Sony Ericsson S500
- ?
- Anonymous
- 46g
- 23 Jan 2008
for about $10 you can order a replacement keypad and replace it yourself relatively easily. it's pretty nice, I had a mysterious green keypad, keys cracked, so i ordered a silver keypad, swapped it in, and it's as sexy as the day i bought it. just for those who are only scared about the cracked keys.
- C
- Ck
- TC}
- 23 Jan 2008
erm..izit the keypad reli will crack easily??? how if i put on protector?? will it better???
- K
- Kim@tobago
- M@T
- 23 Jan 2008
This fone is kool x cept 4 d key i lov the games but wen i play the keys crack can some 1 tel me a good fone 4 games i lov that
- ?
- Anonymous
- jIw
- 23 Jan 2008
hahahaha i think the keypad cracking this only happens if u get ur phone for a certain country
well i hav had this phone since September and none of my keypad have cracked and i like text alot that all i basically use on my phone is the text and i see no problem with the phone i hav also had firend who hav this phone too and none of there key pad cracks
so i guess its just depends on where they make the phone from and where they ship the new good ones too like my phone is made in asia cuz all the language that are on it is like english, malaysian, chinese, filpino and vietnamese
well btw im from canada and i got my phone from a asian imported phone store
- ?
- Anonymous
- jJR
- 23 Jan 2008
Fist of all, yes Nic,it does have lights at the side like the w580. Now, im practically dreaming about having this fone, but hearing about cracking keypads are making me change my mind. In barbados, this fone is like one of the best on market with an affordable price. Please update me on SE fixing their "keypad massacre" problem
- b
- beoda
- B%p
- 22 Jan 2008
finally back for a FINAL update! STAY AWAY FROM THIS PHONE!!! its great at first. but ive had mine for 6 months now, all the keys finally cracked. it doesnt matter what color they are (i got the spring yellow), they WILL crack. also the phone is slower than it used to be and i have 12mb memory on my phone still cuz i store everything on a M2 stick. the space/# key is messed up. i have to push it 4-5 times for it to work and i cant hold it to turn silent mode on/off anymore. everytime i try to it just dials ######## until i let go.
i want to sell this thing and get a new phonoe
- G
- Glenn
- 5Fj
- 22 Jan 2008
Great phone. It' simple, easy to use, light weight. BUT... I got one in November 2007 and the 1, 4 and 7 keys cracked just recently. Didn't really bother me much but. Hard to even notice that they were cracked. But now my phone is completely dead. I sent a message, put it in my pocket, 30 minutes later went to check my phone and it was off. Tried taking the battery out etc etc, still wont turn on but. Unfortunatly I bought the phone off EBay from Hong Kong, so im not sure about warranty.
- f
- flameboy
- fuW
- 21 Jan 2008
well, i just got my S500i today and i must say i am pleased. great concept, nice design.....and lots more! but i would be disappointed to see the keypad crack.
- V
- Vince Mango
- q}H
- 21 Jan 2008
Hey guys and girls,
I just want to know if thee buttons stop functioning once their cracked? because ive scene the cracked buttons and thats not a problem at all i think...:S do they still work tho?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2G$
- 21 Jan 2008
hi ive had this fone for 6 months and the keys havnt cracked yet! if u are thinking on getting this fone do it! i assure you by now the key problem has been rectified by now! i am a satisfied user of this phone and dont be afraid to get it!
- m
- me
- 21 Jan 2008
this phone sux....the keypad make me angry coz always crack
- D
- Dan
- paJ
- 20 Jan 2008
Hey guys, please let me know where i can get good flash themes for this phone thanks, gr8 fone btw! ;):D
- K
- Karen
- Rn@
- 20 Jan 2008
I got my s500i for christmas with 1yr warranty with Bmobile and in 3weeks 3 keys cracked, I really love this phone and wen i took it bac to Bmobile the CSR told me warranty is for manufactor purpose only and she voided my warranty "News Flash It's Ah Manufactor Problem" I work in ah bmobile store so i can get my phone change, but wat about normal customers? Come on Sony Ericsson Phones manufacturers you'll can do better dan dat considering its ah multy billionair company make ah stronger keypad
- N
- Nic
- M3s
- 20 Jan 2008
Does anyone know or can anyone who has it tell
me if it has the lights at the side like
the w580 does????
- N
- Nic
- M3s
- 20 Jan 2008
Great lookin phone but no flash or auto focus
like my w610i?!!i love these features!!
- R
- Ronald Pai
- vCE
- 20 Jan 2008
It's a good phone but I really don't think the stand by battery life is 370 hours (15 days) as it says on the page. My phone dies on me after a day. It's a great phone, and no it's not a woman's phone.
- c
- chris
- Pxv
- 20 Jan 2008
this is the phone that cracks. it is supposed to crack. all round the world, the phone has to crack sometime, at the most it will have to crack in a year
- ?
- Anonymous
- pkt
- 19 Jan 2008
I have one question....this is a phone for women? :-s I want to buy it....but it looks like a women phone
- m
- mirae11
- TKa
- 19 Jan 2008
i buy my s500 on 16122007 but AP- never know..u know wat..i really like its feature..its the light,the design..small..but then i realize that the key pad i crack after i'm using it for only 3 days!!i'm so upset and u know wat i send to the place that i buy the phone,they say no warranty for the keypad..its nonsence..
i try to send the phone to chg the keypad at sony shop,its rm80 ifu want to chg..waaa
i just love this phone and want it to ,look more thing,the screen cover is not center..weird eh...
- p
- pep
- RbH
- 18 Jan 2008
Sony admitted that there are problems with the keypads. Just return to youre dealer and send it off to repair. In Holland they make it under gurantee, and till now the phones I sende for repair (Im a dealer) came back with repaired keypads and so far no one came back again cause they broke again.
Further I think its a nice (but women) phone. Nice features, nice design, nice camera.
Overall (not thinking about breaking keypads) a nice and good phone!