Sony Ericsson K800
- A
- Abbie
- myf
- 27 Jul 2006
Well i get my sonny ericsson today and reading these comments i am sure the phone will be nothing else than simply mind blowing!
- s
- sWapy
- Uqq
- 27 Jul 2006
som 1 plz tell me wats the type of handsfree with k800 or k790. is it HPM-70 ?????? n is the music comparabl 2 W series ???????
- C
- Casper
- nxS
- 27 Jul 2006
So i believe the winner between K800i and N80 is obvious.
- J
- Jonnny C
- mR7
- 27 Jul 2006
it feels more like a camera with a phone attached than the other way around...
- o
- oridus
- 27 Jul 2006
can the video switch to fullscreen??
- S
- 5Fe
- 27 Jul 2006
it's just best mobile phone for now!
- b
- brat0k
- 4yg
- 27 Jul 2006
Did your k800i came with screen protector attached to the screen?
- i
- ickriz
- TC}
- 27 Jul 2006
damn. i want diz! how much is it? diz phone is awsem. i want it! yes! i want dat phone.
- a
- aaron
- Uip
- 27 Jul 2006
OMG I'm saving on this phone too. You have to take my word because my friend just bought it and the photos are just damn HOT. They are so real, the texture, just everything. Beautiful camera phone! Email me when you got time. I want to find a good deal in town and still have yet to! Cheers :)
- k
- koiax
- PU2
- 27 Jul 2006
i really want this phone, saving on it now..
but before i buy this...
just curious, any downpoints for this one?
where can i view sample pictures taken from this phone?
- s
- singapore
- ijx
- 27 Jul 2006
oh by the way...its perfectly ok to use non 3G sim card.....when using a non 3G sim card....u will get the 3G just functions as a normal 2G services...meaning no video calling etc....
- s
- singapore
- ijx
- 27 Jul 2006
had this phone for about a week now....
the picture quality is very very fact i think better than n93 since i had since pictures taken by n93. speed of the phone is reasonably fast....sms and listing to mp3s at the same time....
music quality is good in my opinion...i am using it with a bluetooth stereo headset....its with the wire headsfree is good too.....
only thing is the camera slider...only scared that it will have scratches soon...coz the surface is glossy kind
the rest of the phone seems to be made of fibreglass plastics of some sort...very smooth and nice to touch....
- E
- Ex-K800 User
- F4p
- 27 Jul 2006
Simply a good camera phone but if you need a good video and more functions, go for the N73.
Just sold my k800, still keeping my k750 and looking forward to buy N73.
Btw, Nokia & Se phones are the best on the market...
- k
- khan
- nHJ
- 27 Jul 2006
this nice, but before using set plz tell meok
becoze i want use this set ok
- M
- Mojo Jojo
- Tm%
- 26 Jul 2006
This phone is stupid and the DESIGN is .....
I can make phone better than this one with axe!!!
- S
- Sobo
- Mvf
- 26 Jul 2006
"Wakeup SE Fan" the cellphone dosen't have nothing,only the software,it's cracked or something(upgrade),(see other comments,there are users that say good things about this phone).
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4LM
- 26 Jul 2006
Two Words for this Phone "SIMPLY SUPERB" I bought it from Vision Pcs on harwin TX. Nice People over there.. Check it out or you can order over phone.
- t
- tan_jayne
- F4p
- 26 Jul 2006
any dictionary for this phone? tort of getting but due to poor english.. am looking for a phone with dictionary (other than nokia)
- n
- nick cpw
- M3s
- 26 Jul 2006
just a quick question for the K800i do u have to use a 3g sim to us the phone ?
- W
- Wakeup SE Fan
- vjX
- 26 Jul 2006
I'm also a SE fan, but please don't buy this phone. There's a lot of 'bug'. First the clock size bug. When set to large, you can hardly see the clock, but when set to small, it'll be the same size as the date. Next, is the MP3 player
when you set to second highest volumn, it sucks. You'll start to have those distorting or so call 'cracking' sound. I'd call Sony service center, they said I can't compare W800 and K800, but I think it can't even compare with my K750 either. SICK! REAL DISAPPOINTING. And sometimes, when somebody from your contact list called you, it only shows the number and no name!! For those who considering this phone, please try another option.