupted?
- @
- @DoUL
- iEt
- 04 Feb 2006
OK, this is gonna take a while so I'm gonna make it short and direct.
When you have a case of a software issue which is related with a hardware malfunction, updating the software only won't solve it. You have to take it to SE customer care center to have the hardware -the 3 key- checked and replaced if needed first then think about firmware updating.
None, that was an issue in the first couple of firmwares. Seems that the news reach you tooooooo late.
SEUS II updates the firmware with the phone switched off, which give me the belief that your problem happened with SEUS I, or you meant your PC is what hanged and not your phone. If you can't repeat the update process in SEUS II then take your phone to any SE customer care center.
Follow the manual no matter what!
It says 4 hours in first charging then 2 hours later on, you'll get fully charged after 5-10 charges.
I'm not a UK resident, go to, choose your region then go to support page, you should find the customer support mail address and phone numbers somewhere, maybe a contact us link.
I agree with you that updating the firmware while the phone is working good and stable is not a smart step.
1- I have no bluetooth dongle, so I can't help.
2- Google for it.
3- No, unless you're facing problems in your phone.
Lazy human being
Maybe you can find any if you google it.
I'm not sure if updating the firmware would solve the problem but give it a try anyway.
For the joystick problem, take your phone to SE customer care center and have it replaced -the joystick or the whole phone-, also ask them about the GPRS connection problem.
Supposed to be 15 in the latest R1AA008 firmware, 9 in previous ones.
Another lazy husband
Update to the latest firmware and make sure to switch off the phone then switch it on again every 2 days -something like restarting your PC-.
I don't know but the link which is in page 3 now differs than that link you gave.
Try again.
- k
- kijoo
- 04 Feb 2006
don't mind my previous problem regarding tyhe signal bar...
i found the answer here...
for the sake of those having the same problem, here's the solution:
go to settings>data comm>preferred service> and select GSM only.
they say it's like GPRS signal or something....
- k
- kijoo
- 04 Feb 2006
i have a very minor problem regarding k750. It is about the icon which displays how strong the signal is...
before I activated the gprs and mms of my phone, the icon displayed fine.
after i activated my gprs and mms, the signal icon has a box around it... and it doesn't look right...
anyone having the same problem....
what's the solution?
is this a firmware bug?
it doesn't affect the phone's performance, though.... Im just concerned..
- s
- suryaabadi
- PVg
- 04 Feb 2006
how make e-mail in My Phone Sony ericsson K750i
- d
- dark_slayer
- TC{
- 04 Feb 2006
where can i download the imtoo software? is it beter than the mpegable software?
- G
- Gordy
- m9I
- 04 Feb 2006
Past experience with the K750 not so good - Got one through Vodafone UK when it first came out last year, and it was so buggy it was unusable. So many of my friends and colleagues at work upgraded to them & experienced problems too, regardless of network - it was obvious that SE released this phone before proper quality testing.
Switched to a 3G phone for a few months, but found did not have real practical use for 3G facilities, and had to recharge phone daily with any usage. Went through the options, shortlist of Samsung D600 and K750. go back to a K750. No regrets. All problems seem to have been sorted out, and the phone features and specs just Shine!
This time a "business" model from Vodafone, came in an SE box not a Vf box &:
1) Gorgeous black not Vf silver, which works better with the screen frame;
2) No Vf branding;
3) USB cable included (Vf don't supply it in their regular kit);
4) A 'pro' ie faster card (Vf norm is a standard duo card);
5) 3 full games pre-installed (Vf norm is game samples with option to pay for full versions).
Am very happy with the phone so far this time round, they seem to have got it all together very well. It's such a shame that there were quality problems in the past. Only niggle is that the update-service software doesn't seem to work, which might be a problem in the future - though hopefully will have changed to a lovely K800 (seen the spy pics for it) by then!
It's also an eye-opener to compare spec re a phone as boxed by SE, and one boxed by Vf - think from now on am going to insist on Vf 'business' models. Also to get a phone that's already been on the market for a few months at least so bugs can be sorted out (Vf helpdesk was telling me that Nokia N70 has MMS max memory problems...).
- M
- Moe
- j0f
- 04 Feb 2006
Ok ive ahd this phone for about.. 6 months its nice, the camera is sweet BUT in the basement i have nooooo reception. I know most phones don't have good reception in the basement but this also has bad receptions in other places, even sometimes i was outdoor and no reception. Maybe its cause im with Rogers but i dunno...
- j
- jack
- mxE
- 03 Feb 2006
to @doul
first sorry for so many posts
second i found a website that sells memory stick pro duo really really cheap check it out:
there are 1gb for like £40 i might get one.
- M
- Mario
- n3a
- 03 Feb 2006
to Adel:
hey man how are u? i got this site u gave me, to download a pin protector software there... man maybe i will sound silly, but i have searched all this site and i didnt find a pin protector software or something to lock the screen. can u give me its direct link plz? sorry Adel really sorry but i didnt find it and I am In a very big need for this prog. plz help me this time again and give me the direct link, thanks in advance man...
- j
- jack
- mxE
- 03 Feb 2006
often i see people complaining about the video of the k750i but mine is best ive seen , im on tmobile and havent upgraded my firmware either.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nEW
- 03 Feb 2006
My wife's K750 has really slow response time. Any ideas why? Not many photos etc on it. It was slow then got better. Now back to slow again. aaagghh!
- j
- jack
- mxE
- 03 Feb 2006
what bit rate is the k750i @doul?
- j
- jack
- Tkd
- 03 Feb 2006
does anyone know how to get a free version of imtoo software dvd to 3gp ?
- k
- kunal
- 03 Feb 2006
Problem with my k750i is that it is unable to connet internet through GPRS.It shows "Invalid settings".I did everything to make correct settings,I called to service provider custemer care centre ,I did everything that he said,I took settings from se web site also but still same message is comming.
I put my simcard in nokia 6600 & samsung X600 gprs was working nicely with same settings. I think problem is in k750
my firmware is R1J002, Is it need to update?
also second problem is its joystick not working properly.It gives errors, sometime it becomes completely useless,it does not operate.
please help me.Thanks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ghc
- 03 Feb 2006
Are there any decent organizer software that can be used with this phone. The standard organizer is a bit rudementary.
- z
- zhao
- keD
- 03 Feb 2006
so far so good:
- camera quality is impressive
- nice interface
- the side button for controlling the mp3 player is great
- bluetooth is very good quality
- battery life is excellent
- reception is considerably weaker than other phones (moto v3 for instance)
- menus are laggy
- the burst shooting mode for the camera only shoots at low res
- video quality is unusable!
and a few questions:
1. how is it possible to transfer data (mp3, photos) via bluetooth?
2. where can i get applications for the phone (a simple spreadsheet program)
3. is firmware upgrade recommended?
- d
- di
- 4EX
- 03 Feb 2006
How is the speaker is it loud like in nokia ?
- D
- Danska
- 4$g
- 03 Feb 2006
My k750 hasn't rebooted in a long time.
- Y
- Yoman
- TS}
- 03 Feb 2006
since some members here do have the imTOO software, can they share with us?
Upload to some web so that we can have it free? So next time, they will be more friends able to share.