Sony Ericsson P990

Sony Ericsson P990

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • dr pg
  • Pxx
  • 11 Jul 2006

hei patel who told you that n70 doesnot support outside softwares? It supports more more...than your p910. Go get it. Its much more good than p910.

    • D
    • D.G.Patel
    • U2H
    • 11 Jul 2006

    i am using p910i, its nice phone. now i am tired with p910 & looking something new i was thuinking that it will be found in p990i but now i tired waiting for it now today i am going to purchage nokia N 70. some one told me N series do not support any out side applications is it true.? can any body tell me.?

      • Q
      • Qazi
      • y@3
      • 11 Jul 2006

      Just a little add on to the list i provided yesterday. remember P990 does not have edge and a couple of the phones on my list have both edge and 3g. maybe edge is not important for every one but still it is for some.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PFM
        • 11 Jul 2006

        Finally SE P990i make it ways on the couple of weeks. Such a long wait. Hope the price is not too expensive.

          • K
          • KRl0$
          • Qui
          • 11 Jul 2006

          If Skype is available for Symbian OS 9/S60 3rd Edition please smile, it can be changed to UIQ in a very little time(no more than 5 minutes!) to Symbian OS 9/UIQ 3.1 in C++, in the other side if you have some Symbian OS 7/UIQ 2.1 programs you can change them to Symbian OS 9/UIQ 3.1, but is a bit more complicated because of stability, you must change many commands that were for The v.7 so it may be a complicated work. I know that the users of Symbian OS 7/UIQ 2.1 will be very sad to know this as I do, but buying the same programs adapted to Symbian OS 9/UIQ 3.1 will not be that bad, since the program companies started very early this new programs will be very stable and will be full features, so lets try to welcome Symbian OS 9.

            • U
            • UPDAquest
            • QUa
            • 10 Jul 2006

            Yes, I must agree this SE P990 is an impressive smartphone. It's got everything I could want except an integrated GPS solution that was (much earlier) rumored for this P910 successor (aka P1000).

            mjNt, see MSRn's reply about the FS LOOX T830. Though minus the RDS FM radio of the P990, the T830 comes close and includes an integrated SIRFstar III GPS solution. However, again, do agree that P990 appears to be more refined in that it has 240 x 320 256K display (vs. T830's 240x240 65K) and has nice touches like camera lens protection, flight mode, and even backlighting of the keys. Also, handwriting recognition is explicitly included. Does anyone know if T830 plans to have something like that or is it separate software add-on?

            Aside from this (and a little off topic), has anyone tried out skype with any success? There's some teasing references of Skype On Symbian Series 60 but then find a response like this from ?!? It would be sweet (imho) to have skype working with the P990's WiFi. TIA.

              • A
              • Ahmad
              • iFr
              • 10 Jul 2006

              HOT NEWS ! P990 delayed becuase they will use Symbian OS 10.0 instead of 9.1 , and they are trying to produce it in big quantitye to cover that shortage happened in old P900/P910 models and to provide more spare parts .
              That what I heard from a trusted party

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • n$G
                • 10 Jul 2006

                i totally agree with you midexus!!
                Be ready....the first p990 retail packages will be out at the end of next week!

                  • m
                  • midexus
                  • 2mj
                  • 10 Jul 2006

                  First of all a quick introduction: I broke my P910i but had insurance. Because the P990i wasn't out yet, I got (yes, i know, I'm going to be flamed), the Nokia N80.
                  Don't get me wrong, it's a nice phone, and it's tiny. HOWEVER. There is a really big reason that the N80 was released so early compared to the 990i: Software.
                  Modern Symbian phones aren't a walk in the park to program. The OS complexity could be compared to that of Windows or OS X in many ways, yet without the niceities of high-level programming languages. What point am I getting at? The Nokia N80 is FULL, and I mean full, of software bugs. This thing appears to have a mind of it's own. You want to listen to music while browsing the web? Be prepared for the track to randomly stop playing for no reason at all. On the phone to someone? Be prepared for bits of the screen to disappear or go green and fuzzy.
                  This is a nice phone, however, the software sucks. I remember getting the P800 as it was released. I'm used to being an early adopter, and having to deal with some instability, and while it wasn't perfect, it didn't often fail me. The P910i was perfect. Next to no crashes at all, and oft-released firmware I could upgrade myself.
                  The N80 on the other hand... Software that might as well have been written by an arthritic monkey, packaged in a nice form factor.
                  Oh, and firmware upgrades? Erm, yeah... you have you have to send your phone off to Nokia, which I can't do as my business and work in general would grind to a halt.
                  A note to Sony Ericsson: I don't care if you release the P990i three years late, because it will be bug-free, won't break, and will be tested thoroughly before release, the meaning of which Nokia seem to be unaware of. To those of you winging about the delays, quit it. The wait will be worth it.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Px{
                    • 10 Jul 2006

                    i think the phones listed by qazi 3 post down lack either something or the other from se p990 even nokia n 80 but does not have a touchscreen. some of them are not 3g, no touchscreen, no radio,if we r going to pay huge amount as it is for the phone why not go for the whole package. except jasjar comes close to p990 but my personal opinion, its bigger than se and i would rather go for a phone which is a pda than a pda which is a phone.hey just a personal opinion qazi i am not saying you are wrong or something buddy cheers.

                      • d
                      • Pxx
                      • 10 Jul 2006

                      hi armin i think you are a new comer. Se p990i is not launched yet. How can anyone say about the sound of it...

                        • M
                        • Mr D London UK
                        • Mqf
                        • 10 Jul 2006

                        I am so glad we don't have to pay these prices in the UK. With a contract from Orange, they are giving me the phone for £100, how cool is that.

                          • I
                          • Ivan
                          • nsJ
                          • 10 Jul 2006

                          I am fed up of waiting it!

                            • Q
                            • Qazi
                            • y@3
                            • 10 Jul 2006

                            Friends there are quite a few models out there (Symbian + Windows Mobile) which i think compete with this device and will be a lot reasonable on the pocket. (P990 pre order price is 1245 $ )
                            you might want to check these out

                            1. Nokai E70, Price 636 $

                            2. Imate K-Jam, Price 793 $

                            3. Nokia E61. Price 400 $

                            4. Eten M600+, Price 756 $

                            5. And Imate JASJAR, price 1180 $

                              • a
                              • armin
                              • mjN
                              • 10 Jul 2006

                              please tell me about sound of p990 and

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Px{
                                • 10 Jul 2006

                                this is for slk 55 who wrote quote(The design of this p990 is kind of old fashion and backdated already as it's since. Everyday there's more and more new model and it's highly high fashion coming on, to the market... i scared when it's officially here, it's too old fashion and model.)
                                dear sir pls tell me which other models which comes even close to se in features,software and design pls name couple of phones which has the design that is the flip form which is by the way removeable.pls sir name a phone.i dont think any phone comes close to this i am not a se fan currently using nokia 6630 but waiting for this phone.this so called old fashion design is very innovative you can go candybar if you want on this or flip it this design seperates p series from other models.pls name the so called new models which comes close to it in terms of design, software and features including touchscreen,res,and all the works and which are these high fashion phones?i think this phone with the flip on is a fashion statement in itself of course combining with the features.if you think otherwise pls give me the names of the models so that even i can chech it out.

                                  • S
                                  • SHaKeeL
                                  • PGh
                                  • 10 Jul 2006

                                  I m using P-series thats good P800 was very good and nice set after that P900>P910 thats all very good once i sold my P910 then me realise that was my mistake then again bought that set SE is delaying to launch P990 i think so that will b good for us Month ago me bought N91 thats nothing but only of music Themes bugs in it no software available for N91 and also not compatiable with N91 now i m using since from 2years P910 no at problem at all so I Love SE and hope so that set also will b good for us no doubt in that P series is P series

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • F4p
                                    • 10 Jul 2006

                                    Yesterday I checked with local SE, they had confirmed that there were a Beta version of P990i all around the world (not only in Iran). These version is to gain some feedback from comsumer before the original version coming out later (in August). They advise NOT to buy these Beta version first to avoid any inconvenience cause.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PFM
                                      • 10 Jul 2006

                                      We've hit Q2 and the P990i is still not out and there is also no release date information from the SE website.

                                      I guess that the P990i is still full of bugs and SE does not want to officially put a Q3 release date.