Sony Ericsson W800
- d
- dj ashtray
- P1h
- 22 Aug 2005
There's a big question that's killin' me. May You use a normal headphones in the w800 to listen mp3? Or you got to use only the SE earphones they include in this phone? Pleez answer if anyone knows because that's another good reason for gettin' a w800. =)
- e
- eric
- Ycp
- 22 Aug 2005
I am still stuck between the W800 and k750i...
The problem is looks as most people do not like the yellowish-white and orange style while I actually like it quite a bit. I am not sure if I will grow out of it and I dont want everyone who sees my phone to go "ewww"
- D
- Danny
- myD
- 22 Aug 2005
Regards the person asking about o2 not having them in, I work for o2 and we are getting a lot of hassle off customers because of this. We have no control over it, its a great phone and in my shop in Edinburgh, they were all snapped up in 1 day, plus it takes us longer to get them rather than say, the link and phones for u, cos ours would be exclusive 2 our network and the settings need done before they are shipped out
- S
- Siraceliay
- mXD
- 22 Aug 2005
This phone, sounds really good it originally costs £399.99 in the UK without any tariff contratcs. My brother is meant to be getting it for me but i can't wait and am getting impatient. By the way can anyone tell me the difference between W800 and W800i
- n
- naz
- m9J
- 22 Aug 2005
i'm so sick of o2! I've been ringing them for over a week now to get this phone on upgrade and they keep telling me they haven't got it in stock...its really p*ssing me off! sorry just wanted to vent!
- r
- randoM~
- 2Zt
- 22 Aug 2005
Q:3- there's NO stop music only Puase
sometimes i need to hear it from the
begening ,i had to go for other track &
come back again .
A:(im sure there is look in the manual, i cant really help you with that because i actually havnt got the phone yet, still waiting)
Q:4- i can't assign music for my Messeges only
the music they selected .
A:1: MENU - FILE MANAGER - SOUNDS - TONE (scroll to the tone you want) - MORE - USE AS - MESSAGE ALERT
2: MENU - SETTINGS - SOUNDS AND ALERTS - MESSAGE ALERT - scroll to the very last alert then select - REPLACE
Q: 1- i thought "Walkman" can let me sort my
music by my own ,not by (artists..ect.)
A: Once again i cannot answer this, if u would like to sort music you shoud just be able to create a folders ie "playlist 1 - rock".
Q: 6- can't use "Mega Bass" without the headset.
A: Do you mean u cannot use mega bass with the headphones SE has supplied you with? If so have you actually tried using a totally different earphones. and actually applied a proper "headset".
*once again i cannot answer these questions accuratly, im based my answers from my k700, hopfully w800 will come in tomorow :D *
& No worries Nawaf, glad i helped :D
- H
- Harshal
- RKk
- 22 Aug 2005
Hi all,
W800i has a real good camera and loads of good features...I can definately recommend w800i better than P910i, N90 and K 750i. I have used all the handsets and probably w800i seems to last longer with me than any other handset.
- N
- Nawaf
- M{g
- 22 Aug 2005
thanks randoM for ur help i checked them .
now we solve the 2nd Q. for rewinding & forwording the track (thanks for helpfull info. ,well am a new fan of SE this is the 1st mobile) ,the 5th Q. it's better than go to menu (thanks again) but still a button for it well be cool .
now we need for the rest Qs. ? :)
- r
- randoM~
- 2Zt
- 22 Aug 2005
Q: 5- it'll be cool that there's a fast button
for the light to turn ON/OFF easly i had
to go from the menu to turn it ON/OFF .
A: The way i do it, i press the camera function, opens camera, then i press the shortcut button thats (5) Light goes on and Off
Q: 2- there's no function that let you rewind
or forword my track .
Yes there is - when listening to a song hold the joystick to the RIGHT ( this will FastForward ) , To Rewind hold the joystick to the LEFT
Note: these functions were not tried with the W800, this was tried with the K700
(hence im waiting for my arrival of the w800 . this week woo! )
- N
- Nawaf
- M{g
- 22 Aug 2005
hi ,i just bought w800 yesterday , i gotta say this phone is cool BUT it's not perfect couse there's some functions missing like :
1- i thought "Walkman" can let me sort my
music by my own ,not by (artists..ect.)
2- there's no function that let you rewind
or forword my track .
3- there's NO stop music only Puase
sometimes i need to hear it from the
begening ,i had to go for other track &
come back again .
4- i can't assign music for my Messeges only
the music they selected .
5- it'll be cool that there's a fast button
for the light to turn ON/OFF easly i had
to go from the menu to turn it ON/OFF .
6- can't use "Mega Bass" without the headset.
BUT that doen't make the phone SUX couse beleive me if there's some ppl don't give a damn about the function that i mentioned they'll liked it SOOO MUCH ,I personly like it soo much & i recommend ppl to buy it .
if there's some softwares that you can download to resolve this it'll be the perfect mobile ever i'll give it 8.8/10
- i
- irishmidz
- mHp
- 22 Aug 2005
Can anyone tell me how to edit or change the operator logo as its ruining all my cool themes and wallpapers!
- S
- Sohni
- m1Z
- 21 Aug 2005
after waiting so desparately for this w800i,finally i got it but what happened??da very next day fone got hang n when i restarted da set got totally switched off not respondin at all,duunno whether it just has happened wid my SE w800i???
- R
- Rayn
- 21 Aug 2005
Have had the W800i for almost a week and its even better than expected. Battery life is great and mp3 player is fantastic - now I no longer miss any calls even when I'm listening to music! Only bad point is the white colour (originally thought it was a silvery white) which is a bit plasticky and scratches/gets dirty rather easily
- S
- Sonners
- mTk
- 21 Aug 2005
First of all the Nokia N90 boasts the best screen ever in a mobile phone. Sharp only use 320x240. This screen is still used in the Sharp 903. I agree that the Sony Ericsson S700i is the best 1.3mp camera phone in terms of picture quality. However when people start saying the N90 is worse than the W800 in terms of features they are mistaken. I see that some people may not want to buy the N90 because of the size, this is a valid reason. But when people say the W800 has more features it is them who are been biased. Some of you Sony Ericsson fans always say Nokia fans shop by brand and not by product but you are doing the same. If anyone was to madmouth Sony Ericsson like I am doing you all like to retaliate. Just like I am doing to some of the comments made.
- M
- Mike
- 21 Aug 2005
Hi folks i have tried installing the software that come wiv the w800 but right at the end of installation it come up wiv error 1935 anybody else had the same problem? if so how did you manage to get around it?
- I
- Indranil
- ije
- 21 Aug 2005
Sam if u wanna a smart phone go for P910. But if u wanna a phone that will have a good camera, display & player go for W800. its all.
- I
- Indranil
- ije
- 21 Aug 2005
Sonners there r some people like u who r brand ambaseddors. They only praise brands not products. No doubt Nokia is the largest producer of handsets. But surly not the best handset makers. My dear wake up and see the truth. Nokia is ages behind in display from Sharp. And from Sonyericsson in camrera. I am not telling that they don't product good handsets. SE S700 is still the best 1.3 camera phone with Samsung D500 & Sharp GX30. Few years before Nokia lead the market with just candybars but now they r also think ing of some innovation. I don't hate Nokia as i hav 2 Nokia phones and they r not bad at all. But in SE W800 & Nokia N90. SE W800 is better. Try to see the products not brand.
- S
- Sam
- P%0
- 21 Aug 2005
Plz tell me that which phone is worth buying W800 or P910i. Also tell me that does W800 plays .WAV tones.
- j
- jhonny
- PFx
- 21 Aug 2005
Everything about this W800i is perfect, except the contact list.
you can only search your contact list for their first letter.
- m
- my w800 rockz
- PU0
- 21 Aug 2005
best phn/toy/mp3player/camera/all in one ever!
any idea whr to get solid games for this baby?
its the best deal for anyone tech savvy person!!!