Sony Ericsson T610
- M
- Moses Odhiambo ondig
- 07 Apr 2003
This phone really rocks!!!!! i really don't mind the price coz the features are worth it...
- L
- Leo Laporte
- 06 Apr 2003
What's up with SONY buttons? There are far too small and difficult to depress. I hope they fix that, otherwise this thing will be diffcult to operate. (I'll echo the other poster, the Z1010 looks better, if for nothing else the buttons..)
- T
- 30 Mar 2003
Well i think t610 is cool! but i still go for Z1010, its a 3G phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Mar 2003
Why compare it with 7250?That phone is just a peanut compared with T610.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Mar 2003
dosn't the t500 look like every other boiled sweet of a flip phone made by anybody? isn't it better to have one which stands out?
- V
- Victor
- 28 Mar 2003
Get my life then Samsung T500 rules!!!! Lamers
- T
- Tomas
- 27 Mar 2003
It´s available in may (week.20) in sweden....
i just can´t wait :]
- ?
- Anonymous
- 25 Mar 2003
You all talk like you what you are talking about! I mean come on, the phone hasn't even been released yet. Why don't you wait to flame it till you've actually tried it out and decided that it really does suck. Also on a side note if you don't like the looks of a phone that's fine don't bother with it; but that's really not a reason to complain. Post if you have something useful to say, otherwise shutup!
- S
- 24 Mar 2003
you have just proven youre iq nick.hahahaha
- M
- ME
- 24 Mar 2003
I bought that to my litle 4v brother. Good toilet paper too.
- j
- johnny
- 23 Mar 2003
if you don't know nokia is from finland and finland is against the war and against the united states of america that also counts for sonyericsson which is from sweden,sweden is against the war and against america
- ~
- ~tiramisu24~
- 21 Mar 2003
does this phone have a picture phonebook?
- C
- Chaz
- 21 Mar 2003
Johnny? who's johnny. Are you taking the mick takeshi? I really hope you are. I just can't read that last message without thinking that you are. If not, however, just think what we could do with that £46,000,000,000.
- c
- caff
- 20 Mar 2003
You can try the T610 here !! Really cool !!
- M
- Moosa
- 20 Mar 2003
Someone please tell me which is the smallest colour screen cell phone with built in camera on the market today?
- K
- Kerem
- 17 Mar 2003
TFT color only makes the screen look brighter and more vivd colors.However,it cant make a 4096 color screen make it look better than a 65K color scren display.In terms of photo quality 65K will look better even with STN than a 4096 TFT!!!End of story..
- s
- socrates
- 16 Mar 2003
i checked again at for 7250 and what i see is that it sais that it has 3.5mb dynamic memory if you don't believe go look forf yourself!
- T
- 15 Mar 2003
CS wrote:T610 STN Screen resolution is very bad although it has 65K color. A 4K TFT screen is anytime better. Also the 2M memory is a share memory.
4098 K better than 65.565 K jou must by kidding CS.
TFT is indeed better than STN,but color no. 65.565 collor screen agains 4098 color screen is a big different.
- c
- cs
- 15 Mar 2003
T610 STN Screen resolution is very bad although it has 65K color. A 4K TFT screen is anytime better. Also the 2M memory is a share memory.
- k
- koko10un
- 15 Mar 2003
did have arabic language ?? or not