Sony Ericsson W900

Sony Ericsson W900

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
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  • myn
  • 13 Apr 2007

thoses phones are big bulky and slow i hv w810i and k800i , k800i is best tho.

    • s
    • s3raphim
    • ib3
    • 13 Apr 2007

    i heard tat they alrdy discontinue the w900 alrdy issit true???

      • A
      • Aljon
      • w0Q
      • 13 Apr 2007

      tzeps .. thank you for the information ..
      your reply is well appriciated .. hehe

      i would like to cange my O2 Xda Atom Life to w900i .
      bec. im having hard time using my O2 Xda Atom Life ..
      bec. its for buss. mans and im only 4th yr. high school .. and im afraid to use it in public places it can be snatched from me .. coz i have to use it w/ its stylus .. unlike w900i it have keypad ..

        • c
        • carloud
        • vpd
        • 13 Apr 2007

        oh well so it's a good buy then? heheh problem is it's firmware doesnt let one turn off the camera volume hehe

        elo sir s3raphim, sir I'm currently here at the Philippines, and at a filipino website which is there's someone offering his w900 sim free, for 8,200php roughly the equivalent of about $170 USD.
        though the package he's offering doesnt include the headset and the manual...

        there are people who post in the said forum which offer w900 for about $220 almost new with personal warranty

        phones are relatively cheap here compared to other parts of the globe

        I reckon sharp 903 phones are worth over $500 USD too, they sell it here for about $200 brand new.

        soo sir tsepz w900 actually costs 500 USD??? wow it costs as much as a playstation 3 hehe^_^

          • s
          • s3raphim
          • ib3
          • 13 Apr 2007

          and oso to carloud, can i noe where u found such a gud price for w900?

            • s
            • s3raphim
            • ib3
            • 13 Apr 2007

            hey C4LV1N, i would like to ask u something,
            r u from singapore?
            can u tell me how much is w900 now in singapore? pls reply me soon bcoz i am looking forward to buy it.

              • T
              • Tsepz
              • M@T
              • 13 Apr 2007

              To carload
              you are so lucky thats a brilliant deal,the W900 costs around $550 when its new WITHOUT a memory card, so you are geting a good deal,i had to buy my own 1GB memory stick because i got my W900 new from Vodafone lol

                • c
                • carloud
                • wu4
                • 12 Apr 2007

                oh I see, thanks for the reply again sir tsepz hehehe

                the guy is selling it to me for $170 USD. the package includes the phone,1gig memory card and it worth it?

                  • T
                  • Tsepz
                  • M@T
                  • 11 Apr 2007

                  To carloud
                  wow! then you cnt turn the camera sound off at all as far as i knw,sorry

                    • c
                    • carloud
                    • wu4
                    • 11 Apr 2007

                    sir tsepz thanks for the quick response, I was wondering though, if the seller says that the cam sound is still audible even though it is turned on silent profile, could it be possible that you cant turn the phone camera sound off at all?

                    thanks again sir ^_^

                      • T
                      • Tsepz
                      • M@T
                      • 11 Apr 2007

                      To W900 Owner
                      i dont think its possible to share video clipz in a video call,i thnk that wud demand alot out of the phone and its battery,and i thnk we would need alot more than 384kbps to share video clips in a video call,So yep i dnt thnk its possible just yet

                        • W
                        • W900 Owner
                        • PF8
                        • 11 Apr 2007

                        @C4lv1n, the brand of my memory card also Sony, it's all very similar to the Sony Original one, only dun have warranty , the performance so far so good, doesn't slow down the process speed, just like 512mb, hopefully this memory card will last for long.

                        @Tsepz, I'm wondering if you know how to share video clips while doing 3G video call? I only tried to share pictures but unable to find way to share video clips during video call, is it possible or it indeed unable to sh are video clips?

                          • T
                          • Tsepz
                          • M@T
                          • 11 Apr 2007

                          To Carload
                          yes you can update the firmware,but to switch off camera shutter sound rather just turn the phone to silent

                            • c
                            • carloud
                            • vpd
                            • 11 Apr 2007

                            goodday/night sirs I am going to buy a w900 unit later my question is is it possible to change the phones firmware from a firmware where you cannot turn the cam sound off to a firmware where you can turn the cam sound off? any replies asap would be greatly appreciated thanks sirs^_^

                              • T
                              • Tsepz
                              • M@T
                              • 10 Apr 2007

                              To Stevyre,W900 Owner and Calvin
                              Yes i agree the W900 is better allrounder than K800, Stevyre the only things the K800 has over W900 is the CAMERA and MULTI-TASKING, the K800 can run more than one Java application and Game whilest W900 can only run one at a time. but otherwise yep W900 stil has more features including Flash Player and that huge 470mb Internal Memory and all the other features everyone has mentioned.
                              To W900 Owner
                              i paid R600 for my 1GB thats around $90, there are some places where fake memory sticks are sold
                              here like Bruma Lake Market which is notorious for having fake: PS1,PS2,PS3 GAMES, FAKE DVDs, FAKE DESIGNER CLOTHES, and unapproved or internaly broken phones the last time i was there some guys tried selling a NOKIA N91 which im sure had a damaged HDD, that guy was so convincing hahahaha! thank gudness my Dad was there

                                • C
                                • C4LV1N
                                • TIE
                                • 10 Apr 2007

                                @W900 owner
                                You're lucky....
                                hope no problem for long last
                                I bought the 2gb Sandisk at Singapore, about S$73 (Rp. 438.000,-). Memory card in Singapore is much cheaper when compared to Indonesia.

                                I think you right, but in Singapore there is no imitation one, the law here is very strong so nobody can cheat your money(but not all the shop, must be careful at Lucky plaza orchard road;))

                                btw what memory card brand do you buy?

                                  • C
                                  • C4LV1N
                                  • TIE
                                  • 10 Apr 2007

                                  If compared the W900 and K800....
                                  honestly I choose W900
                                  becoz of the style and the music

                                  K800 is the best 3G handphone in 2007
                                  this is the nominate from 3GSM world congress 2007 at Barcelona......
                                  (you can read 'SELULAR' magazine March edition number 84)

                                  but actually when I borrowed it from my friend, it works very slow with 1 gb Sony M2 card.
                                  and it's not happen with my W900 that has 2 gb Sandisk card inside, W900 has the same performed speed as with the normal 512 mb card

                                  It is up to you....
                                  how do you feel about the phone and what you need.

                                  If you want the best cameraphone and the simple one
                                  just keep your K800

                                  and if you want the style, music, and best video (30 fps)
                                  Let's buy W900

                                  Hope this can help you.... ;)

                                    • w
                                    • w900 Owner
                                    • PF8
                                    • 10 Apr 2007

                                    I Bought the Sony Memory Card for Rp 400.000 (USD 44), well , judging from the price, u may said its the imitation one but luckily i have never had problem with this card. The original one is much more expensive than sandisk, and i afraid even if i bought the original one they would still give me the imitation one (U know well how indonesian people doing business, right? ) so why take risk to buy the original one , right? How much u bought sandisk memory card? Btw, sorry for late respond since quite busy recently :)

                                    @Stevyre, nice to meet another indonesian who had interest in W900 :) Me also stay in Jakarta now, Me only born in Medan. First of all, i also in difficult situation to choose between K800 and W900 cause both phone really looks cool and elegant. But after many considerations, I decided to buy W900, which i will never regret this decision because the only spec K800 win over W900 is its camera, while W900 superior in many specs like bigger screen, quality of video resolution, music, exclusivity ( first realease w900 is very expensive compared to first release of K800) while other specs and function both relatively same. Btw, i want to buy k790 , not k800 because both phone have same specs except 3G video call. For I can use my w900 whenever i want to use 3G, so i prefer k790 than k800 :) I want to add my phone without selling my baby w900.

                                    @Tsepz, I believe u will support my comments above, may be wanna add another opinion to our new friend, Stevyre ? Btw, how much u bought ur memory card? Did phone shops in SA also sell imitation memory card?

                                      • S
                                      • Stevyre
                                      • TS7
                                      • 10 Apr 2007

                                      hi w900 owner, c4lv1n. we are from the same country but i'm from jakarta. LOL.

                                      @w900, calvin, T-sepz
                                      which is better between K800 and w900?
                                      do u buy K800 yet W900 owner?
                                      i now have K800, Is it worth to sell it and get W900?

                                        • u
                                        • upskirt galore
                                        • vpd
                                        • 10 Apr 2007

                                        hello sirs I am a non w900 owner but I had my moments with this fone

                                        it's too good,

                                        as I first held it on my hands I felt the electricity running through it as if it emits a strange kind of power

                                        and ALASS I finally was able to utilize this power for upskirtssss

                                        thanks to the 30 fps video I was able to take fluid videos of girls in mini skirts moving about in malls and other places

                                        and thanks to the auto focus images I've taken of women using t-back undies are crystal clear guaranteed boner!!!!

                                        man this fone rocks!!!