Sony Ericsson W890
- p
- pipo
- jG8
- 05 Dec 2008
great fone. i had it for about 6months now and i love it. i have no real complaints except the dust collects behind the camera lens cover. but not a big problem just gotta open the battery case and wipe it off every few weeks
- d
- dabe
- PB4
- 05 Dec 2008
audio is good so as the screen resolution..
- R
- Rob
- mFy
- 03 Dec 2008
Owned one now for about two weeks, not a bad phone. I wanted something smaller than the bricks that quite a few manufactures are making at the moment.
As is usual with SE it's easy to use. Had been using a Samsung E250 for a few months and the w890 is so much better. Far better call quality, far better display, camera etc. But there again the w890 cost me £100 and the Samsung £30 so I guess you get what you pay for.
Other people have complained about reception, mine on o2 doesn't seem any worse than any other 3G phone I've used. Certainly no worse than the o2 Stella (HTC Tytn2) which I use for work. Of course the 3G signal uses higher frequencys that don't tend to penetrate buildings anyway - so it's always going to be a bit rubbish:-(
Battery life is ok, not brilliant but is any 3g phone with a bright colour display nowadays?
The ring is not as loud as some phones I've owned, most of the ring tones included, of which there are quite a few are mp3's which seem a bit soft.
The only minor problem I've found so far is the vibration - it's really weedy, but I guess with a phone only 10mm thick the vibration mechanism must be tiny.
- T
- Tiny =P
- 0vS
- 03 Dec 2008
I think i will bougt this phone....its amazing
and the camera is very good
- e
- eldamri
- PEx
- 03 Dec 2008
w/c one should i get w890 or w910 =)
- k
- kenzs....
- ib4
- 30 Nov 2008
the sound is not loud....
please help me!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ji{
- 29 Nov 2008
Great music phone-it's a WALKMAN-but really those SE R&D should learn somethin'from Nokia: Good signal!! It's still a phone not MP3 player !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibf
- 29 Nov 2008
SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which phone is good,w890 @ w595?
- S
- Sunday
- M@T
- 27 Nov 2008
Hello guy,i need ur help ,is it true that this phone is not good.i am using w880i now but i want to change to w890i.
- ?
- Anonymous
- SYi
- 27 Nov 2008
This is also one of the worst mobile as usual like other Sony Ericsson Mobiles. Dear folks why any Sony Ericsson mobile never gets signal even though its available???
I guess hopefully the Sony Ericsson has bottom range engineers and technicians.
Sony Ericsson has totally crap and nasty.
- d
- deatheathers
- vp1
- 25 Nov 2008
where's leteer "ñ"
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0vR
- 21 Nov 2008
very good
very nice
evry thing
all = good
- J
- Jet
- N9X
- 20 Nov 2008
Bung, 17 Oct 2008My W890i, 3months after purchase, the ringtone alert and me... moreI have the same issue. have you got a resolve yet ?
- d
- deatheathers
- vp1
- 20 Nov 2008
how to use internet using the usb mode.. i try it today, but my current load still been used.. can i use the internet using the connectiuon on pc? i thought we could, but can anyone tell me how? thanks in advance..
- a
- annalisa
- myw
- 19 Nov 2008
how much are they to buy?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 059
- 18 Nov 2008
indeed it is a quiter of a fone i dont like it ,it doesnt like me shhh its unreal da best fone i ever got camra savage i love it if gon 4 a music and camra fone go 4 dis 1
- s
- sabbz
- 3pc
- 18 Nov 2008
yh sme
de signal goes down for no appaant reason dunno why it does ?
yh knw de signal on top left corner i have this h thing next to it i don't know wat it iz any1 else ?
- s
- sabbz
- 3pc
- 18 Nov 2008
yh sme
de signal goes down for no appaant reason dunno why it does ?
yh knw de signal on top left corner i have this h thing next to it i don't know wat it iz any1 else ?
- a
- aiLa
- wYI
- 18 Nov 2008
Anonymous, 17 Nov 2008Try cleaning the contacts on the phone. I have to do this ... moreis this really the prob of SE? my friends have the same prob as well. =( is there any chance that they can repair it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 17 Nov 2008
aiLa, 12 Nov 2008i hate it! i hate!. i dunno whats wrong with this fone. all... moreTry cleaning the contacts on the phone. I have to do this with mine every so often.