Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • f
  • frenzy
  • 2Zu
  • 05 Sep 2005

hey mark.. you say that this phone looses to a digi cam? its not too bad for me.. its not a camera after all, its a PHONE!!

    • h
    • hero
    • 2Zu
    • 05 Sep 2005

    to zhongy
    SE's SMS memory is not shared with the phone memory.. it has its own capacity. Why you need to store 1000 sms for?

      • z
      • zhongy
      • ib9
      • 05 Sep 2005

      how many messages this phone can store?
      i've got a little over a hundred sms in my inbox and around 68 in my sent folder. a message prompt out saying it's 95% full. crazy, my ngage only had about 3Mb inboard memory, and manages to store >1000 messages. this one has 10times more than that but only allows us to store 100++ messages? Ohhh, no!

        • z
        • zhongy
        • ib9
        • 05 Sep 2005

        hi dj-dark,
        activate ur camera and change it to video shooting mode. click on setting and then from "Save To", change it to memory stick.

        And hey, the phone doesnt allow u to play full song for ur msg tone.Funny.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Pwx
          • 05 Sep 2005

          I bougth this phone few days ago and i realizaed that the volume of the earphone in very low, does enybody has this problem, the sound only come from the back speaker and the front earphone does not sound.

            • M
            • Mark Johnson
            • mHp
            • 04 Sep 2005

            After having this phone for 10 days I have liked the design feel and build quality of this phone until this morning when my screen isn't working anymore.

            Over all I think the phone is good but just the same as any phone you can buy, I got this phone after a long line of Nokia's that only get improved from one model to the next and I just felt like a change. After getting used to layout between the phones I have realised that they are the same.

            I am really disappointed with the camera on the phone as the quality is well crap compared to my digi cam. if you want to see picture examples you can see them here: the creamfields pictures where taken with this phone. all others with my digi cam.

              • d
              • dj-dark
              • S1U
              • 04 Sep 2005

              i now somebody already put this question but i did not see the answer;why the cam in video mode shoots only for 10 sec?can you change this?if yes,how?pls help e-mail

                • m
                • mark010
                • P%u
                • 04 Sep 2005

                hey claudiu, i do believe they cdma/wcdma in japan, not gsm.

                  • R
                  • R
                  • Sky
                  • 04 Sep 2005

                  what kind of formats can the SE w800i support on both music and real player

                    • R
                    • Richie
                    • mm{
                    • 04 Sep 2005

                    I was wondering if someone could help me with what seems a trivial problem.How do you rename photos taken by the phones camera.It doesnt have a rename option unlike photos that are sent to you and are stored in pictures.Thanks

                    P.S This phone is just great!

                      • t
                      • tinusxxx
                      • Nxs
                      • 04 Sep 2005

                      32gb? Wow dude thats a lot of memory!When and where can i get one?

                        • w
                        • w800 rules
                        • M}5
                        • 04 Sep 2005

                        this is the ultimate in cellphone tech spec . when on vacation who needs bring a digital camera,video cam,mp3 player... just bring your sony ericsson W800.........w800 rules...32gb card on the way ....beat that nokia

                          • c
                          • claudiu
                          • 5MM
                          • 04 Sep 2005

                          thi is the best cellphone in the world and the sony ericsson k750 you have my pleasure

                            • w
                            • wis
                            • SXC
                            • 03 Sep 2005

                            Oh god, this going nowhere. What happens if japanese people do not use their own products???
                            There are some facts. Whether japanese people do use sony or not sony is the best brand in electronics. In phones, sony ericsson is just as good as nokia if not better. I used to be such a guy, nokia rules, all else crap.
                            And how do you know japanese people do not use sony ericsson? Have you asked them all? And you told that they think ibm the best computers. Than that's a reason not to trust them right? Ibm is just crap. nothing more.
                            All these put aside, if japanese people said all of a sudden sony ericsson is the best nokia is a bad brand, what would you do? say that sony ericsson is the best phone? Nah, come on, whether you agree or not this phone is better than every phone nokia has at the moment. I don't give a damn about 8800 or N90. 8800 doesn't even have memory card! N90, a really good phone but not as good as this one.
                            Please do not try to use other people's opinions to talk bad about this one. And you don't even know what the general public in Japan think of sony ericsson.
                            I checked D600's specifications and could not see anything that would make that one beter than this one. Please point those specs that you think is better.
                            I Understand that a lot of people love nokia, I like nokia as well. But just because nokia is your prefered brand in phones doesn't mean that sony ericsson is bad. "please go away from our market!" what the hell?! This sound like 10-year-old children. I can't understand, if you don'like classical music can you say that beethoven sucks? I don't like eric clapton, but he is good musician. I don'T say he shouldn't play or something like that. All I can think of your reaction at the moment is that you have given a lot of money for your "best" nokia phones and can't stand to see a better phone with a better price.
                            This will get nowhere. Sony ericsson is good. And W800i is the best entertainment phone on the market. Be it camera, be it mp3 player. It kicks ass. Nokia should do better than what they have done until now for your words to be reasonable...

                              • h
                              • hop
                              • Sd}
                              • 03 Sep 2005

                              i see a lot of people talking about rubbish

                              mark my words the tels that will make the whole phone industry jump to the next lvl are the nokia NOKIA N91,SAMSUNG D600,W800I(SAME AS K750),NOKIA N90,PANASONIC VS7 these phones will play a big part off all the phones that are comming from now on caus the next generation phone will meet al your so i can tell u u wwildest dreams caus the tehcnologi is rising very fast. look at the difference between the phones from 2 years ago and the recent phones there is a major difference and i think that the next generation will be FANTASTIC!! SO GET EXITED!!!!!

                                • w
                                • w800 rules
                                • M}5
                                • 03 Sep 2005

                                this phone rules .those who run this phone down do you have one .. i think not if you did you would be singing sony ericsson praises ... sony ericsson rules.. knocked NOKIA of the top spot for the min .. keep up the good work .. sony ericsson...w800 rules .........

                                  • o
                                  • off our market
                                  • iLM
                                  • 03 Sep 2005

                                  hi man,,, i used p900 be4 ,, and usin w800 right now. p900 bought from 1.5years ago on 18 month contract. so just upgrade got my new handset w800i now. seriously sound quality p900 is far more better than w800i. especially without headfone. w800 only comes with the cool headset and walkman mark , then said walkman phone....i still prefer my p900 otherwise battery better than w800i, if u still doubt can leave me a message...

                                    • l
                                    • lololo
                                    • 2Zu
                                    • 03 Sep 2005

                                    i saw a person posting exactly the same post in the 8800 with eu support's post in this forum. I wonder if they are the same person... just a bit odd though, coz he doesn't put his name down on the 8800 forum haha... aniwae... adding up my comment about this phone:

                                    in terms of application N90 is definitely better than this phone--> since N90 is a smart 3G and 2.75G phone and W800 is only a 2.5G phone. As a MP3 player--> w800 rocks man!! and the camera is confirmed that it is better than N90, although only slightly, go to mobile-review forum.. you will find this phone fight, its really hot.

                                    One thing that i disagree is that saying that this phone is rubbish. Only ppl who never gone to school will say this. Although this phone is not better in terms of application and tech (3G... bla bla bla) this phone wins in price (cheaper), size (smaller), battery life and absolutely, camera+MP3 (and flash? i do not see that N90 has a flash though--> tell me if i am wrong.. it is good to have flash).

                                    If you are mentioning about rubbish phone, i will tell you it is:
                                    N8800, N7260, N7280

                                      • l
                                      • lololo
                                      • 2Zu
                                      • 03 Sep 2005

                                      And if you say that japanese do not use their own product, can i ask you a question?
                                      Do you actually love to use your own country product? honestly say, i never trust them. I prefer the one made by foreign country coz they are always better than mine---> this is pretty much the way japanese ppl think.. My fren a japanese girl says that she hates japanese ppl and won't married any one of them. She even say: "i wonder why so many ppl say that japan is great? i am japanese but i never think that they are great"
                                      (i am refering to "off our market" for this post and my previous post)
                                      And no matter that the battery life doesn't go as it is claim, N90 doesn't perform even better than that.. go to N90 forum, you will find that a lot of users complaint about the battery life, which is poorer than W800i.
                                      And lastly, i actually doubt about your saying that the MP3 quality is no better than P900.. do you actually got the handset?
                                      NO other users apart from you complaint about the MP3 quality.---> same goes to se go away... i think you just simply bash the phone because you hate SE. (imagine if this phone is by nokia.. what will you say?)
                                      BTW... Nokia's new phone has a very short battery life---> N90 and 8800. So many ppl complaint about that.

                                        • l
                                        • lololo
                                        • 2Zu
                                        • 03 Sep 2005

                                        i agree with you about the casing that easily gets dirty and looks cheap. I also agree that somehow walkman is to trick ppl, but not really if you compare to nokia that claim their CZ lens on N90. Its a market gimmick you know.. its only borrowing CZ name. The lens is really by CZ, but the camera sensor sux.. so.. if you do not like the phone.. its simple, this phone is not for you. Regardless to whatever you say.. this phone interest me still.