Sony Ericsson W300

Sony Ericsson W300

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • shawn
  • R70
  • 05 Nov 2006

i had bought the phone (w300)like around july and jus the other day i was on the phone talkin to my mother then when i hung up from her i went to make another call. Such a coincidence when i took the phone out of my pocket it had apparently been showin a blank screen , the phone had not drop or anything so i jus wanna know why is the phone actin in such a way , to be onest i dont think that ericsson`s company takes time and put together there phone they start doing the weirdest times sometimes , i cud tall u that cause its the second ericson that ive had in my lifetime so guys ull please do a better job on the phones pleaes or ull are goin to loose a very great customer and (by the way i took the phone to be exchange and they were saying that they cant exchange it)

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TRj
    • 05 Nov 2006

    can sumone giv me a website where i can get free ringtones and GAMES because i accidentally resetted the phone. originally it had NEOPETS lmfao, and these two other games. how old do the SE staff think we are?? i mean NEOPETS??? Seriously does anyone know a site with good cellphone games? this is my first phone EVER and i love it besideds the fact that the games suk

      • b
      • balvioney
      • PBY
      • 05 Nov 2006

      do w300i have good picture quality?? because from what i know, it only have VGA... is it still fine? doesn't it hang or turn itself off like 6111?? i'm confuse :( i like this phone when it is close but i dont like the way the pads are arranged... is it easy to use? where can you buy this phone in the philippines at only 9500 pesos?? thanks a lot!!

        • y
        • yaz
        • PN8
        • 05 Nov 2006

        OMG! I'm getting this phone in 1 month 1 week and 2 days or something like that. My friend has this phone and he said its excellent and yes it comes with that cord thingy that you plug into your computer to do the song thing. The music quality is good but the camera aint that great but still if you ask me, I say GO FOR IT! and BUY IT! it is now down from $280 to $200 bargain!!

          • S
          • Sam in SL
          • Uiw
          • 05 Nov 2006

          Hey willing to buy SE W300i soon.iv never used a SE phone before..but were one told me that SE phones are NOT USER that true??? Is it worthy for money?

            • j
            • jmg
            • Rxc
            • 04 Nov 2006

            i've used a w550 but unfortunately it got lost last june. i'm using a moto c261 now and it really sucks! the battery charge lasts only for 2 days (that's with the phone turned off during midnight).

            i just want to tell you guys that sony ericsson phones, especially the ones having the battery model BST-37, are the best when it comes to battery charge life. the charge lasts for 3-4 days (as i have experienced from my lost phone).

            now i'm planning to buy a w300. it only costs 9500 pesos (about 200 USD) here in the Philippines. that's really cheap for a phone with a satisfactory screen quality (TFT LCD; 128x160 pixels; 262k colors supported), bluetooth, and most of all, super high quality music playing with its earphones (actually you can use any 3.5mm earphones/headphones) or even with its loudspeaker (although not stereo-chanelled unlike w550). what's more nice is that the memory is expandable (by the way, it's only w300 which offers a 256mb memory card in that price tag). the only drawback is the 0.3 megapixel camera (VGA; 640x480 pixel images are yielded). this phone supports graphic themes. you can download free themes for this phone from

            it's very nice that sony ericsson offers this phone with a cheap price but with the features of the expensive ones. i really like the walkman brand (the original name for portable music players, it's not iPod!). finally, it's again revived through SE phones. it's on the streets again kicking asses! :)

              • A
              • ATUL SAROHA
              • RK4
              • 04 Nov 2006

              ya it's good to purchase it,but i have some problems in his software .
              in my phone screansaver once set can not be none.
              in radio more disturbance occurs.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 2C8
                • 04 Nov 2006

                Just some advice to theperson that cant chose what phone to buy.

                Never ever buy the 6111!!!!!!!!!
                If u dont want to end up regretting it then buy the w300i.wat the hell can u do with 23 mb memory.w300i comes with 256mb card and 20 mb built quality is nearly the same as ericsson w300i is much much better in everyway nearly.You can do everything on this phone.Buy this im telling u man,it is way better.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • njY
                  • 04 Nov 2006

                  Nokia 6111 is not worth a dime from what I hear. This is a fantastic phone. But go with what your heart desires. I always do.

                    • N
                    • NAG
                    • Uqq
                    • 03 Nov 2006

                    This phone is amazing!! but camera quality is too low..can i upgrade? and i'd like to know is there any software to protect the content in my iwanna secure some photos and video clips is there any way to protect that? iwant to put some password to open those files? is it possible? plz help me..

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • TRj
                      • 02 Nov 2006

                      can sumone giv me a website where i can get free ringtones and games for my cellphone??

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 2C8
                        • 02 Nov 2006

                        Hi all
                        Ill answer some questions.

                        Firstly this phone is much better than lg m6100.MY very close friend has one and the screen is micro-scopic.There is no point in having a good camera if you cant see anything.The buttons are very very cramped on the lg m6100 also.It is hard to navigate through the phone.The sony ericsson w300i has a large screen to view full web pages,perfectly good sized videos in full screen mode,navigate through the phone with its stylish lay out of the buttons,large and easy to press.The camera isnt as bad as ppl say it is,u can view the pictures perfectly.
                        You can view full screen videos,watch them in slow motion,full edit and customize your videos into anything,take multy shots of what your watching on the screen etc.Walkman phones are very loud also with superior sound can minimize applications and open them up in 30 seconds,5 minutes or at the end of the day again,your choice of timings.With both infrared (which lg m6100 does not have) and bluetooth it makes it easier to send files.with and expandable card slot u can put full movies in mp4 downloaded from torrentz or lime wire when ever u want in full screen.I have watched "you got served","Simpsons season 1-6", "ice age 2", "like mike 2" and futurama seasons 1-4 on my phone in 3gp format,not all together though,i deleted one then added another.I have watched them at school,during trips etc...and they have been in good quality and very easy to see.
                        So in essence the sony ericsson has plenty more stuff the lg m6100 doesnt.Therefore it makes a better choice.

                        As for the camera query...The camera is much much much better than 3220's camera,i know becuase i have that phone but it broke.The camera is like 2 times better than what a motorola v3 razr would take pictures as.It is very clear and everything is very much visible.For me the camera is not a problem.

                        bye all,i hope i helped

                          • .
                          • .:||| BaBy D' |||:.
                          • P@d
                          • 02 Nov 2006

                          i've heard about this phone and it looks cool. the only thing i don't like about it is the keypads. the inside look. outside looks great. i wish the keypads were different. if you were to buy a phone, which phone would it be? Nokia 3230 or Sony Ericsson W300i?

                            • r
                            • riz
                            • 2CD
                            • 02 Nov 2006

                            i love the look, and colour. it has all the features i am wanting and i wouldnt hesitate to buy it straight away!

                              • G
                              • Greg
                              • YdL
                              • 31 Oct 2006

                              Kristy...Yes, the data cord comes with the phone.

                                • S
                                • Sinead
                                • imj
                                • 31 Oct 2006

                                The W300i is available now on Optus Pre-Paird for $199, and I am considering this although I do want a better quality camera. There is also the LG M6100 available from Virgin Pre-Paid for $179. This has a better camera and in my opinion a nicer design, although you can't fit as many MP3's and sounds quality isn't as good as the W300i (W3001 fits around 80 songs, about 25 for M6100) but I won't use it for songs much so I'm not bothered by that.
                                I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on which phone to get?

                                  • K
                                  • Kirsty
                                  • imj
                                  • 31 Oct 2006

                                  Sorry i thought of something else how is the camera compared to that of nokia. I have a 3220 and the camera is bad will it be better than this??

                                    • K
                                    • Kirsty
                                    • imj
                                    • 31 Oct 2006

                                    These have probably been asked before but does this phone come with the usb cable to connect to the computer? and is the camera good? It says it is only VGA i am not too sure if it is what i am looking for. Thanks for any help :)

                                      • i
                                      • iim
                                      • in@
                                      • 30 Oct 2006

                                      i have this phone 2 weeks ago but i don't know how to setting the GPRS

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Uip
                                        • 28 Oct 2006

                                        How do you play the clips that u put onto the W300 Via Bluetooth?