Sony Ericsson T610
- x
- xXx
- 16 Jul 2003
in Indonesia 7650 memory could be upgraded to 128 Mb, how about this phone..?
how about add. aplications...???
somebody plz answer my question.
- M
- 15 Jul 2003
PC is better? PC is cheaper, so nearly everyone can buy it. But better ? Ever installed hardware or software on a MAC ?? Your argues are ridicolous. You are using a PC, let me guess, with the gratest installable virus: "WINDOWS", right ??
PS: I use a PC at home too, because can't afford a mac. I only support macs in my company...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Jul 2003
Nokia producing their own stuff? Explains why it sucks =P
That's why SE is better. Look at the PC and Mac. Sure, people might argue Mac are better, but we all know PC is still the best. Why? They get companies who specialised in a certain parts and get it from them. We all know those companies who are Jack of All Trades are normally master of none.
- O
- Ola Ta Sfazw
- 14 Jul 2003
All phone manufactures have factories for research and development in china.who wouldn't? Big market, cheap employments...But Nokia's 40% of phones made in Europe.Also Nokia developing own processors and software (platform 60) and SE left this job to others ,low cost, manufacturers.
- k
- kababoom
- 14 Jul 2003
well not true at least for what i know Nokia is now made in china as well
- O
- Ola Ta Sfazw
- 14 Jul 2003
Good features but cheap chipset.Ericsson sold the processors section for saving money to keep the misfanction section of phones...So now SE buying processors from who knows..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Jul 2003
But then, if something that is coming out of China has better quality than Nokia which are made in where ever?....
Well, for a China phone, the T610 sure has some good quality... on the exterior...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Jul 2003
since sony ericsson is being manufactured in China it cannot be good phone, China tries to put minimum cost in production, so 3rd rate components are used in all the mobile with lable ( MADE IN CHINA )
- x
- xXx
- 13 Jul 2003
What about the feature of this handphone?
downloadable like nokia...???
from symbian 6.0 like camera fx, photo fun, etc....?
- W
- What else?
- 13 Jul 2003
What else is good on that phone? =)...
- C
- Camera
- 13 Jul 2003
Even a low-budget phone like the Sagem MY-X6 (which looks very similar !!) has a better camera :-))
- T
- Terminator
- 12 Jul 2003
Don't listen to Hunter, you'll be dissapointed. Even looking at him/her you'll be dissapointed that some lady can give birth to a brainless moron like this. You want good camera? It can't get any better than the T610 for a small package. Sure, the 3650/P800 has better camera. But look at the size of those lense, not to mention the size of the phone.
- H
- Hunter
- 12 Jul 2003
This phone it looks like a brick,It sounds like shit,doesn`t have a good camera and doesn`t have a handsfree speaker.Why the hell SE did this phone whit this no good camera?I don`t know but i will change it whit the Motorola V600 when it will come on the market.Don`t buy it.You will be disapointed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jul 2003
No as it is harder for them to estimate. The T610 has three way of connecting to a computer. Cable, IR and Bluetooth.
Some might like a cable, while others has a laptop and wouldn't pay for the cable or bluetooth as they have IR while others alreayd have or would like Bluetooth.
For the V200, there's only one way, Cable. So everyone will be using a cable to connect the V200 to the computer therefore it's simpler for Samsung to just throw in a cable.
The T610 can transfer pictures to PDA or any other devices that can receive.
- N
- None
- 10 Jul 2003
Do you have a data cable to download pics and ringtones into t610 as they do in v200? is it included or u need to buy it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 10 Jul 2003
This are some parts I would like the phone to be improved one till it becomes the perfect phone..
-Good RF
-Longer bluetooth range (to match my usb adapter of 100m)
-Screen that works under the sun (at the moment, no colour displays does)
-Louder ringtones (it's already louder than Nokias, but still not adequet)
-More memory (like 16mb, 2mb is way too small)
-faster OS.. which might be impossible of any phone with this many features and quality...
What I like about this phone..
- Good screen... not as good as Samsung lastest headsets, but still v.good.
- Good quality polyphonic (play a midi on your soundblaster live equipped computer and turn down the bass.. that's what this phone sounds like.
- Very good user interface (menu)
- Good 'My Shortcut' menu where you can set your own menus there
- The way the phone handles i-report is superb
- Mophun games rocks!.. much better than any Java
- High class design, not a toy..
- Good metal finishing..
- Keypad's backlight lights up the keypad evently
- Good pricing when compared to V200 and 7250
- Good connectivity... can send all your contacts to a PDA and received too.. can send almost anything in the phone from Themes, Ring Tones, Numbers, Pictures and so on
- Themes just rocks, can change the look of the phone...
Things I miss from the T68i
- Estimated battery life
- LED indecator (Green and Blue)
- M
- Malik's
- 10 Jul 2003
Hello guys who are using this hand set, honestly tell how do you like it ?
- R
- Robert Mckeown
- 09 Jul 2003
I really enjoy using my new t610, the camera is really detailed and makes a mockery of the 7250!!
- D
- 07 Jul 2003
Yeah, I guess. But then, if you look at even some of Olympus zoomless value camera, they have 2 mega pixels and it's very tiny also. But I'm sure you know that a camera's lense needs some depth also with diameter. Just imaging the T610 with a good quality lense. Even the 3650 with that large lense doesn't give very good results when compared to a camera. But then again, it's a phone. Not saying that it's bad or anything, but no matter how good technology might be, still the limits of analogue stuff really limits the quality. A lense can be only so small and provide good quality images, which is large for a phone like the T610. Look at SE's communicam, it takes up the whole depth of the T68i. If you had that on the T610, you must consider the fact that the screen also needs some depth and stuff like that. The results? P800/3650/7650. But this also comes to a phone.. Sagem... that I havn't seen in real life and havn't seen the depth and all of the camera.. so no comments, but it's decent i guess if it's same size with other phones within it's class.. if i classified it correctly with the T610/V200/7250.
- @
- @gmx
- 06 Jul 2003
I know. My 5 Mpixel Camera makes nice pictures. The price of the camera is three times a phone.
But i will not always carry it with me. But my phone. When i make a snapshot, isn't it usefull to have a better resolution? It is a fact, that a big part of the phone (software, hardware, weight, price etc.) consists of the camera. So it is an important part of the camera. It is not e.g. a build in game. They could make the phone much cheaper, smaller etc. without the camera.
But i know, it is a sony. And not a Sagem, Nokia, Siemens. And therefore the camera is only a gimmick. Really ??