Sony Ericsson K750
- j
- jack
- nFH
- 02 Feb 2006
i use imtoo but i dont think u can get a free version of it.
- j
- jack
- nFH
- 02 Feb 2006
which is a bigger file size mp3 or mp4? and is there a difference in quality?
- d
- dj
- nEi
- 02 Feb 2006
is there any where where i can get a free version of imtoo coz i have the demo and it only converts the first 3 mins :(
- j
- jack
- nFH
- 02 Feb 2006
i use the imtoo software aswell.
- T
- Torquemada
- mta
- 02 Feb 2006
I enjoy the K750 as a pocket video player. With a 512 MB memory stick i can put in 3-5 full length movies. To do this i use the ImTOO 3GP software. It works great!
- d
- dj
- nEi
- 02 Feb 2006
i know to put videos on my k750i i need to either convert them or resize them. i cant find any suitable programs (for free preferably :P) could u help me? or do u know a site that i can get videos in the correct fromat?:)
- j
- jack
- nFH
- 02 Feb 2006
do u know how to create themes or a program that u can make them with cos i tried se website smart themes creator but the pc hates it and does stupid and slow.
- j
- jack
- nFH
- 02 Feb 2006
thanks @doul i gave it a try it was 130mb and fits on my phone as i have a 256mb card.
more posts arriving soon.....
- b
- bataboricko
- mD3
- 02 Feb 2006
What do you think about updating mu system (software) of k 750i from official site of se ? I think that is not very smart!
- e
- erick's girl
- Rxn
- 02 Feb 2006
thanks @DouL.. i know how to transfer the video files, i just need to know where can i download the software so i can play the videos in my PC. i'll browse through the Sony Ericsson website though..
really appreciate the quick reply. :)
- H
- Hamisu
- MuN
- 02 Feb 2006
well i Bought sony ericsson k7501 and it was stolen so i want to bluck The phone nmemory
- s
- s-dio
- m1c
- 02 Feb 2006
This phone has a lot of great features. But almost every SE phones have so bad reception? Why? This is the biggest problem with SE phones. Nokia had this problem too, but it seems to me that their new models have a very good reception now. Especially ones with basic functions, for examples Nokia 1600, 3120, etc. Perhaps they should ask Philips to solve this problem because Philips' phones have really great reception and long lasting batteries but poor features compared to Sony-Ericsson.
- J
- Jess
- MF{
- 02 Feb 2006
how can i get in touch with se..anyone got an email addy or a uk phone number?
- Y
- Yoman
- TS}
- 02 Feb 2006
How long to take to fully charge the battery until it shows steady bar?
2.5 hours?
I already charged more than 2.5 hours but still charging.
- K
- Keuo
- k90
- 02 Feb 2006
I have a k750i & I have connected to SonyEricsson website to update my phone's software but during that it hung and the message is
"Unable connect to server" and after that my phone is "Out Of Order"!!!
I cannot switch it on.
- j
- john
- 02 Feb 2006
how many times a day does your k750i reboot? because ive heard its quite offten
- A
- Ahmad
- PB%
- 02 Feb 2006
I bought K750i a month ago , it went very good , until yesterday the keypad button 3 stop working , I try to press it and it does not respond , intrestingly when i press the power button on the top it gives 3 on the screen.
Im too worried of this bew set , tell me what shud i do . Do i need to upgrade its firm ware although its updated.
- @
- @DoUL
- iEt
- 02 Feb 2006
I had the same problem, and some other guy was facing it too. I made a research myself but in SE web site to see what the supported bluetooth headsets are, and what a surprise I came out with, "Akono HBH-600" is supported by K750, I have it and it's not working with me, not working with you, and not working with anyone else I'm sure about that, but seems the SE web site builders aren't aware of that.
Anyhow, I'm living with the wired bundled "HPB-60" for it produces a are very good music sound, if I wanted to get the same sound from a bluetooth headset, I'de buy a stereo two ears one -not one ear piece-, which is kinda expensive, so I'm not even thinking about it!
I don't know any. I'm not so sure that there is any real music format player for K750, if there is anyone that would be nice, but MP3 is better for me -in quality at least!-.
I don't know, seems to me that K750 doesn't have that feature -but maybe I'm wrong I just didn't try it, but nothing in the games or bluetooth options says that I can-.
I don't agree with you that S600 is a little changed K750, SE S series is a business phones series, whereas SE K series is a multimedia phones series.
I don't know what a 2 MB in a DVD format movile will equal when I convert that movie into a 3GP one -differs from a pre-set settings to another-. You have the movie, you have the converting software, you're grown enough to do such calculations, do it and you'll see for yourself what size exactelly will it take, young man I might not be around all the time, so you gotta learn how to survive if you once found yourself all alone because of any reason.
christopher borg
IT"S NOT RECOMMENDED at all to open\crack the phone hardware. I can't see any nail\pin around the phone, so will you insert a small screwdriver into the charging port to force it open! Do you really have the willing to do that!!
Man, why such a risk ??!! Take it to any SE customer care center and they will do that for you without any risk -you know they have the tools & the experience-.
To have a GPRS connection you need to have some settings sent to you from SE web site and\or another settings sent to you from your service provider. If you have them both installed in your phone OS still you can't connect through GPRS, I suggest you to call one of your service provider customer service stuff and let him walkthrough\guide you through it.
I don't know what RL1 is, there is a firmware starts with R1L -not RL1- "R1L002", maybe he ment that you need to update your firmware into that R1L firmware, but that firmware version has been already replaced by about 3 newer firmware versions!
Maybe it's a hardware issue -in the lens itself or in the camera capturing key or even the MS being full, storing into the internal\shared memory already takes longer time than storing into the MS-, or it can be a software issue -the firmware starts to do what it likes just like what windows do with us when you leave it for a long time without formatting and re-installing it-. I can't tell for sure where the problem is, take it to any SE customer care center and have it checked by them, or mail SE customer support about it.
erick's girl
Connect the USB cable to the phone -really wish that you already have your phone installed in the PC OS-, if the videos are stored into the MS, open My Computer, open Removable Disk, open MSSEMC, open Media files, copy your videos from the video folder and paste them anywhere in your HDD.
If they were stored in the phone internal\shared memory, open Sony Ericsson File Manager from your desktop, click and open on your phone name\model, open phone memory -when you open the first phone memory folder you'll find another folder with the same name inside of it- open that too, copy your videos from the video folder to anywhere you like in your HDD.
To play then in your PC, you'll need a program from those: Quick Player, ImToo player -if you have it-, MpegAble X4 Live player -also if you have it- or Real Player -patched into .3GPP support-.
Maybe there are other players that do support .3PG format but these are only the ones I know.
Lazy human being without a name!
In my humble understanding, overnight expression equals AT LEAST 6 hours EVERY NIGHT, that is an overkilling to a battery that only takes ~2 hours to be fully charged after an average of 3 days of normal usage!.
Maybe the battery is dying or maybe it just happens by accident that the phone hangs during the charging time -hangs are a firmware bug, a firmware update will solve that-, you leave the phone switched on so that might be a possibility.
Thanks for the help man, but you really can't tell if the one you're answering his question is a novice or an expert PC user, so details has to be given as long as you have the willing to answer a question.
Thanks again for your help.
My posting to "»rico" Has been edited :@ :(
They removed the last 3-4 lines. Hope that he's got the chance to read it all before being edited.
- D
- DJblakel
- PZj
- 02 Feb 2006
this problem i have had before, unfortunatly you will need to take the phone to SE. it is caused by a design fault where the camera button on the case dose not properly conect with the button on the main board on the K750.
and (sorry forgot the name) read/look thru older posts to find out how to transfer videos/pics. it is simple. all you do is open the browser window of your K750 in "my computer" and click and drag it to your desktop or other file. i could go more indepth but i honestly could not be botherd and im VERY sure you can find out how to do this yourself. :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- yBx
- 02 Feb 2006
I own this phone for a couple of monthes and its feature is good and all there's a couple of problems... the problem that always happens to me everyday is that whenever i charge overnight (with power on) the screen usually goes blank and i turn it off but it won't turn back on unless i jiggle the battery.