Sony Ericsson W800
- s
- sharlon
- 14 Oct 2007
I'm from the caribbean and ive had this phone for over a year now and ive ran into alot of problems with this mobile. Firstly, after constant usage the rubber pulp on the joystick falls-out and the phone constantly "restarts" by itself.The speaker is terrible. But on the other hand, its a good phone to use for music.
- J
- Jesse
- kWH
- 13 Oct 2007
I have been an owner of this phone since the first day it was available. I wanted to share my opinion of it before I sadly get rid of it for the new SE K850i.
The best thing that can be said about this phone is it is absolutely SOLID! Solid in terms of firmware, functionality, speed, options, and all-around usage.
I have had this for over two years now with very heavy use including dropping it about 50 times. Besides some scuffs and scratches it performs without fail as it did the first day I used it. Along with the 50 times I've dropped it, believe it or not it has even been run over by a car... STILL WORKS!!
The battery is original and charges fine every time. The joystick still works flawlessly.
There is only one bad thing I can think to say about it and that is the volume. It is not very loud, neither the ear speaker nor the loud speaker. All aside it is a minor setback.
To summarize, anyone who is looking to purchase a phone that has current technology and is up to date both in styling and functionality, but does not want to spend a lot of money, this IS the phone for you.
I will be sad to stop using it, but I will definitely keep it as a backup.
- J
- Jermaine
- Nxs
- 13 Oct 2007
this is the most orange phone i have ever seen.
- ?
- Anonymous
- xFR
- 09 Oct 2007
Hi everyone, my phone has absolutely horrible battery life, probably 1/3 of the life I got with my z710i, and it is with similar use. Does anyone have suggestions to help me improve my battery life? I don't even have 1 day standby and this is a new battery. i decreased the screen brightness, thats all i could find. I also switched to a pro duo card that i suspect is fake and the battery life seems even less. Would that make a difference? Please email any suggestions you have to me. Thanks!
- A
- Alireza
- mnG
- 09 Oct 2007
I love it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PV$
- 09 Oct 2007
w800i is great
- ?
- Anonymous
- UD}
- 04 Oct 2007
can anyone pls tell me if this phone can play mpeg4??
- A
- Anuradha
- Mix
- 04 Oct 2007
what is the default phone lock code ?
- J
- JJ Banze
- 2ne
- 03 Oct 2007
I fing SonyEricson the best of the best phones: the memory capacity, the applicability, user friendliness, networking and the quality of the photos.
However, I find it strange and inconvenient that it does not convert normal music to phone suit tones. Please assist me with this function.
- c
- corey
- 03 Oct 2007
capacity of msges around 150? how can i upgrade?i always delete messages from time to time/ im using a 512 mb memory card.
- j
- johny
- nDW
- 03 Oct 2007
this phone suports 2 gb card
- N
- Nedim
- n}F
- 30 Sep 2007
phone is so cool..............the best phone....."savrsen"!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PV$
- 29 Sep 2007
Can a phone can get any better than this?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PV$
- 29 Sep 2007
I think that this has 8 gb memory support!!!
- S
- Sugar
- mXM
- 28 Sep 2007
4GB is Supported !
- ?
- Anonymous
- PxB
- 28 Sep 2007
4gb of mem support! wow!
- a
- arash
- nsD
- 26 Sep 2007
does it support wma
- S
- Sugar
- mXM
- 25 Sep 2007
Father of all walkman phones but unfortunately i dont have it.
True neither
- x
- xilex
- jCe
- 22 Sep 2007
This cellphone is great....the sounds is amazing..if u are as adict of music as me..just buy... you wont regret.!!!!
i had 4gb memory 1,200 songs...thats prety good!!! for been a cellphone....
- x
- xxx
- PV$
- 22 Sep 2007
Does this phone have 2 gb memory card support?