Sony Ericsson W800
- A
- AnGeL",)
- 20 Sep 2005
Hi again.... i just posted a msg a couple of days ago... but here I am again! I still love my w800i! weeeeeeh.... a few things though, sumtyms it hangs but not too much, i understand wid all the fiddling i do, hahaha... i couldn't get enuff of the features! i've been listening to my mp3s everyday ",) battery life is pretty good.. the phone HAS vibration alert even on silent, YES u can use mp3's for ring and message tones..the shutter button on mine doesn't make a sound wen d fone is on silent mode... Hmmm...
Please anyone...answer... and help....
can sum1 tell me wats d PIN code? 0000? 000000? wat is it? ",) PIN2? hmm... dey didn't mention in the booklet...
A really cool savvy phone for a reasonable price ",) really nice....
- M
- Martyn
- F9q
- 20 Sep 2005
I'm gettin mine tomorrow i only hope i will be aceppted seein as i only turn 18 in august.
i already know this phone really well seeing as one of my m8s keeps teasing me with his, evil little err umm person.
- 5
- 50 cent
- 20 Sep 2005
People i read in an article or magazine about the w800, and that the camera stopped functioning just after 2 weeks, man is that true?? if that's the case then SE should fix the problem man and another question bout the shutter sound? how do you turn it off? i tried putting it in silent mode and then use it but ya still hear the sound.....if anyone knows how to turn it off please tell me
- c
- chow
- PF2
- 20 Sep 2005
everyone just blabber here about how good da phone is but one btohers to answer in which manner is it good! i can't answer ur questions SCOOBY 'cuz i do not own one.. probably one of da owner would bother to answer yer questions.. common guys don't be shy
- D
- Dinu
- msj
- 20 Sep 2005
I have it for five days and until now it seems ok.I previously owned a Nokia 6670 so I'll compare to that.Standby time it's a little bit greater then the nokia’s.Camera is great not only by resolution but also by great functionality .Great keypad, really nice MP3 player.Phone book is not so evolved like in nokia and also the synchronization did not went without “incidents” .The menu is not so flexible but overall I think it’s a good phone .
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Zu
- 20 Sep 2005
does anyone has problems with reception like K750? i read the review in the K750 there is one guy who complaint about the signal strength.. pls let me know
- s
- scooby
- PF2
- 19 Sep 2005
i wanna know a couple of things about dis.. read da whole of views but couldn't da answers of some.can sumone plz answer dese questions for me
1. wat formats of music does it play? could it play .wma or .rm formats?
2. wat formats of videos does it play? could it play .avi or .rm formats?
3. is da video player quality good?
4. how good is its reception?
5. wat is da latest firmware of dis phone?
plz sumone answer dese question for me
- M
- Makarand
- PId
- 19 Sep 2005
Beaware about the GPRS activation in Mubai(india) atleast, till date even after a week i am unable to install the GPRS settings in my SE w800i. Please help me if anyone knows how to activate it because my service provider BPL Mobile and even Sony Ericsson customer care service unable to help me.....
And there is nothing to say about SE w800i, it's toooooooooo good..........
- A
- Abbasy
- SeF
- 19 Sep 2005
hi there, I had this set 2 weeks ago, and I saw many questions here I would like to answer,
1- it really has a vibration alert.
2- you can use mp3 for incoming message alert.
3- it records video as big as the free space of your memory card.
any other questions I'll be glad to answer.. just send me an e-mail,, thnx alot, and enjoy this great web-site :-)
- D
- D@ Mick
- m7C
- 19 Sep 2005
I bought the W800 about a month ago. It's the best cellular phone I've ever seen. The picture quality is just so high that I never thought it would be possible to achive this with a cellular phone.
And the MP3 player is just outstanding.
And most people say it is already enough to buy a K750. Well, if you add the price for a memory dua 512 stick, you allmost get to the same price as a W800. Maybe a diffrence of 50€. But who cares, 'couse the colordesign of the w800 is verry tastefull and stylisch
- M
- Morten
- 19 Sep 2005
wow i have just get this phone, it's really nice. great sond, great functions. I have not seen a phone there is so great before. i'm really glad that i decide to bay this. if you hav any daubt, BAY IT you wan't be disapointed!!! :)
- a
- aziz
- U2H
- 19 Sep 2005
guyz !! i am p910i user and the w800i has totally freaked me out it just brilliant in features and excellent reviews ,i will be getting mine today evening.just wanna clarify onething i read some where in the forum that in contact that u can only find the contact by just the 1st alphabet is that true?.thanx
- J
- Jeffrey Jose
- 19 Sep 2005
hi pankaj...
u wanna kno the price of w800 in india..
its round about Rs 24,0000/- .
well if u wanna kno how much somearticle cost. try and search for the article ...u will get the price in $$$ convert it into rs and bingo.....and if u are so particular bout the price in indian rs...try where obviuos the price will be lil lower ...still for practical reasons ..!!!...
take care,,
have a nice day..
and bout w800...guyz i am gonna have that phone this december,....nice phone extrodinary ....!!gr8 !!!...
- S
- SE Supporter
- 18 Sep 2005
Wow thousands of opinions between w800 & other phones.. w800 seems to be the best.. anyway out of 1k people how many seriously bought it? 5%? 10%? or 50%? this phone is quite expensive! k750 should be enuff for most of the people, especially ladies :D
- t
- teknode
- np9
- 18 Sep 2005
you should buy w800 :)
- O
- OJ
- mTU
- 18 Sep 2005
I'm very picky, and this phone checks out most everything on my wish-list. The N91 has much more tho (Wi-fi, UMTS, 4g hard-drive, 3.5mm minijack), but falls short on 4 major differences; 1. The W800 is here, now and not in some distant future. 2. The W800 has spectacular battery life (15 hours of MP3 with the phone on compared to a measly 4 with the N91). 3. Price - the N91 is estimated to cost around twice that of the W800. 4. Weight - the W800 is about 95 grams while the N91 is bulkier and a good 60 grams more. In summation - the N91 has features I ddrool over with the hard-drive and the possibility to surf the net and use it as an IP phone (reducing phone use costs to that of a fraction!, but with size, price and battery limitations I think im going for W800 which seems like the peak of this tech generation, and go for a more tuned wi-fi mobile next year.
- B
- Bayle
- MZg
- 18 Sep 2005
How many time this phone record in video mode? Anyone know?
- J
- Jime
- 18 Sep 2005
the w800 does not have vibration alert dissapoitning
- b
- burton hammond
- Ghf
- 18 Sep 2005
its a great phone i like the picture quality as well as user interface i just think they could improve on the colour it comes out in.
- A
- Ali
- mg$
- 18 Sep 2005
Hi again!Could u tell me what a flip-cover means and how could I get it|?