Sony Ericsson W800

Sony Ericsson W800

User opinions and reviews

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  • o
  • oaksy
  • MSR
  • 31 May 2006

does anyone know how long the w800i records for?

    • s
    • sweetie
    • 40D
    • 31 May 2006

    has never used it but work at a digiel store and this phone is just hat you call a top phone

      • C
      • C4
      • P@d
      • 31 May 2006

      im a kid,im planning to buy a new fone. but im confused on what to buy the k750 or w800i. does w800i plays full screen playback? i own a s700 8 doesnt have a full screen playback. and on the on board speaker w/c is better k750 or w800? pls help me guys...

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • NU@
        • 31 May 2006

        Just bought my W800 a couple of months ago (international version) for myself in Canada and found all the features work great; the camera, MP3 player, battery life, keypad, everything...except as a phone. The reception is really bad. The main reason I have a cell phone is to use as a phone, but it doesn't do that. I have another phone, a Motorola, which does not have half the features my Sony does, but the reception is excellent...even in the subway. I just wish I could have tested the reception before I bought it. I prefer international phones cuz of the features, but it needs to work as a phone too. Hopefully my next Sony will have better reception. Cheers.

          • E
          • Earl
          • QxR
          • 30 May 2006

          It;s a very nice phone. Imean it.
          I am a sonyericcson fan.

            • N
            • NoMi
            • ijp
            • 30 May 2006

            best best very best mobile phone

              • u
              • unimpressed
              • Nxs
              • 30 May 2006

              well i was very excited to get my Sony Ericsson w800... well after using it for about 2 months i was happy with all the functionality. but i noticed that every now and then it would have a little "freakout" and i assumed it was a software glitch... the graphics would distort and i would have to reboot ( kinda like windows ) anyway, one day while making a call the phone froze (kinda like windows) and i turned the fone off to reboot. but alas the phone would not switch back on... now i have a pretty nice paper weight, kinda like my windows laptop.

                • A
                • Ayodele
                • NhM
                • 30 May 2006

                I have been using the W800 for about 4 months now and everyday I handle it, regret never comes my way. I had wanted to get an Ipod and a digital camera, but with the W800, they both can take a nap. To say the very least, it's a complete phone.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • ij9
                  • 30 May 2006

                  now this not the phone to which u say hav a money to buy now it costing only 239$.so anyone can buy this phone and in few month it will cost only 200$.so if u hav money than buy p990 on\r nokia 80 or 91.dont talk about this cheap white and orange phone.byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and in atlast sell this phone using for 8 month cos of joystick i sell mine only for 150$ and buy this phone is september for 500$.and now i hav n91 which play better music than w800 and big screen but photos are not good but far better than it so if u hav money buy 91 or w810 which is good in my opnion.think 100 times before buy it.

                    • M
                    • MR
                    • P0G
                    • 30 May 2006

                    hey does anyone know if the w800 can play mpeg4 movies?
                    cause I saw in the w810 specs that it can play.. but I couldnt find any info about the movie player in the w800

                      • J
                      • José Leonardo
                      • P4d
                      • 30 May 2006

                      3G is a type of a coverage able in Europe, South Africa, New Zeland, Austrlia, in some operators in Brazil and many other countries, with 3G coverage you can do videocalls, and watch TV with your phone.

                        • j
                        • j d
                        • 4XV
                        • 30 May 2006

                        so yeah this phone is finally coming to america ... for $800-$1000?!?! hah ok there.. does ebay come to mind, i hope peeps don't jack up the price, and at first i didn't want it since a lot of ppl around me would get it but then nvm students don't even have good phones haha (i'm 16) and yep.. i was thinking of w8 or w9 but yeah i'm going for this cuz its smaller and cheaper and w9 is better though but only diff is looks and 3g (what is that?

                          • k
                          • kristiaan
                          • m72
                          • 29 May 2006

                          Hi all, i have got this phone about a month ago and still works properly (in fact, it gets a wee software problem but i can handle this ;))the official SE softwares r craps, i suggest to everyone the "my phone explorer"

                            • s
                            • smiley17
                            • PB8
                            • 29 May 2006

                            W800 is one of the best mobile phone till now, the k750 is best too,

                            people; joystick of the two phones are the same, k750 has a wider surface in the joystick so it easily breaks when pushed hard and dust are easily inserted in the tiny edges of it, while W800 has tighter surface in joystick so less damage in joystick due to rugged pushing, and dust protection is better, always remember, proper care on your phone will make the phone stand longer...

                              • t
                              • trsgf
                              • PBy
                              • 29 May 2006

                              i am not any mobile fan, but just like good mobiles. i have the w800,and have been using it for more than half a year now, still enjoy it so much.either music and taking pics etc.despite of so many new advanced models coming up, i am not going to change my phone so soon.I think this is the best phone so far.

                              I like mobile with good camera inbuilt, recently people talk a lot about k800 and n80,i think they are w800 also take great pics,and its not taking so much of my memory, great print out.

                                • R
                                • Raja sekhar
                                • PFa
                                • 29 May 2006

                                Hi Frnd i buy this mobile(w800i) 2months before...Its working very good...Its Just like IPOD....bEFORE I USED Nokia3230..i find lot of mistakkes in That mobile..But w800i its very good mobile....UP TO I DIDNT FIND ANY MISTAKES SOFTWARE PROBLEMS.....its vey\ry good

                                  • a
                                  • amythyst_rider
                                  • PB4
                                  • 29 May 2006

                                  still the original walkman phone.....the best and the highest quality sound...SE rules......NOKIA sucks......

                                    • J
                                    • Joseph
                                    • PG}
                                    • 29 May 2006

                                    bought this phone yesterday, and all i can say is, it rocks! great package, also comes with the cable to wire it up with your home speakers, bluetooth speed is faster than nokia's, great speaker for a phone, good camera, useful led light, compact 2 megapixel phone compared to nokia's N90 which is HUGE.
                                    don't want to bash nokia, but i think of all the phones i had this is the best,
                                    mostly all nokias 6610,6820,6260. SE phones are the best, and to all that post bad comments on this phone, well it is user dependent, but for me, this is the best phone.

                                      • r
                                      • rey
                                      • PFM
                                      • 28 May 2006

                                      anyone tell share the wesite to download games for w800i?

                                        • b
                                        • brian-malta
                                        • Sby
                                        • 28 May 2006

                                        ok thanks jose for the reply