Sony Ericsson W900
- J
- Jack
- vGi
- 17 Mar 2007
To harry
Can you tell me how long does the battery last?Is it easy to charge it?And also when your watching a video,does the light go off after few seconds?Cos i have a K700i and the light goes off.Pls reply soon.......
- h
- harry
- PZu
- 17 Mar 2007
ive switch to w900i and im very satisfied with the features and the camera and the music player gosh its so great!!
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 16 Mar 2007
I live in South Africa @ jin, ye everything you are saying is so true,it feels so gud to hav a rare phone with so many features,two of my frends hav W850 and another two hav K800 and one has a Nokia N70 and all of them cant get enough of my phone, all of them wantd to get it but it was too late,i was one of the few last people to get this phone new on a contract upgrade ere in South Africa middle of last year,i thnk its gud this phone was discontinued becoz i would hate it if everyone had it,like how so many people here hav K800 W850 W800 W810 and W300, and im starting to see alot more P990s nw,bt i love P990 i mite get it,nt too soon though,im stil enjoying my W900
- j
- jin
- jZy
- 16 Mar 2007
confused, ya get random people looking at you and this phone when you bust it out (ya gotta look cool when you swivel it open with one hand only!! and don't forget the katana swish sound). yeah take the w900 over the w850 any day. well, my relatives in the philippines say they go for about 16000 PHP and above for a used one at a place called greenhills. checked ebay philippines and they are pricing it up for bids at $250 and up. here in the us it goes for about $450-$500 brand new on ebay. hope this helps.
- j
- jin
- jZy
- 16 Mar 2007
hey tsepz, what city/country do you live in? i've only seen one other person here in washington state since last year (i actually was gonna buy his for $310. good thing i held back, as the one that i got right now is in pristine and mint condition. just traded my w810i and gave the guy $200. pretty good deal if ya ask me.
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 15 Mar 2007
NICE one,i also got this rare black beauty @ jin, yes the W900 can stream live tv beautifuly on its huge display @ liviu, TAKE W900 over W850 any day @ Confused,the W900 is way beta than the W850 hence y they didnt name W850 a W910
- j
- jin
- jZy
- 15 Mar 2007
hey there, hello to all w900 owners here in the west coast. i am also one of the many satisfied owners of a w900. i've had mine for a month now and everything's smooth (sans the slow loading time if you start the phone on a cold winter morning and whatever screen menu you're on lags for about 5 seconds if you put your 2GB sony ms card back on the phone---it's a faster and better way to put stuff on your phone instead of using the usb function). got this rare black one with the screen cover still on and just minor marks on the part where you hook the edge of the crystal clear case--can't even see nothin with the case on. traded my brand new 1 month old w810i (crappy display and pixelated, horrible quality vids and pics even with newest firmware and it's unlocked and unbranded too) for this rare gem. awesome quality on calls and pictures, 3d gaming, 30fps video....what else can a w900i owner ask for? maybe a new firmware that actually speeds up the phone process instead of slowing it down even more!!! oh yeah, i also ditched me ipod for this so maybe a walkman 2.0 update if possible. peace!
- l
- liviu
- pkY
- 14 Mar 2007
I have a question for all W900 users:
I know this phone has video streaming but can you watch live tv on it???
I've been wanting this phone since it first appeared and I hope I'm going to get it so, please responde
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 14 Mar 2007
LOL! same ere @ PejiGrim, the headphones jack is a problem,ive also bn embarrsd by it a couple of times lol, heres a wapsite with alot of games for the W900,you must go to 3D GAMES:
- h
- hala
- iFn
- 14 Mar 2007
it's really very nice .. and everyone asked me about it .. i always say sony ericsson is the best .. i like it soooo much
- P
- PejiGrim
- mjM
- 14 Mar 2007
i completley agree with everything u say about this fone.aftar one year i'm still proud of rhis fone and when i get it out of my pocket evry one keeps lookin' at it !
the only con to me is that it's fast port for headfone is very loose and it keeps embarrassing me in front of others!!
any way my question is fo u know any good site for downloading free games and softwares??
specialy nice games like those 3 pre installed ones in the fone it self?????
- k
- kel
- ibd
- 14 Mar 2007
Just wondering....does anyone here talks about W900?
- S
- S
- 2A4
- 14 Mar 2007
hey dey askd me to log out
- S
- S
- 2A4
- 14 Mar 2007
god u take so long yaa.. keep refreshin it every 5 mminutes plz....i told robin sir to get it fixed....lets c how long does it take....or u cum here next to me yaa...its not cold here
- 7
- 786
- mX8
- 13 Mar 2007
lolz lmao ..wats all this love stuff going on underneath lol..??????????
- f
- fareedom
- PAk
- 13 Mar 2007
why is this phone discontinued? anybody? i guess my miserable dreams hv been shattered, i was waiting for it to come to india :).. but any negative feedback abt this phone ppl? let me know .
- *
- *******
- 2A4
- 13 Mar 2007
m sure though that the fones definitely bater any day den any other thing alive rite now........
- s
- sasha
- 2A4
- 12 Mar 2007
heya tsepz...getcha bud....but den again if u look at the features i guess W950iDOESNT HAVE A CAMERA...its no hassle for quite some time but den afer a while u know it might bother me...I WUD LUV TO HAVE W900 BUT DEN ITS DISCONTINUED SO guess wud go wit what u say n get a w850i....thanx
- T
- Tsepz
- M@T
- 11 Mar 2007
The loudest WALKMAN phone is the W550/W600 with its two loudspeakers its by far the loudest, the W900 is actualy louder than the W850, the older WALKMANS tend to be louder than the new WALKMANS take W800 and W810 , W800 was realy loud whereas W810 is not that loud, i found that W810 is i thnk the quietest WALKMAN out of all,the W950 is i thnk even louder
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0fw
- 11 Mar 2007
In all of the Walkman Series, the song quality of this phone is the best, if you want the loudest, then go with W850, it is the loudest Walkman.
W900 sound quality is not as loud as w850, but it is clear and crisp.