Sony Ericsson W300
- v
- vlado
- m{j
- 22 Mar 2006
See this
It is writen
"Camera VGA - VGA standard camera"
It will be good if it is 1,3MP but i dont think so!!! We will see. :)
- j
- jechu316
- PdB
- 21 Mar 2006
confirmed, w300 is a 1.3 megapixel camera, if u dun believe me then ce this review ^_^
- z
- za3bolla
- 21 Mar 2006
this a sport and modern phone
- f
- farhan
- jcX
- 21 Mar 2006
i don't know why people mixing things up? It has vga camera only which is nice (in my opinion) and if they are thinking about changing it with MP, then I will not buy this phone, thats for sure.
- V
- Vlado
- m{j
- 20 Mar 2006
It doesn't have a MP camera!!! It is only VGA!!! See the SE site!!! U will find out... :)
- r
- rokr@nokia
- PF}
- 20 Mar 2006
finally they have realized
it is conFirmed that da fone has 1.3MP camera
so this makes it far better than the
dull w550
- ?
- Anonymous
- PTp
- 20 Mar 2006
people dont be fooled it has 1.3mp camera not a dumb vga cam
- v
- vl
- m{j
- 20 Mar 2006
It will be reliced in April, May or June!!!(secoond quatter)!!! I think at the end of May
- M
- Marcus
- PyW
- 20 Mar 2006
Oh dear, can't anyone understand that this is a budget phone. This is for people who wants a phone and walkman.The camera is just a side function. If you want a better quality photo go get a w800i. Nobody's stopping you.
- K
- Kenny
- ibb
- 20 Mar 2006
Quatter 2? What month is Q2?
- V
- Vlado
- m{j
- 20 Mar 2006
Q2 = second quatter
- H
- Hermione
- n9G
- 19 Mar 2006
Is it possible to use the mp3 player and not the phone part? Thinking about using it on planes.
- H
- Harris
- 43E
- 19 Mar 2006
yo elwood, if you think that then why don't you go back to the startacs and buy yourself a 1 gig mp3 player eh?
- U
- Umair
- ijp
- 19 Mar 2006
Wht. about camera. I was surprised to see a flip phone after a longtime in Sonyericsson. But wht. abt. camera....
- d
- dragosh
- nye
- 18 Mar 2006
camera for w300i (visit
-1,3 mpx , bad quality
-video qcif, bad quality
camera it ain`t so good
- V
- Victor
- iba
- 18 Mar 2006
It will be in the market at Q2, 2006. But what means Q2? when is it actually??? can somebody tell me? pls...
- E
- Elwood
- mVa
- 18 Mar 2006
I agree with farhan, i don't feel the need for a camera on board. For me this is almost the ideal phone. Affordable, radio and up to 1GB of mp3's, long standby and talk time, nice design(it's not a RAZR or a PEBL) and hey, what do u know, it can make calls too. And to all the people talking down to it, there are a lot of phones, there must be one with the specs and design u need. But there's a price to go with that, and to me a difference of at least 100 euro's is a lot (W300 versus W800/810)
- W
- iEL
- 17 Mar 2006
whats the maximum capaicty of this card slot (M2) , and what is its price?
- f
- farhan
- jcX
- 17 Mar 2006
why they have removed camera specifications? Is there any doubt?
- f
- farhan
- jcX
- 16 Mar 2006
come on man, u can have other mobiles from sonnyericsson if u want a high end mobile, this mobile is for low end users, i personally that there shouldn't be any camera at all.