Sony Ericsson W980
- a
- abeer
- 0kG
- 31 Oct 2008
hey, i wana thank debbie, n i wanna give a peacial thank to milad, u were really helpful, so im 100% sure that i wana get this phone , cz ofcourse i wana be unique, n no im not a hardrock listener. so as soon as i get it, i will tell u.
thx again, tc , bye
- M
- Marios
- Tr}
- 31 Oct 2008
Is there a difference between W980 and W980i??
- ?
- Anonymous
- P53
- 31 Oct 2008
w980 lover, 31 Oct 2008i disagree completely with what you say about this phone be... moreI really really agree with the comfort in typing SMS, but when i try to type it fast, i found it's hard, coz my thumbs need to travel widely around the keypad.
But the music is really amazing, really is. ^^
- w
- w980 lover
- 31 Oct 2008
Quik, 29 Oct 2008Finally I've got the phone now. What I can say is, the musi... morei disagree completely with what you say about this phone being unsuitable for sms maniacs. the keypad for this phone is extremely comfortable to press and is spaced apart so pressing the wrong thing is impossible, allowing msg typing to b quick n easy.i enjoy typing messages on this phone alot alot.
- T
- Tim
- vkP
- 31 Oct 2008
craziefunky, 29 Oct 2008Hey. I'm considering to get this phone since my 2 yrs conta... moreThere is a slide lock on the side of the handset which stops you from accidently pressing the keys on the handset.
I think that my battery life is pretty bad. Re charging every second night. :( Keys are slightly awkward and i find the software a little slow. My previous handset was the W850i and it seemed more responsive.
- L
- Lover
- kH@
- 30 Oct 2008
Wich is louder trough loud speakers w760i or w980i
- a
- akey
- vG0
- 30 Oct 2008
can someone tel me whether its possible to flip to the next picture in the media by just shakin the phone
- a
- akey
- vG0
- 30 Oct 2008
can anyone tell me a video converter tat i could download from net with theee best audio & video quality............
- G
- G
- Tix
- 30 Oct 2008
Dennis, 29 Oct 2008well..dere is a lock boutton on the sides to lock da touchp... morehi,I live in the united states and have AT&T. I want this phone but heard it works with at&t but won't work on the 3g network. so can i send and recieve pics and videos or what? what does that mean? someone help me out.
- D
- Dennis
- u1E
- 29 Oct 2008
well..dere is a lock boutton on the sides to lock da touchpad panel abuv..
the sound is amazin..i hv finally bought this cell...
sexy as hell
- c
- craziefunky
- Ui$
- 29 Oct 2008
Hey. I'm considering to get this phone since my 2 yrs contact is coming to an end soon.
I'm wondering, is there a possibility that we will accidentally press the keys on the cover (foward, play, stop button for music) if we keep our phone in the bag/pocket?
- j
- jorelle
- PU0
- 29 Oct 2008
this phone is with memory card or?
it shows that it had 8gb memory.
- Q
- Quik
- P53
- 29 Oct 2008
Finally I've got the phone now. What I can say is, the music is great, the left channel and right channel do the job well, very well. The bass is not as strong as the megabass, but it is more comfortable to be listened to rather than mega bass. Talking about the camera, I don't really care, bcoz I bought this phone for music.
The FM transmitter could perform well and there is no disturbing noise, but the volume is about a half from the regular radio, so u must turn up the volume bigger than regular radio.
In conclusion, this phone is very recommended for music maniac, but it's not recommended for SMS maniac, coz the distance between one button to another is quite long.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wc6
- 29 Oct 2008
this phone cannot online right??
- M
- MiLaD
- prm
- 28 Oct 2008
Ive had this phone for about 3weeks and now I can answer some of ur questions; at first the battrey life of my w980 is magnificent 3days with intensive using and 4-5days with minimal usage(the best SE performance I've ever seen) I wonder about those complaints about battrey life seems they never even tried the w980,
anyway about sound quality I should admitt that its completely a matter of taste the base is not too high but the quality is magnificent I mean if u like pop, pop/rock and these stuff w980 goves u the best performance you've ever had but if you are a techno or hard rock lover u should consider some of new music minded nokia phones
the speakers work great again the best ive ever experience though its not the loudest but very good in loudness and excellent in quality and about the sound quality through the headphones again its louder than other SE phones but not louder than Iphone and some of nokia phones though i can never listen to the music at highest level two or three level downer than highest level works perfect and the quality as I said is magnificent for pop songs
I havent had any hang or something experience yet
java programs work perfect on the phone I have about 60game and 50programms on my phone and everything seems fine
my only problem is the restriction of fm transmitter i hope someone solve it very soon
the camera performance is much better than what i expected forget about AF and macro mode the camera is working great
and the interface is quite fast its not slow at all
making calls with this phone is kinda fun and incoming and outgoing voices are crystal clear no doubt about it
one of my frinds had asked that is it worth or not, my answer is that if u want to consider feature only maybe its not but don't forget this phone is a fashion minded phone so part of its price related to the design, if you want feature go for g900 if u want to be unique and fashionable and care for feature less w980 is a great choice
- d
- debbie
- my%
- 28 Oct 2008
battery life not very gd & not quite sure if its the phone but had lots of problems with signal people telling me that they r ringin but nothin happen at my end, same network same make of phone jst diirent models. mp3 gr8 fast phone easy to use but disapointed in signal my fone is my work i need it to be reliable
- a
- abeer
- i%5
- 28 Oct 2008
hey, this is the frst time i post a comment!
i wanna get w980, but i just wana find out if the volume of the sound is high, i mean, i had the s500 n its volume was too low, sometimes i couldnt hear my phone ringing,
so does this phone really has stereo speakers ?
... n do you think i should buy it, or its ot worth it???
plz reply, waitin
- c
- coral
- 28 Oct 2008
melisa, 27 Oct 2008Hey ! Can anyone help me to know whats the price right now ... moreermm.... i check the price outside alrdy .. it is abt $600 plus .. if i did not remember wrong
- m
- melisa
- w46
- 27 Oct 2008
Hey ! Can anyone help me to know whats the price right now for w980 phone. its features look really cool but i red somewhrer that phone got hung up for good 3 hrs is it true.I tried looking out for this phone for quite sometime but not be able to get the model.....pls reply anyone
- J
- JT
- v3y
- 27 Oct 2008
SIEWLING 6661, 06 Oct 2008the best phone i ever seem before..its really best of the b... moreHi Siew Ling,
i heard that the interface of this model is very slow. is that right?