Sony Ericsson K750

Sony Ericsson K750

User opinions and reviews

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  • LoveMyPhone
  • 4vX
  • 30 Oct 2005

I just got my k750, but the LCD does not turn off during call. Any idea.

    • k
    • karl
    • S6$
    • 30 Oct 2005

    well, i was about to answer no, it doesn't...but then i tried, and yes it can operate exactly like you said.

    thanks for that : )

      • V
      • Vadim
      • YgA
      • 30 Oct 2005

      i have a samsung d500 and im about to get the K750. i have this question, can you browse through menus by the numbers? in my d500 i have the option to navigate throughout the whole menu by using numbers. for example, if i wanna check out my SMS Inbox, i could just press Menu,5,1,2 instead of the up and down buttons. i was wondering if the k750 had that. would appreciate some feedback. thanks

        • k
        • karl
        • S6$
        • 30 Oct 2005

        not sure, but i've had no problems. we need someone with better tech info here.

          • S
          • Scott
          • YHv
          • 30 Oct 2005

          Hmm does anyone have a problem trying to send a file to the phone via bluetooth? It says I need an OBEX push profile. What is that? Thanks.

            • K
            • Karl
            • S6$
            • 30 Oct 2005

            "may i know whether k750i can use Silicon Power 1GB SD Card?"

            Doesn’t sound like it , you need PRO DUO memory card, same kind as the new psp takes, and at the minute I think only two companies supply it, sandisk and sony. Tests have been carried out and the sandisk memory can be up to 1 third faster than sonys….so go for sandisk! cheaper too.

            "hey guys, do u know if mp3 can be used as message alert tone like in nokia?"


            "What is largest memory stick supported?"

            2Gb at present. thats a massive amount for a phone.

            what does 'macro'do when taking pictures?
            Also, are there any website on how to take good pictures with this phone?"

            Macro mode is for taking extreme close ups, such as coins, circuit boards etc. very useful. And no, no website needed for help (well, unless your skills needed really polishing : )). Its all pretty much automatic, point and shoot.

            "Nobody seems to be talking about the "Reception quality of this phone or others...Most people are talking about MP3, camera etc. Does anybody know to gage or rate the reception on K750 or recommend another brand
            of good repute? Thanks!!"

            No problem whatsoever with reception for me, but I am in city.

              • w
              • wesiley
              • PFM
              • 30 Oct 2005

              may i know whether k750i can use Silicon Power 1GB SD Card?

                • y
                • ying
                • RKn
                • 30 Oct 2005

                hey guys, do u know if mp3 can be used as message alert tone like in nokia?

                  • l
                  • leka
                  • M@e
                  • 30 Oct 2005

                  What is largest memory stick supported?

                    • t
                    • tay,19, singapore
                    • PFM
                    • 30 Oct 2005

                    if you are a non-3g phone user.. this is the best non-3g phone you could ever get..
                    if you are into phones equipped with high quality camera.. look no further, this would be the one.. undeniably amazing 2 megapixels.
                    brilliant mp3 player.. perfect display.. and all of it packed into a mere 99g phone..

                      • J
                      • Jason
                      • U2{
                      • 30 Oct 2005

                      what does 'macro'do when taking pictures?
                      Also, are there any website on how to take good pictures with this phone?

                        • v
                        • valentin
                        • jUM
                        • 30 Oct 2005

                        Nobody seems to be talking about the Reception quality of this phone or others...
                        Most people are talking about MP3, camera etc. Does anybody know to gage or rate the reception on K750 or recommend another brand
                        of good repute? Thanks!!

                          • h
                          • hyder
                          • PSd
                          • 30 Oct 2005

                          hey this phone has a compact size
                          and is best phone of world
                          if u hav it u have ur gul frnd with u

                            • @
                            • @DoUL
                            • iEt
                            • 30 Oct 2005

                            My opinion about the headset.
                            K750i headset is better but w800i one gives you the option to connect your favorite headset via RCA connector. But as a single unti it gives a lower output than k750i one. Both has the same quality and clearness but w800i one makes distortion earlier than k750i one. So you can go for the k750i one which is bundled or buy a w800i one and use it as a bridge between the phone and your fav. headset if it connects via RCA connector, but I think that you won't notice a diff. between k750i one and your fav. one unless you're using one top of the notch headset, you know, those big ones.

                              • P
                              • Promethus
                              • PFM
                              • 30 Oct 2005

                              The walkman series earphones can be used on k750. Its HPM70. However, the sound is crappy. You cannot use high bass and treble.

                                • k
                                • karl
                                • S6$
                                • 29 Oct 2005

                                "can i use W800i's headphones with K750i ?"

                                of course. its the same phone. but orange.

                                  • k
                                  • karl
                                  • S6$
                                  • 29 Oct 2005

                                  "Is the phone loud enough to be heard in buses/streets ? can u listen to mp3s from its internal speaker,how does it sound if it can?"

                                  if listening via headphones you can hear it fine but, no, if it were just through the speaker you would not be able to hear prop on the bus or in the street. but think, the speaker needed for this type of use would be far too big for the phone, and it is only mono. you will find no phone this size with good quality just from the speaker. its fine for taking calls via speaker and listening to mp3s with not too much background noise. its still lound enough...(excellent sound quality for games, you WILL be asked to turn this down from somebody i promise) sometimes i listen to radio shows downloaded from the net whilst driving my car to work with the phone on dash or passenger seat.

                                  "Does it vibrate n ring at the same time ?"


                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mm}
                                    • 29 Oct 2005

                                    Few points to be clarified n then i'll buy this phone !!

                                    Is the phone loud enough to be heard in buses/streets ? can u listen to mp3s from its internal speaker,how does it sound if it can?

                                    Does it vibrate n ring at the same time ?

                                    reply fast coz i want this phone like anythin !

                                      • S
                                      • S
                                      • mm}
                                      • 29 Oct 2005

                                      can i use W800i's headphones with K750i ? i don't have the cell phone (just to know for my knowledge.)
                                      reply asap

                                        • k
                                        • karl
                                        • S6$
                                        • 29 Oct 2005

                                        yep, of course.