Sony Ericsson W700

Sony Ericsson W700

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
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  • 26 Jul 2006

hi,maybe i gonna buy diz cool phone soon. so wat do u guys say? am i shud buy it or not?

    • P
    • Parry
    • w9{
    • 26 Jul 2006

    Hi friends...

    I kindly request you to clear one big confusion i hv at this pt of time. Wat is the difference between w800i and w700i. I love the w800i and was plannin to buy it. But now there's this w700i which is so similar to the w800i and is cheaper too...

    They say that w700i doesnt hv the auto focus facility in its camera as compared to the w800i's and comes with a 256mb card as opposed to w800i's 512mb. Could u pls tell me wats the significance of an autofocus in a camera and wat differnce will its absence make?

    If there r ne more diff, kindly let me know for which i'll be grateful. I gotta buy one of these very soon....

      • A
      • Ashley
      • jCq
      • 25 Jul 2006

      Andrew, the phone comes with a 256mb ms duo and one can use upto 2gb cards or even 4gb cards (not tried). And Ravi, i dont think they are gonna review this phone as it is the same as the w800.....Read the w800 review.....Tata!

        • R
        • Ravi
        • 2WY
        • 25 Jul 2006

        Please review this phine, Nokia 6131 was launched after this and there is an review on that, why there is none on this,.....Plz review it or suggest me which one is better this W700i or 6131...plz.

          • A
          • Andrew
          • PSP
          • 25 Jul 2006

          Hi, I going to buy this phone but how much the memory card can support? It does't writen in the specification.
          Pls advise.thk

            • a
            • aaron
            • TRT
            • 25 Jul 2006

            ok thx for the reply, ashley. I think i am going to luv this phone!0.o

              • A
              • Ashley
              • jCq
              • 25 Jul 2006

              Hehe...Since when did they start selling a music phone without headphones to listen with and a memory card to store music in, aaron? It comes with a 256 mb card and good headphones included duh! ;-)

                • a
                • aaron
                • TRV
                • 25 Jul 2006

                err hi ppl
                i just wanna ask, when i buy this phone, there will be a memory card along with it right? Also, would there be a headphone for listening to the song? Plz reply me coz i really like this phone.

                  • a
                  • atlantisian
                  • pYS
                  • 24 Jul 2006


                  yellowy orange.

                    • A
                    • Atlantisians
                    • pYS
                    • 24 Jul 2006

                    The phone is very well made and just shouts quality at you. Although I feel SE could do with getting rid of the Joystick, nothing wrong with it I just prefer buttons.

                    I don't like the orange colour of the walkman and feel it does not go with the gold phone... Even when you apply one of many dozen themes the walkman feature still remains yellow.

                    Menu is quick and easy to navigate, if you learn the numbers instead you can navigate instantly...

                    File management is fickle, it's very picky on how you position files. All mp3's must be organised in an Artist folder and then Album name. For example Greenday.
                    You'd have greenday folder, american id--t folder, and all the songs listed here. The must be aranged like that in the mp3 folder that the phone places on the memory card. You do not need to use the software and cable provided, I prefer just to hot swap the memory card between phone and card reader on my PC.

                    Call clarity is EXCELLENT, loud and clear reception is always good. Music from the headset is good and so is it from the phone, although not as loud as one would like.

                    Bluetooth and IRDA are excellent and quick. I paired the phone with the computer and activated the "remote control" feature in the phone and could control the mouse on the computer using my mobile... Excellent little trick.

                    Video play back is excellent although I find it jittery if the file is more than 12megabytes in size, hence I had to re encode at a lower setting.

                    The camera is 2mp and produces some great shots with a VERY steady hand I think the shutter is a pain in the but although it protects the lens so I can live with it. The double LED light is very bright and really effective, you can set it to flash SOS if you're lost somewhere... Another great trick.

                    All in all it's value for money and SE now have 2yr warranties on their devices in the UK which is excellent again.

                    Design: 8, lose a point for the joystick and orange colour against the class gold.

                    Features: 10 has everything I want. loads to download for free of the SE website too

                    Performance: 10 no bugs discovered in 3 weeks of heavy use and calls are of super clarity.


                      • A
                      • Aamir
                      • jJq
                      • 23 Jul 2006

                      PLZ REVIEW THIS PHONE
                      Y r u not reviewing and writing in detail abt all its stuff. Wake up GSM arena ppl
                      plz be fast as i am very eager to take it

                        • A
                        • Ash
                        • jCq
                        • 23 Jul 2006

                        Me gonna get it soon....But can we convert wma files to mp3 using the included software itself? Also does the phone play videos horizontally on full screen? Pls let me know guys out there!

                          • V
                          • Ven
                          • 2@q
                          • 22 Jul 2006

                          My friend bought this phone today for 14k here in mumbai.Good phone,great features,nice design & price isn't that bad.

                          Only issue,no zoom if u take pics at high resloution(1024 X 768 i think)

                            • A
                            • Arun Kumar
                            • 2SN
                            • 22 Jul 2006

                            cool phone
                            got a 2 gb sandisk card for it
                            no change in speed after puting the new card nokia smartphones would have slowed down

                            sound with headphones is cool nokia stands nowhere near to it
                            2mp camera is cool

                            not a symbian phone
                            no autofocus
                            sound thru speakers is not loud

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pY$
                              • 22 Jul 2006

                              same, w700 newer model and cheaper

                                • u
                                • unic
                                • p67
                                • 21 Jul 2006

                                i want to know if the sound better with W700 or W800? or same sound quality?

                                  • A
                                  • Ashish
                                  • FMj
                                  • 21 Jul 2006

                                  Hi Friends,

                                  I bought this phone a week ago and its going great, flashed with all the features, its awesome.... I bought this phone, after an analysis of more than a month..and beleive me dont go for Nokia phone, they are bulky, old fashioned and not so many features except when u are ready to chunk out big money for N series.

                                  Couple of problems, I noticied with my W700i

                                  1) Battery is not so lasting, But its acceptable.
                                  2) Speaker sound output is not too loud.
                                  3) When Radio is ON and you switch it OFF there is some weired sound that comes every time...Please do let me know is it with every phone or the issue is with my phone only, so that I can get that corrected.

                                    • J
                                    • Jay
                                    • ibf
                                    • 20 Jul 2006

                                    Hi, this phone all comes with Bluetooth. But i was told that the Handsfree doesn't come along with the AP set. Is this true? those who had bought? (AP buyers)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pY{
                                      • 20 Jul 2006

                                      ya stick any memory card init..

                                      256 512 1gb 2gb and 4gb when the come out.

                                        • K
                                        • Khurram
                                        • T2N
                                        • 20 Jul 2006

                                        i just bought this foen and it is pretty awsome
                                        i guese its the IMPROVED version of w800 minus all its bugs
                                        my question is whts the biggest mem card we can use with this fone?
                                        1 gb? 2 gb?
                                        i dun see tht wrtiten anywhere
                                        a lil help plz?