Sony Ericsson W980
- S
- Shino03
- v0q
- 03 Sep 2008
Moe, 03 Sep 2008yah i have tried my frnds E66 and i have my own w980.
The ... moreW980 could read doc files... If you have the application...
My Se K610i works great in reading Doc files..
If you want the application just reply to this post...
- M
- Moe
- S1t
- 03 Sep 2008
John again, 03 Sep 2008Hello, I am undecided, I am deciding between the Nokia E66 ... moreyah i have tried my frnds E66 and i have my own w980.
The E66 is really nice looking with a nice feel, heavy though. But i just didnt like the UI its some-how... plane, if ur looking for a camera phone and a business phone.. this 1 is good.
The w980 has a weak camera, and it wont support any Microsoft docs or pdf viewing, BUT the music on this thing is awesome! The light effects and mirror effects are cool.
It looks more sexier than the E66 though, battery life is great. SE has the best battery life.
u can turn 3G of :
if u go to settings>> connectivity >> mobile networks >> GSM/3G networks .. if ur on GSM.
this will disable video calls and fast web browsing
- k
- ketch
- m5j
- 03 Sep 2008
got the phone recently, got to say i'm still undecided. had the w850 and liked that one got this upgrade and though the sound is good it's no better than the other phone. has vodafone musicstation on it but cannot get it to work - yet!? anybody know how? camera is ok but it is a mp3 walkman phone after all.
- J
- John again
- 2C5
- 03 Sep 2008
Hello, I am undecided, I am deciding between the Nokia E66 and Sony Ericsson W980. Any comments that would assist me in deciding would be greatly appreciated. Overall I am looking at the best one in terms of battery life based on your use and music playing. I had a SE C902 and the battery life wasn't the best so looking at getting the E66 or W980 but worried about battery life mainly. Thanks for any help feedback. I have posted this message under both Nokia and SE phones to get biased and unbiased opinions, - no fighting now people please :).
By the way thanks for the reply about battery life with the w980 and turning off 3G but does anyone know if we are able to turn off 3G functionality in Australia? If so how do we do it and what does it prevent the phone from doing? Thanks again sorry for all the questions and some may be stupid ones no doubt.
- M
- Moe
- S1t
- 03 Sep 2008
mummra1981, 03 Sep 2008ive only hasd this phone 1 day but must say im a little dis... morei use a mac and itunes, the album pics do show up in my phone, but yes i have the slow transfer problem. But if ur using a windows pc, install the software CD included with the phone, its much faster when transferring with the software.
- m
- mummra1981
- M}5
- 03 Sep 2008
ive only hasd this phone 1 day but must say im a little dissapointed. the tranfer rate for music from my pc is very slow compared to my older phone (w960) and the album pics dont show up on the phone for some reason. Anyone else having this problem?
- S
- Se7er
- 4vx
- 03 Sep 2008
[deleted post]Thanks for your comment, I live in the Orange County Area and feel i Would probably have the same problem
- f
- fred
- iEK
- 02 Sep 2008
you can't compare nokia product with SE'S you just can't. SE is the best, there phones look great and each phone's features corespond with there categories for example you can't make a comment on this phones camera, it's not what it was designed for. This phone is a walkman and what a hell of a walkman, incredible sound quality.
- Z
- Znuff
- pkS
- 02 Sep 2008
Vanessa, 01 Sep 2008Does anyone know if this phone will ring for more then 6 ri... moreThat is network dependant, not phone dependant.
- M
- Moe
- S1t
- 02 Sep 2008
John, 02 Sep 2008Hello All I am looking at getting this phone but am wonderi... moreIf you turn of the 3G support then the phone will last more than a week. But i guess at some countries you cant control ur network options so i guess even with 3G support activated, the phone lasts more than 4 days with listening to music, calling, etc.
proof: i use it extensively.
- R
- Revenant
- nTq
- 02 Sep 2008
Vanessa, 01 Sep 2008Does anyone know if this phone will ring for more then 6 ri... moreIf your on Vodafone UK, on a prepay tariff, you won't be able to extend the voicemail timeout. You can disable voicemail by dialling 1210 and it should ring for approx 60secs...
- J
- John
- 2C5
- 02 Sep 2008
Hello All I am looking at getting this phone but am wondering if the battery life is any good on it. I have read here from someone claiming that it's not but thought I would open the question up to more of you. I had a C902 and didnt like the batter life of it, needed recharging every 2nd day, wonder if this is the same. Pretty much will use it to play music for an hour a day (train to work) and a couple of short calls. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks
- N
- Nee
- w9J
- 02 Sep 2008
look @ da voting results
desgin 8.4 features 8.4 performance 8.3
and sme1 on the comment page wrote this is a serious threat to Nokia N 82 .
u must have been kidding folks ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- iKp
- 02 Sep 2008
Ken, 01 Sep 2008Guys pliz help me the music better than that for w900i? audio quality is way better on this phone
- S
- Striker
- 02 Sep 2008
@ Vanessa
Are you a UK user? If so, what network?
I can give you a code for 02 or Voda that would extend the ringing time to 30 seconds, but thats the maximum available. And that is actually about 6 rings, so you may well already be maxed out.
- M
- Mrs
- 02 Sep 2008
Me got this far no lagging..I loike it..but realise..SE are going to launch 2 other colors..
- S
- SElover
- 01 Sep 2008
neil, 29 Aug 2008when any body wants 2 throw d phone tell me , at which plac... moreLOL. Thats funny. This is a high-end phone. why would anyone throw it away? but of course, if some mad person does that i will go and pick it up too! ha ha.
- V
- Vanessa
- nGj
- 01 Sep 2008
Does anyone know if this phone will ring for more then 6 rings before cutting off?
By the time i have realised my phone is ringing and found it in my hand bag its stopped ringing!
- K
- Ken
- kH@
- 01 Sep 2008
Guys pliz help me the music better than that for w900i?
- S
- Shayn
- pJm
- 31 Aug 2008
Anonymous, 31 Aug 2008if u r looking for an allrounder phone then nokia is ur bes... moreGot my all rounder phone :D n82. best for imaginge/video, good music player (i use CX300), got 8GB Card, GPS with UK maps etc. all i can say amazing phone.