Sony Ericsson W700
- a
- ahoey
- 20 Jul 2006
does anyone knows the camera quality comparison on w700 and w800? like we're already know that w700 didn't have the aoutofocus. just wondering on what the difference. thx
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYR
- 19 Jul 2006
awesome isn't it.
Out of 10....
Design 9, I'd rather have buttons than a joystick but it's works really well.
Features 11 Oozing with top features.
Peformance 10 Hasn't failed yet unlink my old 6230i that reset and crashed all the time.
- n
- nkoss
- fuM
- 19 Jul 2006
guys this issome tight phone,i especially like the resolution and sound output.
- v
- vemou
- Cfh
- 19 Jul 2006
Hey folks,Just got this phone and I wanna admit tht its a fantastic phone with excellent music,camera and ofcourse with the regular phone attributes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYZ
- 18 Jul 2006
w700i has low process and manufacture defect.
On what grounds do you make that wild allegation?
Take your head out of the sand, no way would a phone be released from Sony Ericsson with a defect... come on.
- A
- Alex
- mmS
- 18 Jul 2006
Hi , Its Soon My Birfday And Im Going To Get This Phone .... I Came On Here For Reviews Of The Phone But I Find Loads Of Questions About It Instead ! Whats That All About !!!! Questions Dont Help Me Make A Decision .
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@e
- 18 Jul 2006
wat kind of defect??
- I
- Ivan
- PSk
- 18 Jul 2006
Can this phone record call conversations?
- n
- naeem shakir
- Pxp
- 18 Jul 2006
It has a low score because people are slating the phone, because they wanted quick and faster technology but...
w700i has low process and manufacture defect.
feature are good but stilling...
- ?
- Anonymous
- pY%
- 17 Jul 2006
hasn't been discontinued...
get it at carphone, I did, it's unbranded and unlocked as carphone buy all their handsets STRAIGHT from the MANUFACTURER not the networks. I paid £150 for it on Orange and put my o2 sim in it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mqy
- 17 Jul 2006
does anyone know why this has been discontinued on orange in the uk?? I think its a wicked phone and prefer it to the W800 and W810i
- k
- kerry
- Pxx
- 17 Jul 2006
its the best handet from sony even my girlfriend has a mobile and its rocks it has a 2pic cam and an extandbel memory of 2gb fm radio with video recording upto 1hour it has every thing that a mobile should have this mobile can be conparied with the sonye w800i
- ?
- Anonymous
- pY@
- 16 Jul 2006
download games, runs java applets, it's NOT a smart phone won't run the likes of GPS etc etc.
I use it as a phone and an mp3 player (walkman) surpRIsingly it's FANTASTICALLY awesome at both.
- S
- Shwetanshu
- 2@e
- 16 Jul 2006
wat about softwares??
- ?
- Anonymous
- pY@
- 16 Jul 2006
for the last time there is a 3.5 headphone jack. It's on an attachment that goes onto the bottom of the phone!
You can use any headphones you want! Has A STANDARD 3.5 HEADPHONE JACK!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pY@
- 16 Jul 2006
w700 w800 w810 and k750 all have the same resolutions....
you can use any of their themes on each.
for themes goto esato or mobile9
- s
- sanjay
- 2@q
- 16 Jul 2006
hi friends i have query i want to ask whether extra software can run on this phone.
- n
- nisarg
- 2S}
- 16 Jul 2006
Well it is very nice phone . sound quality is just superb . and yes it is mulstitasking phone . Pictures and mp3s are opening like in PC
- S
- Shwetanshu
- 2@e
- 16 Jul 2006
can we use k750i apps/themes/wallies on this mobile?? i came to know of this site thru orkut:
if not, anyother sites which has apps/themes/wallies for w700i??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@e
- 16 Jul 2006
amr to wav
to convert from wav to mp3 u can use dbpoweramp