Sony Ericsson W800
- D
- Danny
- iL$
- 03 Sep 2005
I Maybe thick, But what was the Point of the Se W800i Its totally identical as K750I which i have apart from the Memory Card Which i have been told you can put a 1GB in a K750I, the Thing i hate about this thins in teh camera design on the back Tell what would be good is a the K608 3G Phone with k750i Phone. siler front and black back
- h
- hop
- Sd}
- 03 Sep 2005
the w800i and k750i arent better then the samsung d600 overall the features of the d600 surpasses the ones of the SE's
the SE's are only better with camera (best camera at the moment)
mp3 and fm radio
with all other specs d600 beats "SE
but dont get me wrong w800i and k750i are good phones but i know that they are not better then the d600 go check the full specifications u will see that i am rigth
- o
- off our market
- iLM
- 03 Sep 2005
hi man i agree with u ....w800 rubbish fone, poor quality cheapest white colour plastic easy dirty,,,battery does as descript 30 hours, much less, around 4-5 hours mp3 playback. and they marked mp3 fone, just joking..even sound quality much poor than they previously p900..walkman fone just their adv route, just cheating our EU consumer, even japanese doesnt use their own product w800i...SE go away from our market
- s
- se go away
- iLM
- 03 Sep 2005
battery doesnt as descript,,30 hours mp3 player...much less..around 4-5 hours...i agree quality is poor , material poor, white plastic easy dirty... total rubbish fone
- e
- eu support
- iLM
- 03 Sep 2005
i have 8800 and w800i both, i dont know y people prefer w800i, actually w800i function is okey, but quality and material is absolutely poor, i have sold my w800i. otherwise i know couple of japanese, even they use nokia fone, they never use sony ericsson, and they said nokia is the best in mobile, ibm is the best in pc. they just sell their product 2 us making money. occupy our market, replace our eu product. so definitely we should support nokia and moto....they r worlds no1 and 2..they r the best........
- S
- Samie Baby
- 03 Sep 2005
Hi All
just wondering if anyone can tell me what is the latest Firmware for this fone? I'm hoping to buy it very soon but would like to know f/ware version 1st....
- S
- Sublime5386
- 4IV
- 03 Sep 2005
i just got my w800 yesterday. i too have been a nokia user since my first phone 7 years ago. nokia always makes quality products, and before this i owned the nokia 6620.6620 is also an mp3 player, but with nowhere near the speaker volume or memory, from what ive seen so far the w800 is the best phone iver ever seen. the fact that a 512 mb memory stick is INCLUDED (which my ebayer forgot to put in package so i still havent been able to listen to my own music) puts this phone above any other one., including any nokia phone. i did research every day for a week on every phone out/coming out, and this phone is ALL AROUND the best. there may be better phones in some areas, but you will not find a more complete phone than this. and the fact that you can use full mp3 songs AND recorded sounds as ringtones completely negates the need to ever buy another ringtone. all around for the price, you wont find anything like this phone, and definitely won't be disappointed.
- l
- lololo
- 2Zu
- 03 Sep 2005
If you are saying that this phone is a waste of money.. you are right.. its not even matches the price of 8800. let us compare between the two phone:
8800----> 1400 AUD (equals to my PC's price, i would even prefer to buy a PC instead of this phone)
-they claim that the resolution equal to laptop---> fine!
-most ppl complain the battery life of only 1 day
-lots of ppl complain that this phone is overprice, and not worth its price
-memory only 64 MB and NO CARD SLOT
-many ppl complain that this phone hangs all the time, there are users out there who have 5 of these and it hangs all of them, check it in the 8800 forum. In this website.
-many ppl complain that the lower keypad you cannot really press it because of the casing.
and they are too small.
-camera ONLY 0,5 megapixel
-MP3 sux
Now we compare it with W800
-price--->999 AUD (a bit expensive ya? i thought its goin to be cheaper than that, aniwae...)
-many users says that the MP3 rocks---> its by walkman.
-Camera 2 megapixel---> can you explain to me in what way 0.5 megapixel camera can win against 2 megapixel camera... this phone beat the nokia best camera phone man!!! N90!!
i already know that 8800 is not even better than N90, its even worse than 6230i!!
-battery life---> talk to 9 hours, listening to music for 15 hours with the phone on and 30 hours when the phone off
-this phone is smaller, lighter.
-this phone has 38 MB on its own, 512MB included and you can expand it up to 4GB and apparently they goin to make it support the 32GB memoery. Compare to the 8800 with its 64 MB and cannot be expanded anymore?
-lastly.... can you see that there are many of them switch from nokia to SE because of these phones: W800, K750, S700, K700 and T610?
W800 wins in every aspects against 8800, with a cheaper price and better features.
If you say that this phone is a waste of money.. you should go and bash your nokia to release 8800 which is not even worth 500 AUD!!!!!
- H
- Hector
- PXc
- 03 Sep 2005
Icredible sound, looks great, 100$ recomendable
- w
- w800 rules
- M}5
- 02 Sep 2005
menu > file manager > sounds >scroll down to your favourite artist . click on open album.. and select track for a ringtone .. real loud .. too
- C
- Can
- 02 Sep 2005
I got this phone yesterday and I have to say I was a little doubting about this one. I have been using nokia phones all my life and I loved them quite much. I have read preview reviews and don't want to start a nokia-sony debate. Nokia builds quality phones and I really thought they were the best. Then I read the camera test between W800 and N90 and loved the pictures taken with W800. A little more research showed me that it seemed to have better specs as well. I still doubted it though, for no better reason than its brand. I went to buy a phone and checked this one out and wow! This is gotta be the best phone on the market! nokia is good but nokias are overpriced and it is true that sony ericsson uses better technology. You see sony manifactured this one, it was a crime to doubt this one. Have been using sony walkmans al my life and they never failed me, sony makes quality products.
I don't know if this will make nokia-lovers rethink before they go out and buy a new phone but I was a nokia-lover as well. This phone is better than any nokia out there.
Please note that I do not use this phone for any business thing. It's just entertainment. You could go with a nokia smartphone if that is your purpose in buying the phone. But hey there's always I-Mate for those...
- r
- red
- I7e
- 02 Sep 2005
hey w800 rules,
whered u get ur phone? coz im going to buy one from the internet and im not sure if the settings for the WAP/internet would work. im in the US. coz i saw a post here from some1 who lives in cali who tried to get the settings from the SE site, but it didnt work. just wondering if u got yours from there too or u bought yours from a service provider? thanks
- W
- W800 RULES
- M}5
- 02 Sep 2005
phone at 38% battery level . with 3 days use music internet and phone calls .going for another day . i reckon 4 days.with use.. 5 days for someone who does not use it much
- c
- cloud87
- 2Zu
- 02 Sep 2005
I do not know exactly how long it is to listen to music, sony ericsson claim it is 15 hours when the phone on or 30 hours when the phone off, but better to reduce it to half of the time. Talking times they claim that it is 9 hours, but apparently K750 can talk a full 45 minutes more than the claim, so its 9 hours 45 minutes, im not sure about this phone too. And in australia they are selling at 999 AUD, which i think its quite crazy since the clone, K750 only like 650 AUD. I do not know how come the price is so different. Somehow im interested more in W800 than K750 though. It is the sort of phone that you will think that the design is ugly when you look at the picture. But when you hold it, simply say, you will love it. The very compact design gives you such a feeling of solidness and it is just fantastic.
- G
- GxG
- TjI
- 02 Sep 2005
I want to buy this phone because cach my eyes and attention. I read all posts in order to make me an ideea what problems you already encounter, or if it's a crap, or if it's rocks. Most kids and people with IQ no more that their shoe number post here to argue who is the best..Nok or SE.
I have a hobby: phones, gadgets. All my life i bought Nokia..upgrading my previous nok. so on so on...(of course along with the Nokia Data suite vers.60,62,64...etc)
Until one day i was "forced" (low budget) to buy a SE phone = K500i.
From that moment nokia apear to me as Romania near Swiss = 20 years back in all points of view. :o)
For SE all you need it's an computer with IR to send files.
For nokia U need also Data suite..and if you don't have internet conection or original CD.. You'r F**ed! U can't do nothing
All SE phones with IR can send files to ALL PHONE BRANDS.. by IR.
NOKIA CAN'T.. only 2-3 expensive models can.
And there are a lot of diferences to discuss.
The point is that SE it's with one step forward than NOKIA... Only you don't see that.
The only thing that i dont like at W800 is that orange Colour and 2 buttons for the same thing: music player.
Please..OWNERS OF W800..i'm intrested to know how many days i can rely on the normal use(1h/day-speak; 20-30 min music or something like that)
- S
- SXp
- 02 Sep 2005
nice box..i've never seen a box like that...good ideas SE...we love u...keep those ideas rolling
- p
- pce9113
- SXp
- 02 Sep 2005
great phone...this is my first non-nokia phone...i think is perfect as many people think...i've never seen a phone with 512mb card in the package..the best photograph as told and as i saw...nice menu as sony ericsson does lately...nice design nice colour..but only one disadvantage...text messaging cant be as long as my old phone nokia 6600...but it rocks...
- i
- ice.'-_-'.
- PGk
- 02 Sep 2005
the best phone for the banging sound freak!!! congratulations sony ericsson... nokia, better luck next time!
- W
- WorkingGal
- 4sp
- 02 Sep 2005
Does anyone have the phone configurations/settings instructions for MMS and internet browser for this phone with cingular service in california? I installed the WAP and MMS settings from the SonyEriccson website on my phone but still couldn't send or receive any picture messages or connect online. Pls. email me at Thanks!
- c
- cloud87
- 2Zu
- 02 Sep 2005
hey... its not about W800 vs N90 rune, its about SE vs nokia. If you are talking about bad reception, K700 has the best reception among the other sony ericsson phone and K750 and W800 is less better than that.
about design? as i post here before, nokia's design are more complicated than SE, look S700, its simple, but the design i think is the best among other SE phone, the back side you hardly distinguish it from a real digital camera, the back side looks like a PDA without the touch screen and if you open it it just a normal phone.
Nokia? 7260 with its messy keypad and so hard to know which one is which, same goes to nokia 7610. 3650 try to do the old fashion phone but then at the end it just makes ppl more difficult to do sms, same with 7280, trying to make a fashion design. It looks very revolutionary though, but not suitable for ppl who like to make call or SMS!!! And do you think nokia's 7 series phone design are nice? with a leaf-shape like.. i don't think so. They all just a design without any direction and just look daggy, the brick-like phone is better somehow, coz then you feel that the phone is a real phone, very basic design. The other thing is Sony ericsson phone are tend to be small in size (that's probably what i like the most from sony ericsson with high end quality of feature, although less than nokia, the feature itself are better in quality) and nokia phnes tend to be big in size---> except the new model i think its 6280 which is quite small and simple in design. Probably that's the best design that is ever made by nokia though as well as 6600 (the point where i started to dislike nokia, which means this is the last nokia phone that i like, and i hate all those fashion 7 series which i think one of the worst phone they ever produce, however N90 is quite good in design, but N91 looks really ugly)
Lastly.. NOKIA is COPYING SONY ERICSSON, in what way? ACTIVE LENS COVER/LENS COVER. Its Sony ericsson is the first who introduce it with K500. Nokia started to copy the idea after S700. e.g. Nokia 6680 (6630 still does not have the lens cover)