Sony Ericsson W800
- B
- Boags
- Fv0
- 21 Aug 2005
The thing that annoys me about sony ericsson, is that most of their new stuff is just double ups. IE: w600 and w550, k750 & w800, s700i & s710 & s600, k500 & k508 & j300, z800 & v800, and the list goes on. Sony ericsson are becoming the new nokia - in other words, they are slack. Instead of creating new phones, they are getting old phones, putting in a better camera or more memory or whatever, to try to make it seem like a new phone. Its like when a band releases an album, then adds a new song and re-releases the album. You are better off waiting until there are no more re-inventions, or until there is something better, otherwise ur just being taken for a ride.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Zu
- 21 Aug 2005
hey sonners.. i am a SE fans, but i do not actually hate N90. In fact i really confess that nokia produce a very good phone like N90. Just to let you know, some people just want their phone to be small. I got this bad experience with a very bulky phone 2 years a go, and since then i really look for those phone which is compact and small. So, i will buy nokia only if they are capable to produce a very good phone with the size of no more than 102X44X20. So far, i do not see any nokia phone that has a feature like W800 or better within such a size.
- P
- Psychoo
- 20 Aug 2005
i really can`t understant the people that actually think of gettin a digital camera...this phone has quality pictures for indoor and outdoor and mp3 player and fm radio and even a man...why should i get a backpack to carry an i-pod, digital camera, telephone, flashlight and radio(how many pockets would you need?). why not all of them into one tiny telephone? i`m a nokia guy but hats down for SE for this`s the best phone on the market at this time!!!
peace all
- S
- Sonners
- mTk
- 20 Aug 2005
This phone is not all that expensive. I am after buying the Nokia N90 and I gonna have to pay nearly twice as much, but for me it is totally worth it. Everyone seems to hate the phone though. Why? My opinion is because all of you Sony Ericsson fans won't accept any Nokia model to be superior. People call the N90 big,ugly and heavy even though it is one of the most stylish and origional handsets on the market. I even went in a shop and asked them if they had the N90 in and they started bad mouthing it saying that it was too heavy and that the Sony Ericsson W800i was far smarter. I replied by saying that I was only interested in buying the N90 because I did not feel the W800i did as much as the N90, plus I wanted a phone which can take good video as well as good pictures. For some reason the guy looked at mem like he was offended by me not wanting to be like everyone else. I think their are certain Sony Ericsson fans out their who find they have to destroy Nokia's image but it doesn't seem to work becasue Nokia are still the biggest and arguebly the best.
- b
- berzerky
- 20 Aug 2005
use my W800 with a 1gb MS Pro Duo, it was awesome!!!!! 150 songs and still got 400MB space to go!
- M
- Mike
- 19 Aug 2005
Anybody had any problems loading there pc software?
- J
- Jayden
- F4p
- 19 Aug 2005 expensive... might as well buy a k750 and get another mp3 player if you wan the memory for mp3 player's like 1/3 MORE expensive than k750 and since k750 is not that cheap too!
- w
- wtf
- 19 Aug 2005
jkjk this phone is damn good :P function = best i've ever had / seen :D
- w
- wtf
- 19 Aug 2005
omfg this phone is soo bad i the sounds of mp3 = BAD. the camera sux! only the space rox the rest same as k750i! buy this phone = regret~!
- M
- Mike
- 19 Aug 2005
For Sam yes it does come wiv videodj i got this phone 2 days ago and love all the features on it
- S
- Sam
- 19 Aug 2005
Can somebudy tell me does SE W800 comes with VideoDJ application as SE K750 comes. Thanks!
- O
- Olesya
- 41d
- 19 Aug 2005
To: thebuddha--With regards to T-Mobile vs. Cingular (AT&T).
These are the facts:
T-Mobile purchased and owns all the Cingular and AT&T sites. The 850 band is in use with Cingular--but it's not Cingular's main freq. It's very new to them. And, it is the least used freq. in the US.
When on T-Mobile--T-Mobile customers with tri-band phones automatically use the Cingular sites--if they are nearer or stronger. When using a quad-band phone--T-Mobile has access to the most sites.
Both companies have phones with 900, 1800, 1900 and 850, 1800, 1900.
Sony released the W800i this way in the US--because the combination of 900, 1800, 1900 is more common--and should yield the best result.
- F
- Francis
- mX8
- 19 Aug 2005
I don’t know if it’s just mine, but does everybody else’s W800i make some weird rattling noise as the camera focuses? Kinda worrying, I've only had it for a day :\
- S
- Scott
- RKq
- 18 Aug 2005
Only if it was a samrt phone, it wud hav been my dream ph. sigh... but still then it wud hav cost way too much. Oh and can anybody tell me if its sound quality is comparable to Nokia 6680 or N70(still to come) coz i think they both(6680 and N70) should be having almost same sound quality!
- t
- thebuddha
- jiN
- 18 Aug 2005
Love this phone, definitely going to buy it (either through the Sony Style site or through one of the vendors), but I wanted to find out if it is ever going to be released as an 850/1800/1900 phone. I ask because I am a US Cingular Wireless customer, and the default band for my GSM is 850, so if this phone is only going to come out in 900/1800/1900, then I am going to have to piggyback off of the TMobile band, which is ok (since I don't get charged for this) but TMobile service really sucks where I am. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Sweet phone, though
- C
- Chris
- S35
- 18 Aug 2005
ZL SE Supporter, i didnt drop the phone on purpose, was well scared when i went to pick it up, but it was fine. Not a mark. Phew! Wouldnt drop it to test, no chance.
- Z
- ZL SE Supporter
- 18 Aug 2005
Chris dude u r MAD! u actually dropped ur phone to test if there will be any marks or scratches be made!? r u that rich!? pls respect the phone or the phone maker at LEAST! u dun buy phone to drop it for testing man! this is a good phone!
- C
- Chris
- S35
- 18 Aug 2005
I can confirm i was worried about dirtying my w800i but i had it a week now and not a mark on it. Even dropped it from about 4 foot and no marks at all. Only comes in this colour too.
- D
- Dan
- iLM
- 18 Aug 2005
Well ive only had mine for a week, but its still squeeky clean. Just make sure u wash your hands every 10 mins and you should be ok
- N
- Nick
- i4P
- 18 Aug 2005
I've been eyeing this phone since it was announced by Sony..but instead i got myself the K750i its a really good mobile and the functions are just what i was looking for! but...ive been thinking of getting my hands on the W800i...what im worried about is the white color...does it easily get dirty??? can anyone verify this? thanks guys!