Sony Ericsson P910
- L
- Lee
- P7{
- 02 Mar 2005
can't decide btw Treo 650 and Sony P910...which one works better with a Mac...??....please, help me....
- S
- Sony Extremer
- 02 Mar 2005
J, that's not my question. It's Shyam's question. I was asking is this phone is better than o2 XDA Mini & Nokia 7710.
- J
- J
- N}i
- 01 Mar 2005
@ Sony Extremer
The phone does not support a memory card, it supports a Sony memory stick. The capcity it supports is as follows.
P910 supports Memory Stick Duo Pro up to 1GB and Memory Stick Duo up to 128MB
- J
- J
- N}i
- 01 Mar 2005
The P910 can't run microsoft excel, however it has an application called Quickoffice which includes Quickword and Quicksheet. Quickword allows you to view and edit microsoft word documents, while quicksheet allows you to do the same with excel documents. The application itselft isn't microsoft excel though, it is Quicksheet.
- m
- myth
- Px3
- 01 Mar 2005
Can anyone confirm that SE910i can run microsoft exel ?? thanks
- k
- kenji
- jEe
- 28 Feb 2005
the data speed transfer is kinda weak (32 - to 40 kbps), compared to the other new sony ericsson phones (z800, 384 kbps (UMTS)).
is there any software that can upgrade for that?
- m
- mikey
- PNg
- 27 Feb 2005
I think everyone who says anything bad about this handset are the ones who cant afford it!
Dont bag out a fone you have never used before you tight wads! I have the P910i and i have had no dramas with it! cant wait for the next one!
- S
- Sony Extremer
- 26 Feb 2005
Is this phone better than Nokia 7710 & O2 XDA Mini?
- s
- shyam
- Uqq
- 26 Feb 2005
wat about memory card wats the capacity.
- a
- alex
- mjk
- 25 Feb 2005
I want to sae that yours mobile phone are so good but very expensive.
- c
- cabin crew
- P%I
- 24 Feb 2005
i asked one passenger how satisfied he is with the performance of his P910i. he just told me that HE CAN'T SEEM TO SYNC HIS OUTLOOK CALENDAR with his phone. other than that he is satisfied. i asked one captain about this as well and he said he can't seem to do the same. i guess i will wait a little while before i buy this model. good thing my order on the net was void because there was a problem with the requirements.
- k
- keaton
- i%s
- 23 Feb 2005
if u guys think that this phone doesn't hv a gd camera, then u all should buy a digital camera since nobody will use "cell-phone" to capture picture and print it. i think SE P910 beats all the phone from any company.
- C
- CainanUK
- mCS
- 23 Feb 2005
I absolutely LOVE this phone. Yes, it is a bit bulky, but once I got used to that, I find this handset to be great. I have a 512 mb memory card in it and have loads of mp3's and piccies on the card. A totally use all the features, and I even really dig on the handwriting recognition, as I suck at texting. I think some people are just never happy. It is a really good phone.
- M
- Michael
- in$
- 23 Feb 2005
ra ra ra ra...why is it that S.E is so intent on cramming as much as they can into a unit with total disregard for current/previous faults? You'd think that p800 faults would have been addressed. Example? aight, with the p800, when you "opened" a menu item, ie, calender, you had no option to "close" that item. ie: file>close. So the whatever you opened sat in open status and ate up valuable RAM, which is why ALL the p series get slower as you use them!! to prove this, download a neat little task manager from and next time you run the task manager, you'll see everything that you have already used is still open in the background. There is virtually no way to close say, messages. To "exit" an application/item you simply hit the menu button...which is just "minimizing" the application really. This is not an issue with a normal phone. But running a Symbian environment means these phones can multitask, just like windows. So it's essential to have an option to "close" a menu item.
- R
- Riad Moucarry
- Ssg
- 21 Feb 2005
Hello all,
I have the P910a, since about one month I have the problem which is; when the battery reachs about the 50%, the indicator starts showing empty and the phone keeps working.
Anybody knows the reason and the cure?
- m
- mitchell
- jJR
- 20 Feb 2005
an someone tell me how to flash my bios on my p900 sony ericsson
- A
- Alex
- PFy
- 20 Feb 2005
p900 n p910i use philips camera brand. it is suck.
- A
- A Doubtful Enquirer
- mCi
- 19 Feb 2005
Hello dear readers,
I have a question to ask if I may. I'd like to change my mobile phone. My old Samsung A200 does not meet my present needs. Besides the modern features of a mobile phone,
I really need an excellent English-to-English dictionary always with me.
Do you think I can download such a dictionary into Sony Ericsson P910i? Would it be a wise choice? Would the system lend itself to such use?
- a
- a sensible view poin
- m2p
- 19 Feb 2005
if you think that the p910i is ugly and then the 7710 isnt there is something really wrong with you i own both the p910i is far better and the screen isnt as good as the p910i its onli a 65k on the 7710 and its huge use ur common sense if your gonna post an opinion on this website your just tryin to promote the 7710 cause ur in denial cause u dont like ur 7710 whoevr the person with no name is below me i know cause i dont like mine that much and no one will take it cause they all think its a brick and that its ugly
- ?
- Anonymous
- mIn
- 19 Feb 2005
I think its really ugly and the camera is bad. Buy the Nokia 7710 instead its much better.