Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • David
  • iny
  • 19 Nov 2007

What does one upgrade to after using such a great phone for 2 years? Any suggestions? The only things I'd like improvements on are: 3MP camera, better flash, better video. Other than that it's pretty good. So where to from here?

    • S
    • Swiss
    • kaJ
    • 17 Nov 2007

    ok i'm planning on getting much memomry can it use.... i'm not phone savy but can it go up to 2gigs?...or is support the right word? .... can it support a 2 gig micro SD card?

      • j
      • jessca
      • jb8
      • 15 Nov 2007

      This is a totally wonderful phone. I traded it out for a Z610, and I missed my W800 right away. I dropped it over 100 times, got it waterlogged, accidentally stepped on it with my boot and it was fine. For the time when it came out, it was definitely one of the best phones ever.

        • f
        • fineemina
        • mcC
        • 13 Nov 2007

        Although the rubber on the joy stick removed due to rubbing of the joy stick but i replaced the rubber with an orange stone from a shirt i used to use and no more problems people tot it was a diamond so if u've had the sample problems now u know the solution anymore question just mail me

          • f
          • fineemina
          • mcC
          • 13 Nov 2007

          if ur phone restarts simply back up ur sms, contacts, bookmarks and remove ur memeory card from the phone and run a master reset it would solve the problems and if u are still not satisfied with the results the delete some heavy memory consumption files from either games folder or application folder and ur phone would b perfect and always remember to leave free memory on the phone to run applications and games without problems i had one for over a year and sold it for a P990 not that the phone was bad i sold it bcos my brother got himself a w850i and my phone felt inferior so i got my self a P990i but in all i give the phone 9/10.

          the only thing i do not like about the phone is the fact that when u play videos it kind of pixellated apart from that it is the perfect phone even some java application i used to run on it does not play on my P990i.

          I used a 2GB memory card with mine and had no issues at all cos i had about 600 tracks and about 7 full length movies and so people used to get jealous.

          Anyone considering this phone can buy it, its a wonderful PHONE

            • I
            • I-menz
            • Rnp
            • 07 Nov 2007

            Could anyone tell me how to upgrade my phone(k750i)firmware to w800i firmware,and what changes that it could made when it turn to walkman version..k,thnx

              • I
              • I-menz
              • Rnp
              • 07 Nov 2007

              Could anyone tell me how to upgrade my phone(k750i)firmware to w800i firmware,and what changes that it could made when it turn to walkman version..k,thnx

                • G
                • GuruBhai
                • fuk
                • 07 Nov 2007

                just flashed the software of my mobile and the result is mind blowing. the mobile plays louder , the camera is even better and the mobile is swiffer

                  • d
                  • darksifer
                  • Nak
                  • 05 Nov 2007

                  to dirk,
                  sorry 4 late reply. was busy. so since this operation involves modifying the system files of the mobile, there is a risk your fone can be dead if and only if you dont know what you are doing. so you need to back up your system file(GDFS) by XS++. then if u've done something wrong you cam always restore your fone from the back up. i can show you how this can be done but i take no responsibilty for what your r doing with your fone.

                    • D
                    • DiRk
                    • vx6
                    • 28 Oct 2007

                    to darksifer,
                    oic.... thats great... but if you're gona change some settings, will it cause my fone to be unusable? will it cause my fone to function improperly? ur opinion dude? thanks....

                      • d
                      • darksifer
                      • Nak
                      • 28 Oct 2007

                      dirk, to increase the sms storage capacity you need to install "Far Manager" and some usb drivers. then you need to edit some system files on the mobile. and u can store upto 30000 sms

                        • D
                        • DiRk
                        • vx6
                        • 27 Oct 2007

                        can someone tell me how i can increase the sms storage capacity of my w800? thanks to those who can help

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • vj1
                          • 27 Oct 2007

                          perfect 10 for its, design, features and performance coz everything that this fone has was perfectly featured on this fone. Effective flash for cam and video, lens cover for protection, small, lightweight, handy, simply the best!

                            • d
                            • darksifer
                            • N7a
                            • 25 Oct 2007

                            this fone is gr8. have upgraded firmware to R1BC002. works perfectly. i have also upgraded the acoustics. no need to describe. have also tweak the sms. can now to store up to 30273 on the fone.WOW. i just love this fone. god bless SE

                              • S
                              • SSS
                              • 2@q
                              • 22 Oct 2007

                              Absolutely love this piece of ugly looking phone...
                              Thats what it is absolutely ugly but it works as a dream no restarting when dropped no screen cracks no distortion only problem is the volume it is too low on the speaker and low on the earpiece.I must have dropped it atleast 100 times and if any seafarer there they will know what is bay of biscay and during rolling in my watch left it on the port hole when i came back found it on the floor rolling b/h to b/h i was absolutely shocked to find it still working fine w/o any damage and am still using it w/o prob.
                              Planning to c/o to w960i when it is launched but will miss this baby.

                                • M
                                • Mukena
                                • N9@
                                • 19 Oct 2007

                                Nana, i have owned this phone for a year and i have never had the problem u have.

                                I put a 1GB memory card in it rocking!!!

                                  • P
                                  • PannyVS3 Jay
                                  • ki4
                                  • 19 Oct 2007

                                  My very good friend got this phone a while back, so I got to play with it. It is almost a spiritual successor of my horrid T610. S.E. seemed to have fixed some of there previous issues as the quality of this one is detailed enough so that the scroll wheel and buttons dont stick. However, the screen, processor speed, and camera are still sub-standard to most Nokia. The exterior is nice, but owners have to make sure it does not get scratched. Overall, its only an ok phone, not great.

                                    • n
                                    • nana
                                    • N7A
                                    • 18 Oct 2007

                                    This fon would have been the best in the world if not for a few problems i encountered with it.
                                    The fon restarts for no reason.
                                    The camera refuses to function.
                                    The housing gives up after a few months.
                                    Its greatest feature is the sound quality.
                                    Its amazing

                                      • s
                                      • slicvs
                                      • wg5
                                      • 16 Oct 2007

                                      Best phone ever! i love it, dropped it about 50 times and has never broken and has the best features especially the memory and clarity of the screen!
                                      -the only thing is the joystick has stuffed up and wont go down anymore, but i cant bare to get rid of it, thats the only downside to these phones

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • PV$
                                        • 16 Oct 2007

                                        Does this phone get slow when upgraded to a 2gb Memory card?
                                        Please everyone help me-i love this phone but i am out of space...