Sony Ericsson W800
- p
- paul
- Tk8
- 18 Sep 2005
just been looking on the ericsson website, on the try the phone bit, in ringtones it has video dj, does the phone use video ringtones, also eny mp3's i put on, can they be used for message allert, had a f500 but couldnt use the mp3 for incoming txts
- A
- Ali
- mg$
- 18 Sep 2005
Hi!I wanna know if there is a possiblity to have different ringtones for different profiles.If not, then is there any software to do that?
Best Regards
- s
- se fan
- ijE
- 18 Sep 2005
The N7610 that I used before really sucks, no stero, backup battery runs out every 6 months resulting in having to change time and date everytime I took out the battery to change sim card or memory card, bad quality pics.............................
Now I am a happy man
- k
- kim
- iDm
- 18 Sep 2005
c yaser
i think u r egyptian & most of the egyptians loves nokia
but u can't say that the n90 camera is better i think u didn't ever saw both pics on the pc.
if u don't trust GSMarena then look at
it also says k750i(w800) has a better camera and i think that u know that sony is one of the best digital cameras (where is nokia in this field).
in screens sony is one of the best screens (also where is nokia) nokia's screen is made by samsung.
in the field of mp3s and overall sound output also the same(where is nokia).
(Pay attention to the background details, particularly posters. In the K750i's case you'll be able to distinguish some characters and in the N90's case they merge. The conclusion is the details are worse worked over in the N90, especially concerning landscape views and the background) by
( The presence of glass optics by Carl Zeiss is more a marketing measure than a necessity. As for me, the optics doesn't improve the picture quality cardinally) by
- A
- AnGeL",)
- 17 Sep 2005
Okay okay...Ever since i laid my eyes on d specs of d, i couldn't sleep for weeks! i've been researching and comparing any other phone i could get with all d fantastic features and guess i found the one! yupz, it's the ultimate w800i (",) yayayayay!!! i finally got mine d other day and man, i still couldn't sleep!!! with all the amazing features, playing games, and especially listenting to music!(i already have at least 60 full mp3 songs on my memory card) i haven't stopped fiddling wid the features!! oh and yes, u can use mp3 for ring/message and alarm tones. the picture quality is really good...and the flash light is very bright (",) every1 around me adores it too! weeeeh... short, it's a really really good fone for a reasonable price. but one thing, wats the PIN2 code or protection code of the phone? didn't say in the manual... anywayz, it's a walkman, digi cam, and phone in one! awesoooooome ",)just lovin' it... hehehe...
- S
- Shamim
- 4gN
- 17 Sep 2005
hay guys,
dose any one know the diffrent betwin w800 @ w800i
- H
- MZg
- 17 Sep 2005
How many time this phone can rec in video mode? up to 1 hour???
- J
- Jahangir
- PE%
- 17 Sep 2005
I think this is the cell of the year it is a 2m.p Digital Camera and the best mp3 player phone around in case u didnt know u can connect it to a home theater it is a multimeda center S.E has outdone thereselves
Hats off to Sony Ericsson.
- y
- yaser
- Rxr
- 17 Sep 2005
look guys.. im with n90 and w800.. 2 me n90 is better but thats my point of view but its 2 dam expensive here.. im buying w800 at the end of the year.. my friend has got it and ill admit its good.. but my other friend who has n90.. i reckon its good he bought it but he should wait til the price comes down..
to '...' if u r in church u shouldn't have ur phone on.. its disrespectful.. i really dont get u ppl.. if u r in a meeting or in church or anywhere thats important y would u want 2 have ur phone on? but yea i agree with every1 that n90 should have vibrator but it doesnt really matter... if n90 drops on the ground.. it wouldnt break or anything because of its protection from the flip cover
- w
- will
- PP@
- 17 Sep 2005
I think this phone is totally rad yo. rock on \m/.
- j
- jaN
- 17 Sep 2005
can anyone help me how to maximize the length of video recording in the phone? tnx a lot! just got the w800!simply the best phone ever!got to give a lot of credits to SE.
- w
- wek
- 2Zu
- 17 Sep 2005
sorry... last one... even if you say that this phone is cheap, we all SE fans are happy with it. DO you know why? because then we are able to get a top end quality phone with low price!!! Isn't that good? compare to NOKIA that is tent to be OVERPRICE??
If you compare the quality of the NOKIA phone with around W800 price, NONE of them are better than this phone... They are just too expensive.
- w
- wek
- 2Zu
- 17 Sep 2005
SE supporter
hahahahahahaha... you say that comparing phone with features only... ok. Lets say if you buy N90 for $1000 then at one occasion you are just clumsy and drop the phone accidentally.. what would you expect? The phone to be in a good condition rite? you hope that you still can use it rite? or you just get a new phone afterwards.. ohhh how rich you are. that is just a complete waste on money if you do that. The fact is it is important to look at this small things too.
No name
i dunno why you say that this phone has a worse camera.. but i know that this phone has a worse video recording, but look, i dun record with phones.. i would rather to get a cam recording with cheaper price and i can have the best quality ever. Camera in the phone is still acceptable for your own pleasure to be put as wallpaper in the phone itself and in the computer, 2MP is more than enough for this purpose. And HAVENT you read the comparison btw the two phones in this site? W800 rules!! even if you say that sthing wrong with the comparison, you still cannot trick the red color problems... N90 really has problems with that.
ONE last thing, this is often comes out from nokia user, who tent to be proud of the expensiveness of the phone. EXPENSIVE is not as good as u think!!!! CHEAP is good!!! if you are a wise person, you wouldn't want to spent so much just to get a phone!!! ppl tent to look at the cheaper price instead of going for the expensive one, DON'T you see that?
- w
- w800 rules
- M}5
- 17 Sep 2005
this is the best phone on the planet at this present time.. anyone who says different .. has not the pleasure of owning this first class piece of kit .... sony ericsson rules...mp3 player is first class and camera is good to.. yes the w800 rules ... wait till the 32gb cards come out ... ipod watch out..
- ?
- Anonymous
- mY7
- 16 Sep 2005
well all I can say is that the SE W800 is in no way a competition to Nokia. Whats up with the orange colour??? Worse camera and recording features but wait it has a vibration effect...WOW. The only thing it has going for it is the cheap price. Looks cheap and is cheap.
- J
- Jose Interiano
- R3N
- 16 Sep 2005
Any comments on the PIM Sync???
- E
- Elvis
- MpQ
- 16 Sep 2005
The W800 lokks like a great phone but i'm wonderin wat the difference between it and the K750 is and if either of them is any better than the Nokia 6680,please help me 'cause i can't decide on which one to buy!
- S
- SE Supporter
- 16 Sep 2005
I wonder y ppl even compare if the handphone will spoil or not if dropped on the floor =.= damn lame.. u buy handphone is compare features not compare if it is more fragile than the other or not.. those who compare which phone is more fragile JUST DIE PLEASE!
- .
- ...
- 2Zu
- 16 Sep 2005
one more thing.. yaser.. if the ring tone is loud enough but no vibration.. is that mean that you willl ALWAYS ring your phone? like in the church, in the meeting, in the class, in the concert or in watever important occasion?? you are rite... ppl will stare at you and think that you are SHOWING OFF!!!! c'mon man!! you don't want to embarassed yourself. be humble... its good to be humble.. not to show off.. have a normal phone with vibration..
- .
- ...
- 2Zu
- 16 Sep 2005
i just read yaser's opinion in N90 forum.. in this forum he completely bash W800 in N90 he completely bash N90.. wth????
and in N90 forum he said that he bought W800??? ppl.. dun trust this guy by any mean!!!!!!