Sony Ericsson W610
- a
- aFsaL WRC
- 2T1
- 08 Oct 2008
hi frnz, i ve been using w610i for d past one yr... itz a good fone. but my speakers volume has come down, so have to hear music thru headfone.
- l
- lrak_nayr
- w0Q
- 07 Oct 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970ei...i bought mine at SM Tayuman for Php 9,800...that was way back February 2008. i also saw one store at SM Fairview, i think stil costs around 9k+++...
- ?
- Anonymous
- mCS
- 07 Oct 2008
i had this phone for about 6 months and it was great until i droped it and it couldnt get through to the satilight and the bluetooth stoped working but apart from that lol a great phone
- f
- farhan
- 2AY
- 07 Oct 2008
ah i used this mobile only for a month and it causes alot of problem the main problem is it restarts again and again after one or two weeks and it really disappoints me and now i am not willing to use the craps se mobiles
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdx
- 01 Oct 2008
used this phone for less than an year, overall, a great pretty budget phone but recently, the phone had a problem, i presume a software problem and i couldnt seem to receive calls as a connected to headset icon kept on showing up. Taking it back to be repaired under warranty. might have been because, i kept on dropping ths phone accidently.
- S
- Sholaash
- ftQ
- 30 Sep 2008
Am using this phone but suddenly it develop a fault.The bluetooth shutdown itself by turned on till then it was that.may be someone can help out with this little prob.
- T
- Tulasi
- Rnp
- 28 Sep 2008
Plz tell me w610 users!this phn which files are supported 4 mp3?like wma,aac etc.plz answer!
- T
- Tulasi
- Rnp
- 28 Sep 2008
Plz tell me w610 users!this phn which files are supported 4 mp3?like wma,aac etc.plz answer!
- v
- vins
- up7
- 26 Sep 2008
hey guys i bought this phone from singapore after readng all the comments i was very impressed and i bought it. but but but i think theres some problem with this phone.... bass and megabass are totally flat.... only when change to voice or treble i can make out some difference.... i am thinking of updating the software may be then megabass will work... pls can some one help me how to update the software from the net???? i have used w550i and i was very very much impressed by the megabass.... pls help me guys.........thankyou se fan
- m
- munah
- w98
- 26 Sep 2008
i want 2 buy 1 phn can i go for it ? and da prize is equal to 160 Us$ it is da right price plz tell me
- l
- lafayette
- 04{
- 23 Sep 2008
for flash themes and other applications, you may want to visit
- M
- MKanth
- kH@
- 23 Sep 2008
Hi users!good morning!
W610 how to change walkman skins!which type of file downloads cantaining skins.(media player change graphics)
plz tell me!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ycg
- 21 Sep 2008
Victory venky, 19 Sep 2008Hi all w610 users! I want to buy this phone!but one dout!p... moreRar files are opened by a program called Winrar which is very similar to Winzip.
- g
- gideon
- 20 Sep 2008
Victory venky, 19 Sep 2008Hi all w610 users!
I want to buy this phone!but one dout!p... morerar file like zip file. kinda compressed file. there are no soner a100/200 phone that can open rar file..
soner rules!
- W
- W610 User
- QL5
- 19 Sep 2008
I have one in black/orange and it's a pretty good phone. The buttons are not hard to press, at least not for me. Overall it's pretty good phone and for hearing music is awesome(on par with iPods), even though the external speaker is a piece of crap, but who cares? I have mine mine since January and it hasn't given me problems. Another thing, you can't listen to music with headphones while it's charging. the builds feels solid but fragile, so watch for that. If you want one, I'd recommend it, buy it!
- V
- Victory venky
- Rnp
- 19 Sep 2008
Hi all w610 users!
I want to buy this phone!but one dout!plz clarifie that!whats rar files? is this phne supports rar files!advanced thnx frnds!
- f
- fasterw
- wHS
- 15 Sep 2008
- S
- Surimaribo
- M@T
- 14 Sep 2008
Anonymous, 14 Sep 2008I love this phone. I have had it for not over a month and I... moreare the butns hard to pres?do they hurt yr fingr?a few of the w610 hve sealy soft butns and others are a litl bit hard and others hard.the hard ones hurt yr fingr.but it s stil a awsome phne!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PHu
- 14 Sep 2008
I love this phone. I have had it for not over a month and I am still getting used to the keypad but i will soon enough. I love love love the music player, right now I am listening to the radio... SONY ERICSSON RULES!!! best ever!!!
- g
- gideon
- 13 Sep 2008
babpa tja latti, 13 Sep 2008how mny led does ths fone hve...???two LED bulb..