Sony Ericsson W900
- h
- hakeem
- fua
- 28 Apr 2007
i've k800 and it's sound so week is the w900's sound high or the same.
please emial me at
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 27 Apr 2007
To carloud
yep wer so rite the W900 kicks the SHARP 903 and the K800, the 903 has a better camera and thats all, K800 also just has a gud camera but W900 keeps up, otherwise W900 kills competition overall
- !
- !!jubbubble!!
- 27 Apr 2007
well i brought this mobile 2 weeks ago and its FANTASTIC i would reccomended this mobile 2 anyone. and its has a great set out!
bye :)
- c
- carloud
- wu4
- 26 Apr 2007
k800 being branded with the "cybershot" logo doesnt mean it's actually better than the walkman w900
hehe w900 was able to go toe to toe against arguably the best 3.2 megapixel camera mobile phone the sharp 903
with sharp 903 slightly edging the w900 out a bit in camera quality but the w900 beat the sharp 903 in poor lighting conditions
just look it up on the forums and search for w900 vs sharp 903 or you can just google it
the w900 has double the resolution and double the framerate which also would mean twice as good as that of the k800's video
despite the fact that w900 has a slower processor
running at 109mhz compared to k750 at 112 mhz and the k800 at 220 mhz
the w900 actually bests both fones in the capacity of the memory card that it can handle
k750 slows down alot at 2gigs of additional memory
whilst the w900 experiences such slowdown at 4gigs and above
and add that to the additional 512mb(470 useable memory) of internal memory
heheh w900 is a monster and is alot rarer than k800 and k750/w800/w810
and to that w900 has the katana swish sound when swivling it open hehehe it rocks hard^_^
with w900 being the top of the line phone during it's time(and even up to now it still is) it's hard to imagine the w810 toping it off in the music department
it's like comparing a 70's muscle car to that of a sedan
w900 obliterates the competition
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 25 Apr 2007
Well jawbreaker just proved that the W900 can handle 8GB nicely :-) so it should handle a 4GB with no problems
- ?
- Anonymous
- wHr
- 25 Apr 2007
Can this phone handle 4gb without slowing? thanks
- j
- jawbreaker
- 4Ak
- 25 Apr 2007
have owned W900i for almost 1 year now (May 06). it is the BEST phone i've ever owned!!! no problems at all. i even put the 8gig card in... works GREAT.
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 24 Apr 2007
To 786
yep,here in South Africa the W900 is very rare, ive only seen two ppl since beginning of LAST year with one, try or eBay they are stil selling some new ones, otherwise rather get a W610 it has all the features of W810 and a lil bit more
- 7
- 786
- nER
- 24 Apr 2007
True .i think youv made want to Buy a W900i is 1 of my Dream trying to find one to buy. but i Cant ? i know W900i is a rare phone but i live in UK .is it Rarer here.W810i seems to be the most Popular the moment i use a W850i and i want a another walkman phone.i think its either W810i.or W900i if i can find one!!!
or i get the new W610i ?
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 24 Apr 2007
To 786
1st of all you had to compare TWO phones to W900, 2nd at wich wat video recording frame rate and resolution do K810,W850 and W810 do? they do ANCIENT 15fps at 176x220 resolution whilest W900 does 30fps at 320x240 resolution wich kills every other SE around, 3rd the W900 has the biggest screen, MOST INTERNAL MEMORY (470MB) which is expandable, the 3D graphics yes are equal wit W850 K810 and W900 BUT THE W900 CAN Accelerate the graphics WEN NEEDED! the W900 has a beta camera than W810 and W850, and is realy close to K810/K800 quality wich hav 3.2mp cams, the W900 also has the most user-friendly navigation pad and its video playback kills that little W810, and also K810 and W850, the W900 was fitted with a sound enhancement chip which makes it louder and clearer than W810,W850 and K810, honestly thnk a little about what you said you compared THREE different phones to ONE that has abit of everythng of what those phones hav and more, OH and heres another thng therz a TrackID application, ive got it on my W900 so realy i dnt need WALKMAN2.0 ,A2DP is stil nt that great, you can go ahead and get W810 just remember W900 is soooo much better , SEE YA! ;-)
- 7
- 786
- nER
- 24 Apr 2007
2 reasons not to get this phone..and to get others.from SE
1) W850i has WALKMAN 2.0 - W900 does not
2) K810i has a Cybershot 3.2 camera - W900 does not
3) W850i is lighter and smaller then W900 - and the graphics of games are equal in W850i
no offence to W900 users i like this phone its just the others in the range beat it.its 1 of ma my dream phones.but i dont really want it now.i want a W810i instead its 1 on the top then this phone.
- s
- shaveer
- PEr
- 23 Apr 2007
camera should be improved & a better colour should be implemented plz do the needful & snd me a broucher a my e-mail id..........
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Dk
- 22 Apr 2007
is it heavy or big?
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 22 Apr 2007
yes same here im gna use W900 for a long time, i love Symbian UIQ, i like Symbian s60 as wel because it has so many appz, but love SE UIQ coz of Touchscreen Jogdial and QWERTY keyboard, im loving the P700 its going to be very userfriendly with that M600 QWERTY keyboard, the thing i hate about N95 is that it doesnt have Touchscreen, Jogdial or QWERTY board which is what i want in my next phone,my mum is geting the N95 so il just wait for the P700, hopefuly its one of the phones that are being announced on the 8th of May because then by the time it comes out my contract upgrade will be near
- C
- C4LV1N
- 22 Apr 2007
and why the keypads format are same with M600, why SE not make it in separate key.....:(
beside that, finally SE turned in the Wifi inside their smartphone beside the expensive P990.... I hope P700 much cheaper than P990 ;)
- C
- C4LV1N
- 22 Apr 2007
Is it true????
I have planned that my next phone is N95 after my N80. But I'll still using my W900 till I die, also my S700 hehehehehehehehehe...
About the P700, It's really cool after I checked it at the website below... but I really don't like Symbian UIQ used by P700 that similar to W950. I really hate W950, the performance and OS never impressed well for me. ;)
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 21 Apr 2007
To Aljon
thanx, all of us at Esato wer so over excited when PeterKay postd those pics of hz protoptype P700, it luks like a finished product,i wonder why SE havent announced it,because its definetly my next phone, thank God i waited and didnt by the P990 even thou i wanted it so much BUT P700 has stolen my heart lol
- A
- Aljon
- w0Q
- 21 Apr 2007
these are the photos of SE P700i
- A
- Aljon
- w0Q
- 21 Apr 2007
real pictures of SE P700i .. :D
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 21 Apr 2007
Im just curious,if any of you just close your W900 hold it by the bottom part and just shake it up a lil does the top part rattle? is yours loose? after reading sum complaints about the nokia N95 rattling because of its loose slider build quality even thou its like two months old so i decided to shake my W900 around and check if it rattles even thou its like over 6months old and guess what?
NO RATTLE! :-D LOL, im realy impressed, when i got this phone my friends kept saying it will get loose,it will rattle and break in half but to this day its no rattle,it is abit loose bt hey what do u expect wen uve bn using it for more than 6months