Sony Ericsson K750
- m
- manish sharma
- Pxx
- 24 Apr 2005
its good looking , having good features
- d
- dxreaper
- Pxv
- 24 Apr 2005
It would be nice if you two just gave it a rest... this isn't helping anyone who's coming here trying to find info on the K750i.
- A
- AB
- mmM
- 23 Apr 2005
Hello, i agree and disagree with some of your points in the previous points. First of all i agree with:
SE need to work better to improve design etc.
The d500 auto focus is poor and only zoom in VGA mode.
I disagree with:
"the design of this fone is great" i believe it is common as muck.
You said the d500 design is poor - i disagree as i believe it is nicer looking than the k750i, a nice small neat slider design that everybody wants nowadays and 60% of The CPW sales are the d500.
I didnt say that the 6630 had a better camera than this because with 2MPs against 1.3MPs it should be better.
I think that the W800 camera is absolutely c**p! but i think it is good on this k750i I just think they should improve in design, if SE cam & technology and UI in a Moto SLVR V8, RAZR V3 or RAZR PRO V1150 i think it would be the best fone money could buy, but unfortunately thats not happened yet. I believe that its either exterior or interior that will sell a fone
- S
- Si Dude
- TkG
- 23 Apr 2005
Well thank you for agreeing with me that the design is nice. The joysticks are much better now since the SE F500 and T630 came out, they are all much better and the K750 is brillaint too and those people you heard from probably have phones ike the T610 but then the T630 came and fixed everything, they should be fine and would only break if you really wack it like 50 times or more! The phone I think will cost around £350 and above in some countries but for UK about that price approx.
- C
- CoolDaddy
- SvB
- 23 Apr 2005
1st of all, u people fight too much! and secondly what do u have against this design? it looks cool and elegant at the same time! I find it great, and i wouldn't have it any other way! I'm no Allknowing so I'll post some questions too: is it true that the joysticks are crapy? I hear people haveing trouble with them all the time(they don't last for long, and get "damaged" realy fast)! well is it true?
And who knows how much will the K750 cost? or an approximate price at least?
- S
- Si Dude
- TkG
- 23 Apr 2005
edit to last post: Could have an 3MP now and a 5MP and above camera in the future, some people might want more than 1GB but to me thats plenty. Thats my edit for last post!
- S
- Si Dude
- TkG
- 23 Apr 2005
Why can't Sony Ericsson have these improvments to this phone and the W800: 3 or 5MP in the future, Edge, more than 1GB in the future (but doesn't need it as that is plenty), 8x zoom, 320x240 pixel screen and 64 channel polphonic ringtones and everything else the same on the K750 and W800, those phones would be the best ever made! Thats all they have to do!
- S
- Si Dude
- TkG
- 23 Apr 2005
This Sony Ericsson still needs work doing to it as Sony Ericsson could make an even better one but this is the phone for me and will last me a very long time when I get it. Now I said about the camera on the Samsung D500, I don't think it is brilliant as it has an awful focus some of the time and the digital zoom is rubbish too! Also the design I personally think isn't brilliant!
You said you work for the carphone warehouse and that you know your phones but if you read in my last post you will the bit about the comparing of phones. You say Nokia is the best out of those phones and I agree but that Nokia 6630, you think is better than the K750? I guess you think that as you say Nokia phones are better but I would like you to tell me how is it when GSM Arena have compared it, plus I have some pics from places and that Nokia don't do brilliant cameras and that your comparing out of your friends phones was a bit unfair as you used a SE V800 and motorola MPX220 which are old and were rubbish! I want you to really have a close look at that link I showed you and if you still think the Nokia phones are better than Sony Ericsson and go against everyone elses oppinion but I really do think you should compare properly!
- A
- AB
- n1d
- 23 Apr 2005
I have to agree with you, you rele put ur heart into that post, i dont agree that the k750i is the best fone money can buy, but then agen wat is? no moto is, no nokia is etc. I disagree about the d500 cam as i put trhe images on the pc and they are second 2 none. As i said, i work for the carphone warehouse so i like 2 think i know wat im talking about.
Thanks 4 giving ur opinion and i respect it greatly and hope u respect mine.
Have a nice day
- S
- Si Dude
- TkP
- 23 Apr 2005
Hi now your link didn't work but managed to find the pics of it from the main site in your link! I think the V8 looks like the C550 similar with a V3 keypad! I prefer the K750 design a lot more but I quite like the E1120 and the flip Motorola E1150 and admit they are quite nice but the software and how the phone works I go for and the K750 isn't ugly so I go for the K750 but if the E1120 design was on the Sony Ericsson k750 I would love it as I admit the Motorola design is very nice but I still like the K750 design and only like the Moto design of the E1120 like 1 percent more. They are both nice designs!
You then compared these phones: Nokia 6630, Sony Ericsson V800, Motorola MPx220 and a Samsung D500. First of all they are all 1.3MP cameras. Yes the Nokia does win on that as the D500 didn't have a good camera as everyone thought! The Motorola was okish and about the same as the V800. But the V800 is old and we are talking about the K750!! You can't really compare that Moto and the V800 to the Nokia! The D500 is just rubbish anyway! The K750 is a better camera in quality and this is proven in a compared test between Nokia 6630, SE S700i and the K750 and GSM Arena say that the K750 is the best in quality and the latest SE phones have been better than Nokia as the S700i is an 1MP phone but in the test between the SE k750, the S700i and Nokia 6630, the S700i beat the Nokia still! Sony Ericsson is the best! You can view the compared test at this address:
So why you compared those phones to each other when that wasn't really fair and testing old phones with a very good Nokia 1.3MP camera was a bit harsh and we are meant to be talking about the SE K750, not the SE V800!
So there you have it, the K750 wins again with best picture quality, 2MP camera, best software and as the design isn't ugly, beats the V8 design in my opinion but could have the E1120 design, it doesn't need as it has good looks anyway, best software and all the other features this phone wins fair and square!
Thanks and never decide on a phone just by looks, a phone has to have good software but with some good looks too of course! If a phone has brilliant looks but crap software there is no point getting it! Because all you will do is show-off the good looks but when someone says what can it do and they say is it better than my phone or is it a good class phone as you spent a lot of money on it they will say once they have tried it well it is ok but not brilliant and you wasted your money and you don’t want people saying that! Look for a balanced phone with quite good looks and good software and that’s why this phone is the best as it is just that, BALANCED! So well done Sony Ericsson! It is like looking for the right partner, you don't want to go out with a good looking boy or girl but has a really crap personality, you have to find someone with good looks and good personality or just a great personality and quite good looks! Motorola represent the crap personality bit and Sony Ericsson is the good looks and great personality! It could do with some improvements on looks but is balanced and has good looks so it wins!
Thanks for accepting my apology too! And if you think you know what you’re talking about, get your facts right and don’t get them wrong! Give proper advice too (No offence) I have worked for Sony Ericcson, Motorola and a bit with Alcatel. I don’t sell phones now and never did when I started saying my opinions on this opinions board! So I have had a lot of experience with phones and now work on fixing other peoples phones and give advice in my friends shop.
Thanks! Genuinely
- A
- AB
- mmN
- 22 Apr 2005
Hi again, yes i admit that motos slow software is s**t and the slow msg input, but in my opinion people will forgive moto for this and go with their models for the looks ONLY. Now i said that SE had a good UI and i stand by that. No the stability of motos designs are surprisingly good, as i dropped my Razr V3 twice, on a slate floor when the flip was opened and on a wooden floor when it was closed and there are no dints on it, just two scrapes on the battery cover and the fone still works great like the day i got it. I want to ask you a ques tho, do u like the design of this fone over moto? I think its boring block design, nothing new there then, you may not like the razr v3 but the upcoming Moto slvr V8, i would like you to look at the pictures and tell me which 1 u prefer k750i design or slvr v8 design
when i had a t68, the ringtones wer rele crap and was embarassed wen my t68 rang but mayb things have moved on with se. and yes i still stick by my point that nokia MPs r the best, 6630,6670,6680,6681 etc. i have compared them as my mates have a 6630, se v800, moto MPx220 and a d500, so i have compared them all and the nokia has clearest picture, closely followed by samsung, moto & se r similar in quality and oh i 4got 2 mention, i work 4 TCW. so i'd like to think i no my fones, the number of se & siemens returns i have had have went through the roof. i am not stiring trouble as only kids do that and im sick looking at fones as i work with them every day.
and by the way your apology is accepted :-)
AB 8-)
- S
- Si Dude
- TkP
- 22 Apr 2005
Right hello AB, first I don't get money from this either as I am jsut advising people as I don't work for any phone companys anymore. I believe Motorla's software is apsulutly bo****s but their designs are quite nice, personally I hate the really flat RazR3 look. I like a phone which you can really hold in your hand, not one which feels liekl the buttons are going to break and gonna fall out of my hand or scared I am going to drop it, but if you like it thats fine! I am just saying my oppinion. But I can't believe you think Samsung and Motorla are better than SE, ok Samsung make quite nice desings but SE do too and has better software and no little crappy ringtones which you can't turn off when you download a game or something! And you said Nokia make better camera's than SE, well what a load of crap that is! GSM Arena have even said this SE phone has the best camera! Until you actualy know a bit about phones you can then give out a dvice! But I do understand your point and I appoligise for calling you an Moto freak! You jsut don't know your phones and are jsut sturing trouble!
- A
- AB
- mmN
- 22 Apr 2005
hello again, yea its AB here or (motofreak as u like 2 call me) I do not care if u slag of moto fones, i dont work 4 them lol, so its not gonna put pounds in my pocket or give me sleepless nights. I just wanna advise people where to get the most out of their hard earned money instead of spending it on plastic building material. I do believe that SE fones r ok inside probably the best UI avaliable today, but this is sacraficed by the looks they r boring 2 look at outside, moto has the guts to push fone design rite 2 the edge and brings out something that the world has never seen before. who else come up with the idea of a paper slim clamshell? nobody, who brings out black deep block fones? moto, se, nokia, siemens, panasonic - u get the picture. the best se so far, which i was nearly going for myself before i got the V3 was the k700i. It has nice metal exterior like moto fones unbeliveibly. i do believe that moto n samsung leave se in the dust, but unfortunately blind consumers like urself waste their money. se r laughing behind closed doors saying, my god the mugs actually fell for them n bought them. Some1 needs 2 tell se that the game has moved on, its the era of slim futuristic fones,built with rare exclusive materials. i do believe that motos slvr v8, razr v3 and v1150 r on par with the exclusive vertu fones. i dont care if ppl like se over moto, or siemens over nokia etc, im just trying to state the facts and the best i can do is advise. please do not slander my name in here, at the end of the day its only a fone and who rele cares?
- d
- dxreaper
- Pxv
- 22 Apr 2005
Not to mention that the k750i's camera has it's lense cover (protects it), dedicated media player button (play/pause), dedicated camera shutter release button, hot swap memory card bay, uses Memory Stick Duo (faster read/write speed versus MMC cards, has a permenant cover (more solid versus the 6230i's changable covers)
- d
- dxreaper
- Pxv
- 22 Apr 2005
I would go for the K750i over the 6230i because:
Physical size of the K750i's screen being larger.
More functions/features such as minimizing mp3, fullscreen video playback and so on.
Newer design (6230i looks like the old brother)
Better camera with photo light & flash accessory.
Menu nicer looking (with animation, personal opinion) and seems more pratical.
With Sony Ericsson's themes, you can edit the look of your phone anyway you want, and you get animated wallpaper, animated caller id, animated selction bar.
Yes, 6230i's screen is sharp, but you must remember it still sticks to it's 1:1 ratio screen while the K750i uses a 1:1.25 screen ratio. The long screen has it's advantage as while in the menu, you have more lines of texts, also, you get the info bar at the top.
- S
- Si Dude
- TkP
- 22 Apr 2005
To people who want to know the difference between K750, W800 andD750. The differnce is, the K750 only comes with a 64mb memory card and jsut normal earphones, where as the w800 comes with a 512mb memory card, wirelesss headphones and flight mode where you can use the MP3 Player and camera when the phone is off to save a lot of battery as the MP3 Player can then last up to 20hrs instead of 15 when the phone is on! But for the D750 it is the same as the K750 but has the design of the W800 but not sure if it comes with standered headphones or 64MB or 512MB memory card.
- R
- RK
- in$
- 22 Apr 2005
Ah interesting. T68i didnt have recurring events, but T68 did. I know i lost it when i upgrading my T68 firmware to T68i :(
The menu thing makes sense yeah.
The new screen on the 6230i looks good too. 208x208 pixels. Apparently the 3rd clearest display of any phone i think it said on here.
Hmm.. close decision :\ damn damn damn. I might have to flip a coin or something :(
- d
- dxreaper
- Pxv
- 22 Apr 2005
What i dont like about K750i
- No recurring events in calender. WHY did they take this out after the T68??
>>>>>> They have recurring for yearly events. As for monthly or weekly, I'm not sure. I never knew T68i had recurring events.
- Slower menus compared to Nokia. And possible slower SMS writing (if its anything like my current T68i).
>>>>>> Remember, SE's menu has been improved with every generation, from T68i > T610i > K700i and now K750i. One can only expect fast menu. As for typing like T68i, no, it won't be like that. It'll be nice and face (from the videos I've seen)
My question. Can you download a Java application that handles recurrent events? Like setting a recurring alarm+message. Eg. Watch a certain TV show every tuesday at 8:30pm.
>>>>>> You could try setting the events on your Outlook, and sync your phone with it. For one, Sony Ericsson phones syncronise with Outlook flawlessly.
- R
- RK
- in$
- 22 Apr 2005
I only have 2 possible issues with this phone. I have decided to either go with a Nokia 6230i or a SE K750i.
What i dont like about K750i
- No recurring events in calender. WHY did they take this out after the T68??
- Slower menus compared to Nokia. And possible slower SMS writing (if its anything like my current T68i).
What i dont like about 6230i
- Crappier camera.
My question. Can you download a Java application that handles recurrent events? Like setting a recurring alarm+message. Eg. Watch a certain TV show every tuesday at 8:30pm.
- s
- slayer
- 22 Apr 2005
Cool phone from my opinion.. Really can beat Nokia popularation. Keep up the good work. tq