Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • sony ericsson fan
  • Yci
  • 02 Sep 2005

k750+more format+different plastic shell+ walkman brand name printed on+differnet firmware=w800i=k750's price 150% do the math, is it worth it?

    • R
    • Rune
    • mY7
    • 02 Sep 2005

    here is something: nokia vs sony ericsson:
    -nokia more relaible
    -nokia more stabil
    -nokia more features
    -nokia better design

    -sony ericsson more fun
    *More fun? please explain
    -sony ericsson better sound quality
    *bad reception. N91 probably better sound quality
    -sony ericsson more copact
    * ofcourse it is with less features, what did
    you expect.
    -sony ericsson better costumer service
    *never tried it.
    -sony ericsson better image quality(camera)
    *About the same, Nokia better video recording.
    -sony ericsson more costum options
    -sony ericsson betre price
    * lacks features and design so it is does not cost so much to produce.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • N9H
      • 01 Sep 2005

      Nokia phones are the most durable phones on the market and remaim operational if they accidentally fall to the ground

        • n
        • nemesis2459
        • 2Zu
        • 01 Sep 2005

        does any one of you know whether this phone got the same problem with K750 about the low sound quality while on the phone?

          • c
          • cloud87
          • 2Zu
          • 01 Sep 2005

          nokia phones bigger
          sony ericsson phones smaller

          nokia phones have more feature, but not emphasizing in quality of each feature
          sony ericsson phones have less feature, but each feature's quality are assured.

          nokia phones have more variety of design, sometimes a bit off and does not even seems like a phone.
          sony ericsson phones are more conventional and basic and more like combining two different gadget, between mobile phones and digital camera.

          nokia has a better market
          sony ericsson produce a better phone and more advance in technology (too far maybe... especially in japan, in 2003 they already produce 1,3 mega pixel camera phone: SO 505i in, which is far too advance to be compared to nokia. Maybe the only reason why they do not want to destroy the market since they will surely be the best in the market and not going to be beaten for at least 2 years)

            • r
            • razyel_dark_angel
            • mYY
            • 01 Sep 2005

            here is something: nokia vs sony ericsson:
            -nokia more relaible
            -nokia more stabil
            -sony ericsson more fun
            -sony ericsson better sound quality
            -sony ericsson more copact
            -sony ericsson better costumer service
            -sony ericsson better image quality(camera)
            -sony ericsson more costum options
            -sony ericsson betre price
            if anybody thinks of something to ad to the list pls do, for nokia or for sonyericsson

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • PUD
              • 01 Sep 2005

              I'm hoping to get the W800i but I would like to know what is the latest firmware for this phone?

              Thanx in advance

                • S
                • Sakura
                • xiE
                • 01 Sep 2005

                droc, i think you got problem with your SIM card. (maybe it doesnt make sense, but have you try a different SIM card to both phone?)

                  • Z
                  • Zhongy
                  • ib9
                  • 01 Sep 2005

                  Finally got my W800i couple of days ago. Having used a nokia (symbian) for a long time, there are few sections i feel the W800i fall short. although i can not compare directly between a phone and smartphone, but i expected the w800i to perform better. becoz im only having it for couple days, there are many areas on this phone i havent fully discover yet. But one thing i found "not-so-good" is the profiles. Unlike Nokias, you cannot set different ringtone and msg tone for each profile, meaning changing the ringtone in one profile affected another. the profile in w800i is merely for u to change the vol. setting quickly.

                  The Disc2Phone software is as good as useless.Renaming the file u transfered is not possible, which is very inconvinient. The second thing i do not like about the software is, it created few folders for one artist (like the iTunes - very inconvinient). Artist folder, follow by the album and then only the song file appear. i prefer fast access to the song, without those folders. What i did was i transferred my songs directly into the Mp3 folder of the memory card. By doin this, you are unable to view ur songs under the category "Artist" in your phone. An error message is prompt because u did not use the provided software to transfer the songs.
                  the playlist is not too good either. if u want to create ur own playlist, u have to add the song ONE BY ONE! there is no "mark all" option. the filename does not appear like the way u named it during transfer.
                  say, i named my song: Avril Lavigne - Complicated. Under "Tracks", it only appear as Complicated. Ok fine with that. But some other songs, u named using the same format, Artist - Song Title, it appears correctly. i dont understand why, but i suspect it is because of the ID3 tag of the is better if i can have all my songs displaying "correctly", and when i sort it by filename, it will follows alphabetical order.

                  Anyone here found a solution to these "problems" im facing?

                    • d
                    • droc
                    • 4cD
                    • 01 Sep 2005

                    i just transferred my sim card from my old nokia to this phone. i was experiencing a problem with my nokia where it was stuck in handsfree mode. my voice would not go through and i'd end up using the speaker fxn to talk. i thought it was b/c my nokia had been through some rough times.. but i'm experiencing the same problem with the w800. where can i fix this?

                      • R
                      • Ris
                      • TXJ
                      • 31 Aug 2005

                      will a PSP formatted memory stick (thats with the PSP directory layout) be compatible in this phone?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • FCr
                        • 31 Aug 2005

                        just simply get a memory card reader... if you want to place songs into a phone.. transfering by bluetooth or else by data cable still takes some time... I still enjoy the k750 more. design is more sleek to me with the slide out for the camera makes me feel just like I own a ipod since it has playlists. So does this one.

                          • b
                          • bobzzz
                          • 2Zt
                          • 31 Aug 2005

                          How long does it take to put say 20 songs from computer to your phone? transfer time? cuz the k700i took like 20 mins for one song :/

                          Since this has a new port all togather i was wondering how fast it transfers "20" songs from pc to phone?


                            • w
                            • west
                            • SfZ
                            • 31 Aug 2005

                            Hi, I really liked the specifications of the phone- but I hate color and the design. V3 is cool! Should I wait for V3x or get this one now? I love listening and I'll use camera but not sure of the design. Is it worth to wait for v3x?

                              • C
                              • Colin Booth
                              • mXv
                              • 31 Aug 2005

                              Hi, I have just got my w800i and I find it fantastic. I am however struggling to watch video clips on the pc. It first stated that it needed to know what program created them. I have quick time but it will not play them. Has anyone any hints.


                                • T
                                • TO RUNA- AN NOKIA FA
                                • Tqk
                                • 30 Aug 2005

                       ericsson got a lot more tech. than nokia
                                see theire 2 m camera and walkman which nokia will never had and will have in the far future
                       is sometime much more expenssive than nokia and i can tell u's got more quality than nokia
                       is o.k but sony ericsson is the very best ever was
                                i had nokia 6230 and now w800 and its moving from toyota to volvo

                                  • R
                                  • Ramez Bajjali
                                  • SsG
                                  • 30 Aug 2005

                                  i bought sony it it much better than nokia because irealised that nokia when u add memory card it becomes slower while sony dosnt it has a really fantastic camera resoulotion

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mAW
                                    • 30 Aug 2005

                                    WELL it's very weird, i saw it twice - in a shop [but they've canceled it after a short time] and in a romanian's hands. i went yesterday to the biggest electronics shop in eastern europe [in romania] and they said it's not available. how's that?

                                      • S
                                      • Sriram
                                      • PTi
                                      • 30 Aug 2005

                                      Does anyone one know what REMOTE CONTROL in W800I is all about??? Hey.... am talking about MENU >> ENTERTAINMENT >> REMOTE CONTROL
                                      . Using this, i can actually my friend's K750I, but the screen freezes, and does not respond to any key, except the return key, which brings it out of the remote control...
                                      pls help...... if you know.......

                                        • R
                                        • Ray
                                        • 41d
                                        • 30 Aug 2005


                                        Yes, the SE P910i is amazing. It is very, Very, VERY stable.

                                        The Sony photo quality is better.
                                        The screen resolution is amazing.
                                        The Sony sound is the best.
                                        The Sony memory system is flawless.
                                        The Sony Tech. Support works.
                                        The Sony setup of a phone is painless--as are updates.

                                        The call quality is negligible.

                                        The menu system in the P910i is too easy.
                                        The menu system in the W800i is very, very good.

                                        Oh, by-the-way, the blue tooth chipsets all made by Ericsson.

                                        So, what exactly are you getting in a Nokia for your 1,000?