Sony Ericsson W800
- N
- Nishaj
- P$x
- 23 May 2007
The best music and camara phone in 2 mpxl class, with autofocus, good lens cover, good flash etc...
- N
- Natassa
- S7S
- 16 May 2007
it's a wonderfull phone that combines everything in this cute appearance. i wouldn't change it except with the w 81oi maybe.
- j
- joseph
- n}F
- 14 May 2007
this phone is the best phone over the world :)
- A
- Ashish
- 2@4
- 13 May 2007
This fone is awesome! i just love this fone and very much happy with the perfomance and the Music Player :) its been more than 16 months i am having this phone. Absolutely its a wow! hats off too Sony Ericsson for making a legend w800 (A history in making with First walkman fone... and i am having it)
- k
- kevin
- w4p
- 12 May 2007
my friend has bought this 2nd hand phone recently & he is very angry bec his phone is having a little bit problem in bluetooth &he was using w550 so acc to him the sound quality is also very low someone plz help him he was going to take k750 instead of this one now he ll go back to the dealer and get it replaced
- S
- SteveO
- yKD
- 12 May 2007
After 20,000 Txt messages its Still PERFECT.
Love this phone.
- p
- pöszke
- TrR
- 11 May 2007
i have this phone over a year, since 2006 february. It is still a great mobile. I had no problems with it.
- a
- ask
- Bgd
- 11 May 2007
my w800i gives grainy pics when the surroundings arent very bright; in fact even during night when i use the phone in a room with a tubelight on. any suggestions? thanks
- d
- dips
- Bgd
- 11 May 2007
hi. i've been using a w800i, and love the set. i'd like to know how to enter space and decimal when one is entering text in the number mode while messaging. could somebody please help?
- r
- richard
- P%u
- 11 May 2007
I've been using this phone for a year now...
i can say that it's a verygood phone.
Pros: The camera is great, It's 2mp resolution is still one of the best, compared to new 2mp phones. The 512mb memory is enough for all your needed memory space. The size is very good, its small and can easily fit in your pocket. The sound from speaker or earphone is very good as well. Last but not the least, the phone is built well no bugs or hang ups.
Con: The orange thing from the joystick usually become loose and without the owner's knowledge, be lost. But the joystick can be used without it so no big problem with this one. Sometimes though, i miss the d-pad of my s700 phone. It's really easier to use compared to the joystick. But as what everybody says, nothing is perfect but my W800 is really close to being one.
- F
- Fazrin
- w9L
- 10 May 2007
looks good, sounds good, features good.
its an ideal phone for music lovers.
- v
- victor
- p3J
- 09 May 2007
i'm using this phone for seven mounths and i find'it the best phone i ever had'it.
the camera has a tremendeous quality and the walkman has a super qouality for the sound!!
- C
- Colossus
- MFp
- 08 May 2007
this phone sucs, the software failed three times and i have it for just ten months. It's full with dust and i don't like it at all!
- M
- Mohammed
- 2SR
- 07 May 2007
Using this phone since almost 2 years i dont find any phone better than this.
- W
- Walkthemanboi
- PT}
- 06 May 2007
Absolutely perfect phone. Camera quality is A okay and the Walkman awesome. For a more thumped sound just buy an expensive 3.5mm headphone and blast. I don't want the default 1 it makes yah feel deaf lolz.
I love music..
- r
- royaa2
- 05 May 2007
hi i have this mobile i dont know how to turn off flash voice(silnet) when taking pictures plz tell me if u know tks
- K
- Kevin
- w4p
- 05 May 2007
Awesome phone, no comparison with any other phone. Good job sony erricson
- F
- FarshadPlus
- TuF
- 02 May 2007
This is my favorite mobile & digital camera,
I took a lot of pictures (more than 13,000+) & put it on the web:
Have fun with this Stylish mobile.
- S
- Self Appointed Demi
- P@c
- 02 May 2007
I am a god and I use SE W800i for like what? 2 years now! I got it when it was launched out of the market. Still works OK. Mine's in mint condition..too bad its not for sale. If you have one, love it. Treasure it. Worship it. If you still dont have one, drool!
- ?
- Anonymous
- w0Q
- 02 May 2007
so bad the rubber thingy on my phone is lost, i hate the joistick of this phone...but this phone is great, well rounded.